Actionscript 3 动作脚本3计数器/按钮颜色更改

Actionscript 3 动作脚本3计数器/按钮颜色更改,actionscript-3,flash,Actionscript 3,Flash,我不熟悉动作脚本,需要帮助 基本上,我有50个按钮,每个按钮的形状都和它对应的美国州一样。我的意图是这样的,我将有一个只有一个正确答案的问题显示(例如,哪个州是阳光州?),目标是点击正确的州 我的问题是保持分数,我想我可以从两个方面来做,但我正在努力做到这两个方面。 第一种方法是计数器,如果您单击正确的状态向计数器添加点,如果您单击不正确的状态不添加点,但单击错误或正确,两次单击都将带您进入下一个问题。这个问题是创建一个计数器,我已经尝试了许多方法,但似乎无法使其工作 另一个选项是,单击正确的状



我的问题是保持分数,我想我可以从两个方面来做,但我正在努力做到这两个方面。 第一种方法是计数器,如果您单击正确的状态向计数器添加点,如果您单击不正确的状态不添加点,但单击错误或正确,两次单击都将带您进入下一个问题。这个问题是创建一个计数器,我已经尝试了许多方法,但似乎无法使其工作




var currentCorrectState:DisplayObject; 

var correctColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
correctColor.color = 0x009900; //green

var wrongColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
wrongColor.color = 0x990000; //red

virginiabutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);
californiabutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);
// have just these two in for now just so i have a correct state(va) and incorrect state(ca)

currentCorrectState = virginiabutton
//va is correct state for this question

function buttonClick(e:Event):void {

    if(e.currentTarget == currentCorrectState){
       DisplayObject(e.currentTarget).transform.colorTransform = correctColor;
        //this code works, it transforms VA to green which is what I want. It also goes to the next question.

       DisplayObject(e.currentTarget).transform.colorTransform = wrongColor;
        //this code doesn't work, it only transforms the currenTarget state(in this case CA) to red. it also goes to the next question which works. 



var ctr:int = 0; //counter to hold the amount of correct gueses

var currentCorrectState:DisplayObject; //var for holding the current state that is correct.

var correctColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
correctColor.color = 0x009900; //green

var wrongColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
wrongColor.color = 0x990000; //red

virginiabutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);
//add the rest of click listeners, best to do it in a loop so it's not so tedious

//generic click handler for all buttons
function buttonClick(e:Event):void {
    //turn the correct state the correct color:
    currentCorrectState.transform.colorTransform = correctColor;

    //e.currentTarget is the button that was clicked
    if(e.currentTarget == currentCorrectState){
       ctr++; //increment the correct counter

       //answer was correct, so make the correct state green
       currentCorrectState.transform.colorTransform = correctColor;

       //do anything else you want to do if they answered correct
       //answer was incorrect, make the correct state red
       currentCorrectState.transform.colorTransform = wrongColor;
       //do anything else you want to do when they answer incorrect

    //if you have a score text field update it
    score.text = "Your Score: " + ctr;

    //go to the next question (however you do that)


function nextQuestion():void {
    //ask your question, however you do that

    //if there was a previous question, reset the last states color
    if(currentCorrectState) currentCorrectState.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform();

    //set the correct answer for this new question
    currentCorrectState = virginiabutton; 
