Xamarin 如何在视图模型命令方法中获取手势识别器命令的参数?

Xamarin 如何在视图模型命令方法中获取手势识别器命令的参数?,xamarin,xamarin.forms,Xamarin,Xamarin.forms,我有一个模板,用于检查抽头: <Grid.GestureRecognizers> <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding TapCommand, Source={x:Reference this}}" CommandParameter="{Binding TapCommandParam, Source={x:Reference this}}" NumberOfTapsRequired="1" /> </Grid.G


   <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding TapCommand, Source={x:Reference this}}" CommandParameter="{Binding TapCommandParam, Source={x:Reference this}}" NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />

private ICommand openPageCmd;

    public ICommand OpenPageCmd => openPageCmd ?? (openPageCmd = new Command(() => OpenPage()));

    public void OpenPage()
        // I need the parameter of the command here
private ICommand openPageCmd;

public ICommand OpenPageCmd => openPageCmd ?? (openPageCmd = new Command<string>((stringValue) => xx(stringValue)));

public void xx(string stringValue)
    var a = 0;



private ICommand openPageCmd;

    public ICommand OpenPageCmd => openPageCmd ?? (openPageCmd = new Command(() => OpenPage()));

    public void OpenPage()
        // I need the parameter of the command here
private ICommand openPageCmd;

public ICommand OpenPageCmd => openPageCmd ?? (openPageCmd = new Command<string>((stringValue) => xx(stringValue)));

public void xx(string stringValue)
    var a = 0;
private ICommand和openPageCmd;
公共ICommand OpenPageCmd=>OpenPageCmd??(openPageCmd=new命令((stringValue)=>xx(stringValue));
公共void xx(字符串stringValue)
var a=0;


private ICommand openPageCmd;

    public ICommand OpenPageCmd => openPageCmd ?? (openPageCmd = new Command(() => OpenPage()));

    public void OpenPage()
        // I need the parameter of the command here
private ICommand openPageCmd;

public ICommand OpenPageCmd => openPageCmd ?? (openPageCmd = new Command<string>((stringValue) => xx(stringValue)));

public void xx(string stringValue)
    var a = 0;
private ICommand和openPageCmd;
公共ICommand OpenPageCmd=>OpenPageCmd??(openPageCmd=new命令((stringValue)=>xx(stringValue));
公共void xx(字符串stringValue)
var a=0;
