Applescript 如何制作已发送电子邮件的副本,以进行编辑并再次发送

Applescript 如何制作已发送电子邮件的副本,以进行编辑并再次发送,applescript,Applescript,我正在Mac OS X 10.7.5上使用Outlook for Mac 2011 14.3.1版。我想接收已发送的电子邮件,复制、打开、编辑并再次发送。我以前有一个applescript来做这件事,但是下载它的链接似乎不再起作用了。我怀疑是这样的 在“已发送项目”中选择“电子邮件”,然后运行脚本 tell application "Microsoft Outlook" set theMessage to item 1 of (get selection) # get the fir

我正在Mac OS X 10.7.5上使用Outlook for Mac 2011 14.3.1版。我想接收已发送的电子邮件,复制、打开、编辑并再次发送。我以前有一个applescript来做这件事,但是下载它的链接似乎不再起作用了。



  tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set theMessage to item 1 of (get selection) # get the first email message

    set subj to subject of theMessage
    set recip to (email address of to recipient of theMessage)

    set cont to content of theMessage
    set newMail to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:subj, content:cont}

    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in recip
        set this_item to item i of recip
        tell newMail to make new recipient at newMail with properties {email address:this_item}
    end repeat

    open newMail
end tell
脚本将创建一封包含所有以前收件人、主题和内容的新邮件。 然后打开它,准备进行编辑