Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/algorithm/11.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Algorithm 在THREEJS网格中分组共面三角形的方法?_Algorithm_Three.js_Computational Geometry_Geometry Surface - Fatal编程技术网

Algorithm 在THREEJS网格中分组共面三角形的方法?

Algorithm 在THREEJS网格中分组共面三角形的方法?,algorithm,three.js,computational-geometry,geometry-surface,Algorithm,Three.js,Computational Geometry,Geometry Surface,我正在开发一个建模工具,可以让你直接操纵网格。例如,您可以抓取一个面并将其拖动。用户对“脸”的感知可能不止一个共面三角形。例如,立方体的顶部“面”实际上是两个三角形,它们作为一个正方形拖在一起 为了实现这一点,我想收集任何特定三角形的所有共面、相邻面,以便在拖动时使用。我已经看过了,也看过了一些例子,但我想保留基本的三角形,而不是减少/删除它们 在过去的好日子里,你会建立一个边缘模型ala,在那里你可以走每一条边去看相邻的面并检查法线 我希望可能有一些代码已经为3J编写,将共面三角形组合在一起。





  • 通过遍历所有面的所有顶点来构建边散列(两个方向)。每个条目都是由2个面指针组成的数组。创建或修改网格时,只需执行此步骤一次
  • 当用户拾取要操纵的面时,创建空的计算堆栈并将拾取的面放入该堆栈中。另外,创建空的共面面阵列
  • 将面弹出评估堆栈,然后遍历该面的边。在“边”散列中查找与该边相邻的所有面。如果面是共面的,则将该面推送到计算堆栈上并存储在共面面数组中
  • 重复步骤3-4,直到计算堆栈为空
  • 此算法完成后,您应该拥有一个所有面的阵列,这些面共面并与您开始使用的面相邻。但在我看来,这似乎效率相对较低





    faceUtils = function(){};
    faceUtils.vertexHash = function(geometry){
      geometry.vertexHash = [];
      var faces = geometry.faces;
      var vLen = geometry.vertices.length;
      for(var i=0;i<vLen;i++){
        geometry.vertexHash[i] = [];
        for(var f in faces){
             if(faces[f].a == i || faces[f].b == i || faces[f].c == i){
    faceUtils.prototype.getCoplanar = function(maxAngle, geometry, face, clamp, out, originFace){
      if(clamp == undefined){
          clamp = true;
      if(this.originFace == undefined){
        this.originFace = face;
      if(this.pendingRecursive == undefined){
        this.pendingRecursive = 0;
        this.result = out;
      if(out == undefined){
           this.result = {count:0};
      if(geometry.vertexHash == undefined){
      var vertexes = ["a","b","c"];
      for (var i in vertexes){
        var vertexIndex = face[vertexes[i]];
        var adjacentFaces = geometry.vertexHash[vertexIndex];
        for(var a in adjacentFaces){
            var newface = adjacentFaces[a];
            var testF = this.originFace;
            if(clamp == false){
              testF = face
            if(testF.normal.angleTo(newface.normal) * (180/ Math.PI) <= maxAngle){
              if(this.result["f"+newface.a+newface.b+newface.c] == undefined){
                this.result["f"+newface.a+newface.b+newface.c] = newface;
                this.getCoplanar(maxAngle, geometry, newface, clamp, this.result, this.originFace);
      if(this.pendingRecursive == 0 && this.onCoplanar != undefined){
        delete this.result.count;






    var COPLANAR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE = .1; // degrees, not radians
    var RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI;
    var FACELEN = 3; // meshes have triangles by default
    function checkCoplanarity(f1, f2) {
      return ((f1.normal.angleTo(f2.normal) * RAD_TO_DEG) <= COPLANAR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE);
    function assignVertexFaceHashes(geometry) {
      var vertices = geometry.vertices;
      var faces = geometry.faces, face;
      var theVertex;
      for (var faceIndex in faces) {
        face = geometry.faces[faceIndex];
        for (var vertIndex of [face.a, face.b, face.c]) {
          theVertex = vertices[vertIndex];
          if (!theVertex.hasOwnProperty('inFaces')) {
            theVertex.inFaces = {};
          theVertex.inFaces[faceIndex] = true;
    function findCoplanarAdjacentFaces(startFaceIndex, geometry) {
      var adjoiningFaceIndexes;
      var coplanarAdjacentFaces = {};
      var coplanarAdjacentVertices = {};
      var examQueue = [];
      var examined = {};
      var examFace, examFaceIndex;
      var adjoiningFace, adjoiningFaceIndex;
      var faces = geometry.faces;
      var vertices = geometry.vertices;
      var startFace = faces[startFaceIndex];
      // include the start face as a coplanar face
      coplanarAdjacentVertices[startFace.a] = true;
      coplanarAdjacentVertices[startFace.b] = true;
      coplanarAdjacentVertices[startFace.c] = true;
