Ansible 2.3核心模块junos_配置-失败”;“无法打开外壳”;

Ansible 2.3核心模块junos_配置-失败”;“无法打开外壳”;,ansible,junos-automation,pyez,Ansible,Junos Automation,Pyez,对于核心模块junos_config,使用Ansible 2.3,我们会得到错误“无法打开外壳” 我的剧本 25 tasks: 26 - name: Build configuration 27 template: src={{ playbook_dir }}/bgp.j2 dest={{ build }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf 28 notify: 29

对于核心模块junos_config,使用Ansible 2.3,我们会得到错误“无法打开外壳”


25      tasks:
26        - name:          Build configuration
27          template:      src={{ playbook_dir }}/bgp.j2 dest={{ build }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf
28          notify:
29            -            Pushing config ... please wait
30      handlers:
31        - name:          Pushing config ... please wait
32          junos_config:
33            host:        "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
34            provider:    "{{ credentials }}"
35            src:         "{{ build }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf"
36            src_format:  set
37            comment:     "config by Ansible junos_config"

seanw@seanw-mbp:~/bgp$ ansible-playbook pb2.bgp.yml

 PLAY [Create config/build directory] 

 TASK [Remove build directory] 
 changed: [localhost]

 RUNNING HANDLER [Pushing config ... please wait] 
fatal: [vsrx1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "unable to open shell. Please see:", "rc": 255}
fatal: [vsrx2]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "unable to open shell. Please see:", "rc": 255}

这在Ansible 2.2中起作用。在Ansible-2.3中,默认情况下会检查SSH主机密钥。由于此检查,您可能会遇到此错误。您可能希望尝试在ansible.cfg中暂时禁用此设置
