
XQuery如何生成相似性矩阵?,xquery,marklogic,Xquery,Marklogic,让我们假设我们有n个记录。我想计算每个记录和所有其他记录之间的相似性。我想做一个相似矩阵。我不熟悉XQuery,但我正在尽最大努力。我附上了一个屏幕截图,显示了一对记录之间的相似性 它是一个csv字符串。我使用以下for循环生成此示例: for $item1 at $index in /rec:Record let $records:= /rec:Record for $item2 in $records[$index + 1] (: here I call the similarity



for $item1 at $index in /rec:Record 
let $records:= /rec:Record 
for $item2 in $records[$index + 1]

(: here I call the similarity functions :)

(: csv output :)



declare function local:somefn ($listA as xs:integer*, $listB as xs:integer*) xs:string { "6,7,10,3" };

let $data :=

for $row1 at $pos in $data/row
for $row2 in $data/row[ position() > $pos ]
    let $x := local:somefn($row1, $row2)
    return $x


declare function local:somefn ($listA as xs:integer*, $listB as xs:integer*) xs:string { "6,7,10,3" };

let $data :=

for $row1 at $pos in $data/row
for $row2 in $data/row[ position() > $pos ]
    let $x := local:somefn($row1, $row2)
    return $x




xquery version "1.0-ml";

declare function local:csv($matrix){
  let $nl := "&#10;"
  return text{ 
    for $x in map:keys($matrix)
      let $row := map:get($matrix, $x)
      order by xs:int($x)
      return fn:string-join(for $y in map:keys($row)
        order by xs:int($y)
        return xs:string(map:get($row, $y))
      , ",") || $nl 

declare function local:my-formula($x, $y, $seq){
let $foo := "do something"
return "your-formula for " || xs:string($x) || " and " || xs:string($y)

declare function local:pretty($matrix){
    for $x in map:keys($matrix)
      order by xs:int($x)
    return <row>
    let $row := map:get($matrix, $x)
     for $y in map:keys($row)
        order by xs:int($y)
            return <cell x="{$x}" y="{$y}">{map:get($row, $y)}</cell>



let $matrix := map:map()
let $numbers := "1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8"
let $seq := fn:tokenize($numbers, ",")

let $_ := for $x in $seq
    let $map := map:map()
    let $_ := for $y in $seq
       return  map:put($map, $y, local:my-formula($x, $y, $seq))
    return map:put($matrix, $x, $map)

return local:pretty($matrix)




xquery version "1.0-ml";

declare function local:csv($matrix){
  let $nl := "&#10;"
  return text{ 
    for $x in map:keys($matrix)
      let $row := map:get($matrix, $x)
      order by xs:int($x)
      return fn:string-join(for $y in map:keys($row)
        order by xs:int($y)
        return xs:string(map:get($row, $y))
      , ",") || $nl 

declare function local:my-formula($x, $y, $seq){
let $foo := "do something"
return "your-formula for " || xs:string($x) || " and " || xs:string($y)

declare function local:pretty($matrix){
    for $x in map:keys($matrix)
      order by xs:int($x)
    return <row>
    let $row := map:get($matrix, $x)
     for $y in map:keys($row)
        order by xs:int($y)
            return <cell x="{$x}" y="{$y}">{map:get($row, $y)}</cell>



let $matrix := map:map()
let $numbers := "1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8"
let $seq := fn:tokenize($numbers, ",")

let $_ := for $x in $seq
    let $map := map:map()
    let $_ := for $y in $seq
       return  map:put($map, $y, local:my-formula($x, $y, $seq))
    return map:put($matrix, $x, $map)

return local:pretty($matrix)

 your-formula for 1 and 1,your-formula for 1 and 2,your-formula for 1 and 3,your-formula for 1 and 4,your-formula for 1 and 5,your-formula for 1 and 6,your-formula for 1 and 7,your-formula for 1 and 8
 your-formula for 2 and 1,your-formula for 2 and 2,your-formula for 2 and 3,your-formula for 2 and 4,your-formula for 2 and 5,your-formula for 2 and 6,your-formula for 2 and 7,your-formula for 2 and 8
 your-formula for 3 and 1,your-formula for 3 and 2,your-formula for 3 and 3,your-formula for 3 and 4,your-formula for 3 and 5,your-formula for 3 and 6,your-formula for 3 and 7,your-formula for 3 and 8
 your-formula for 4 and 1,your-formula for 4 and 2,your-formula for 4 and 3,your-formula for 4 and 4,your-formula for 4 and 5,your-formula for 4 and 6,your-formula for 4 and 7,your-formula for 4 and 8
 your-formula for 5 and 1,your-formula for 5 and 2,your-formula for 5 and 3,your-formula for 5 and 4,your-formula for 5 and 5,your-formula for 5 and 6,your-formula for 5 and 7,your-formula for 5 and 8
 your-formula for 6 and 1,your-formula for 6 and 2,your-formula for 6 and 3,your-formula for 6 and 4,your-formula for 6 and 5,your-formula for 6 and 6,your-formula for 6 and 7,your-formula for 6 and 8
 your-formula for 7 and 1,your-formula for 7 and 2,your-formula for 7 and 3,your-formula for 7 and 4,your-formula for 7 and 5,your-formula for 7 and 6,your-formula for 7 and 7,your-formula for 7 and 8
 your-formula for 8 and 1,your-formula for 8 and 2,your-formula for 8 and 3,your-formula for 8 and 4,your-formula for 8 and 5,your-formula for 8 and 6,your-formula for 8 and 7,your-formula for 8 and 8