      coplanarAdjacentFaces[startFaceIndex] = true; 
      // Map vertices back to all faces they belong to
      while (examQueue.length > 0) {
        examFaceIndex = examQueue.pop();
        examFace = faces[examFaceIndex];
        // console.log('examQueue:', examQueue.length);
        adjoiningFaceIndexes = [];
        for (var vertIndex of [examFace.a, examFace.b, examFace.c]) {
          adjoiningFaceIndexes = _.union(adjoiningFaceIndexes, _.map(_.keys(vertices[vertIndex].inFaces), function(c) { return parseInt(c); }));
        //console.log('adjoiningFaceIndexes:', adjoiningFaceIndexes);
        for (adjoiningFaceIndex of adjoiningFaceIndexes) {
          //console.log('Examining adjoining face index:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
          if (!examined.hasOwnProperty(adjoiningFaceIndex)) {
            if ((adjoiningFaceIndex != examFaceIndex) && (!coplanarAdjacentFaces.hasOwnProperty(adjoiningFaceIndex))) {
              //console.log('adjoiningFaceIndex:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
              adjoiningFace = faces[adjoiningFaceIndex];
              if (checkCoplanarity(examFace, adjoiningFace)) {
                var overlap1 = [adjoiningFace.a, adjoiningFace.b, adjoiningFace.c];
                var overlap2 = [examFace.a, examFace.b, examFace.c];
                var vertsInCommon = _.intersection(overlap1, overlap2);
                // Check for vertices in common. If any vertices are in comment, these coplanar faces touch at least one vertex.
                if (vertsInCommon.length > 0) {
                  //console.log('Pushing adjoining face due to vertices in common:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
                  coplanarAdjacentFaces[adjoiningFaceIndex] = true;
                  coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.a] = true;
                  coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.b] = true;
                  coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.c] = true;
                } else {
                  // it's possible the adjoining face only touches vertices to the middle of edges, so check for that.
                  for (var i = 0; i < FACELEN; ++i) {
                    adjoinP1 = overlap1[i];
                    adjoinP2 = overlap1[(i + 1) % FACELEN];
                    for (var j = 0; j < FACELEN; ++j) {
                      splitPoint = distToSegmentSquared3d(vertices[overlap2[j]], vertices[adjoinP1], vertices[adjoinP2]);
                      if (splitPoint.distance < POINT_ON_LINE_TOLERANCE) {
                        console.log('adding adjoining face due to edge intersection:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
                        console.log('j=', j, 'Source face:', examFaceIndex, examFace, 'We found split point on adjoining face index:', adjoiningFaceIndex, adjoiningFace);
                        coplanarAdjacentFaces[adjoiningFaceIndex] = true;
                        coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.a] = true;
                        coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.b] = true;
                        coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.c] = true;
                        break edgeIntersectExam;
        examined[examFaceIndex] = true;
      return ({ faces: coplanarAdjacentFaces, vertices: coplanarAdjacentVertices });
    function assignFacesToCoplanarGroups(csgPrimitive) {
      var geometry = csgPrimitive.geometry;
      var faceIndexList = _.mapObject(_.keys(geometry.faces), function() { return true; });
      var processedFaces = {};
      var coplanarFaces;
      var faces = geometry.faces;
      var intIndex;
      var coplanarGroupMax;
      var coplanarGroups = [];
      for (var processFaceIndex in faceIndexList) {
        intIndex = parseInt(processFaceIndex);
        if (!processedFaces.hasOwnProperty(intIndex)) {
          coplanars = findCoplanarAdjacentFaces(processFaceIndex, geometry);
