3d XNA-绘制线列表(栅格叠加三维地形)

3d XNA-绘制线列表(栅格叠加三维地形),3d,xna,game-engine,3d,Xna,Game Engine,我试图在我的(将成为)3d地形上覆盖一个网格。但是,现在我正在使用顶点列表绘制线列表。当前线列表有12个顶点,并导出此结果。我希望有人能给我指出正确的方向,让电网正常工作 编辑:顺便说一句,现在我需要30个顶点才能得到一个网格 当前顶点代码: private void SetUpTileVertices() { tileVertices = new VertexPositionColor[terrainWidth * terrainHeight]; fo




private void SetUpTileVertices()

        tileVertices = new VertexPositionColor[terrainWidth * terrainHeight];
        for (int x = 0; x < terrainWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < terrainHeight; y++)
                tileVertices[x + y * terrainWidth].Position = new Vector3(x, heightData[x, y] + 0.01f, -y);
                tileVertices[x + y * terrainWidth].Color = Color.Red;


如果顶点位于(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),。。。。 (0,1),(1,1),(2,1)


  float4 pixel_shader (in float4 color:COLOR0, 
                     in float2 tex: TEXCOORD0, 
                     in float3 pos:TEXCOORD1) : COLOR
     // Don't draw the pixel if it's to close to grid lines, 
     // Instead you could tint pixel with another color .. 
     clip ( frac(pos.X + 0.01) - 0.02 ); 
     clip ( frac(pos.Z + 0.01) - 0.02 );  

     // Sampling texture and returning pixel color code....

  float4 pixel_shader (in float4 color:COLOR0, 
                     in float2 tex: TEXCOORD0, 
                     in float3 pos:TEXCOORD1) : COLOR
     // Don't draw the pixel if it's to close to grid lines, 
     // Instead you could tint pixel with another color .. 
     clip ( frac(pos.X + 0.01) - 0.02 ); 
     clip ( frac(pos.Z + 0.01) - 0.02 );  

     // Sampling texture and returning pixel color code....