
在xampp中启动mysql,xampp,Xampp,我最近重新安装了xampp,我收到了这条消息 23:56:45 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app... 23:56:48 [mysql] Status change detected: running 23:56:52 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped 23:56:52 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly


    23:56:45  [mysql]   Attempting to start MySQL app...
    23:56:48  [mysql]   Status change detected: running
    23:56:52  [mysql]   Status change detected: stopped
    23:56:52  [mysql]   Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
    23:56:52  [mysql]   This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 
    23:56:52  [mysql]   improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
    23:56:52  [mysql]   Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
    23:56:52  [mysql]   the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
    23:56:52  [mysql]   If you need more help, copy and post this
    23:56:52  [mysql]   entire log window on the forums
我已经删除并重新安装了它。 还有什么建议吗


另一个应用程序可能会阻止数据库端口3306,或者临时文件的文件夹丢失或不可写。最新版本的xampp在control center中有一个列出所用端口的工具。 如果您使用的是windows,则应将xammp文件夹移动到写入文件没有问题的位置,例如,尝试使用documents文件夹