          coplanarGroups.push({ faces: coplanars.faces, vertices: coplanars.vertices });
          coplanarGroupMax = coplanarGroups.length - 1;
          for (var groupedFaceIndex in coplanars.faces) {
            faces[groupedFaceIndex].coplanarGroupIndex = coplanarGroupMax;
            faces[groupedFaceIndex].color.setHex(0x0000ff); // just to help see the results
            processedFaces[groupedFaceIndex] = true;
      geometry.coplanarGroups = coplanarGroups;
      geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true;
    function assignFacesToAllCoplanarGroups() {
      var now = new Date();
      var startTime = now.getTime();
      for (var csgPrimitive of csgPrimitives.children) {
      var later = new Date();
      var duration = later.getTime() - startTime;
      console.log('Done assigning faces to coplanar groups in:', duration, 'ms');









  • 在上述算法中相邻面的所有共面顶点集中,找到距离原点最远的顶点
  • 找到离开该顶点的所有边
  • 沿着从原点到该顶点的向量到下一个顶点形成最小角度的边行走
  • At t
    var COPLANAR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE = .1; // degrees, not radians
    var RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI;
    var FACELEN = 3; // meshes have triangles by default
    function checkCoplanarity(f1, f2) {
      return ((f1.normal.angleTo(f2.normal) * RAD_TO_DEG) <= COPLANAR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE);
    function assignVertexFaceHashes(geometry) {
      var vertices = geometry.vertices;
      var faces = geometry.faces, face;
      var theVertex;
      for (var faceIndex in faces) {
        face = geometry.faces[faceIndex];
        for (var vertIndex of [face.a, face.b, face.c]) {
          theVertex = vertices[vertIndex];
          if (!theVertex.hasOwnProperty('inFaces')) {
            theVertex.inFaces = {};
          theVertex.inFaces[faceIndex] = true;
    function findCoplanarAdjacentFaces(startFaceIndex, geometry) {
      var adjoiningFaceIndexes;
      var coplanarAdjacentFaces = {};
      var coplanarAdjacentVertices = {};
      var examQueue = [];
      var examined = {};
      var examFace, examFaceIndex;
      var adjoiningFace, adjoiningFaceIndex;
      var faces = geometry.faces;
      var vertices = geometry.vertices;
      var startFace = faces[startFaceIndex];
      // include the start face as a coplanar face
      coplanarAdjacentVertices[startFace.a] = true;
      coplanarAdjacentVertices[startFace.b] = true;
      coplanarAdjacentVertices[startFace.c] = true;
      coplanarAdjacentFaces[startFaceIndex] = true; 
      // Map vertices back to all faces they belong to
      while (examQueue.length > 0) {
        examFaceIndex = examQueue.pop();
        examFace = faces[examFaceIndex];
        // console.log('examQueue:', examQueue.length);
        adjoiningFaceIndexes = [];
        for (var vertIndex of [examFace.a, examFace.b, examFace.c]) {
          adjoiningFaceIndexes = _.union(adjoiningFaceIndexes, _.map(_.keys(vertices[vertIndex].inFaces), function(c) { return parseInt(c); }));
        //console.log('adjoiningFaceIndexes:', adjoiningFaceIndexes);
        for (adjoiningFaceIndex of adjoiningFaceIndexes) {
          //console.log('Examining adjoining face index:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
          if (!examined.hasOwnProperty(adjoiningFaceIndex)) {
            if ((adjoiningFaceIndex != examFaceIndex) && (!coplanarAdjacentFaces.hasOwnProperty(adjoiningFaceIndex))) {
              //console.log('adjoiningFaceIndex:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
              adjoiningFace = faces[adjoiningFaceIndex];
              if (checkCoplanarity(examFace, adjoiningFace)) {
                var overlap1 = [adjoiningFace.a, adjoiningFace.b, adjoiningFace.c];
                var overlap2 = [examFace.a, examFace.b, examFace.c];
                var vertsInCommon = _.intersection(overlap1, overlap2);
                // Check for vertices in common. If any vertices are in comment, these coplanar faces touch at least one vertex.
