.net 订单验证

.net 订单验证,.net,vb.net,validation,.net,Vb.net,Validation,我在VB.Net Windows窗体上有4个下拉列表:Subpriority1、Subpriority2、Subpriority3和Subpriority4 如果未输入Subpriority1和Subpriority2的值,用户无法输入Subpriority3。现在我需要一种方法在VB中验证这一点,而不必使用嵌套的IF语句。有人帮忙吗?这里!此方法最多可用于10个控件: 您需要做的只是: 确保集合中的每个控件都有相同的名称,除了最后一个数字 确保控件连续编号(不管它们是从0还是1开始) 在集合中

我在VB.Net Windows窗体上有4个下拉列表:Subpriority1、Subpriority2、Subpriority3和Subpriority4




  • 确保集合中的每个控件都有相同的名称,除了最后一个数字

  • 确保控件连续编号(不管它们是从0还是1开始)

  • 在集合中每个控件的TextChanged方法中添加EnforceSequence(sender,e)

  • 将EnforceSequence(NameOfYourFirstControl,Nothing)添加到Form_Load事件,或将集合中除第一个控件外的所有控件的Enabled设置为False

  • 将以下方法添加到表单的代码中:

  • “”“确保用户可以按顺序使用一组控件。
    私有子EnforceSequence(ByVal发送方作为对象,ByVal e作为System.EventArgs)
    Dim ValidatingControl作为System.Windows.Forms.Control=CType(发件人,System.Windows.Forms.Control)
    Dim controlName As String=validatingContol.Name.Substring(0,validatingContol.Name.Length-1)
    Dim validatingControlIndex为Integer=Integer.Parse(validatingContol.Name.Substring(validatingContol.Name.Length-1))


    ''' <summary>Ensure that a set of controls are available to the user sequentially.</summary>
    ''' <param name="sender">The Sender parameter as provided by the Control's change event</param>
    ''' <param name="e">The EventArgs parameter as provided by the Control's change event</param>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' To make this work, All of the participating controls must have the same name, with a consecutive index appended.  E.g.  MyControl1, MyControl2, MyControl3.
    ''' Add a call to EnforceSequence(sender, e) in the TextChanged event of each of the controls.
    ''' </remarks>
    Private Sub EnforceSequence(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        'The control that raised the event
        Dim validatingContol As System.Windows.Forms.Control = CType(sender, System.Windows.Forms.Control)
        'Get the name of the DropDown set
        Dim controlName As String = validatingContol.Name.Substring(0, validatingContol.Name.Length - 1)
        'Get the index of the control (i.e. the number at the end of the name)
        Dim validatingControlIndex As Integer = Integer.Parse(validatingContol.Name.Substring(validatingContol.Name.Length - 1))
        'Check to see if there's another control with the same name in the sequence.
        If Not Me.Controls(controlName & validatingControlIndex + 1) Is Nothing Then
            'If this control is empty, set all the following controls to empty and disabled.
            Me.Controls(controlName & validatingControlIndex + 1).Enabled = Not validatingContol.Text = ""
            'Ask the next control to do the same check
            EnforceSequence(Me.Controls(controlName & validatingControlIndex + 1), Nothing)
        End If
    End Sub