                if (vertsInCommon.length > 0) {
                  //console.log('Pushing adjoining face due to vertices in common:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
                  coplanarAdjacentFaces[adjoiningFaceIndex] = true;
                  coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.a] = true;
                  coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.b] = true;
                  coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.c] = true;
                } else {
                  // it's possible the adjoining face only touches vertices to the middle of edges, so check for that.
                  for (var i = 0; i < FACELEN; ++i) {
                    adjoinP1 = overlap1[i];
                    adjoinP2 = overlap1[(i + 1) % FACELEN];
                    for (var j = 0; j < FACELEN; ++j) {
                      splitPoint = distToSegmentSquared3d(vertices[overlap2[j]], vertices[adjoinP1], vertices[adjoinP2]);
                      if (splitPoint.distance < POINT_ON_LINE_TOLERANCE) {
                        console.log('adding adjoining face due to edge intersection:', adjoiningFaceIndex);
                        console.log('j=', j, 'Source face:', examFaceIndex, examFace, 'We found split point on adjoining face index:', adjoiningFaceIndex, adjoiningFace);
                        coplanarAdjacentFaces[adjoiningFaceIndex] = true;
                        coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.a] = true;
                        coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.b] = true;
                        coplanarAdjacentVertices[adjoiningFace.c] = true;
                        break edgeIntersectExam;
        examined[examFaceIndex] = true;
      return ({ faces: coplanarAdjacentFaces, vertices: coplanarAdjacentVertices });
    function assignFacesToCoplanarGroups(csgPrimitive) {
      var geometry = csgPrimitive.geometry;
      var faceIndexList = _.mapObject(_.keys(geometry.faces), function() { return true; });
      var processedFaces = {};
      var coplanarFaces;
      var faces = geometry.faces;
      var intIndex;
      var coplanarGroupMax;
      var coplanarGroups = [];
      for (var processFaceIndex in faceIndexList) {
        intIndex = parseInt(processFaceIndex);
        if (!processedFaces.hasOwnProperty(intIndex)) {
          coplanars = findCoplanarAdjacentFaces(processFaceIndex, geometry);
          coplanarGroups.push({ faces: coplanars.faces, vertices: coplanars.vertices });
          coplanarGroupMax = coplanarGroups.length - 1;
          for (var groupedFaceIndex in coplanars.faces) {
            faces[groupedFaceIndex].coplanarGroupIndex = coplanarGroupMax;
            faces[groupedFaceIndex].color.setHex(0x0000ff); // just to help see the results
            processedFaces[groupedFaceIndex] = true;
      geometry.coplanarGroups = coplanarGroups;
      geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true;
    function assignFacesToAllCoplanarGroups() {
      var now = new Date();
      var startTime = now.getTime();
      for (var csgPrimitive of csgPrimitives.children) {
      var later = new Date();
      var duration = later.getTime() - startTime;
      console.log('Done assigning faces to coplanar groups in:', duration, 'ms');
    function assignFacesToAllCoplanarGroups() {
      var now = new Date();
      var startTime = now.getTime();
      for (var csgPrimitive of csgPrimitives.children) {
      var later = new Date();
      var duration = later.getTime() - startTime;
      console.log('Done assigning faces to coplanar groups in:', duration, 'ms');
      var box = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry( width, height, length ) );
      cube_bsp = new ThreeBSP( box );
      var cutgeo = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 0.5,32,32 );
      // move geometry to where the cut should be
      var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
      matrix.setPosition( new THREE.Vector3(0.25, 0, 1.88) ); // NB: sphere does not intersect with cube
      cutgeo.applyMatrix( matrix );
      var sub =  new THREE.Mesh( cutgeo );
      var substract_bsp  = new ThreeBSP( sub );
      var subtract_bsp  = cube_bsp.subtract( substract_bsp );
      csgPrimitiveMesh = subtract_bsp.toMesh();