
AppleScript页面-获取插入点,applescript,Applescript,我正在尝试在iWorks页面上使用AppleScript fu,并希望在WP文档的插入点插入一个文本框。根据页面字典,有一个叫做插入点的对象,它有一个叫做插入点的元素。然而,我似乎什么也得不到: tell application "Pages" tell front document -->set properties for text box set needs2Col to false set colHeight to 0

我正在尝试在iWorks页面上使用AppleScript fu,并希望在WP文档的插入点插入一个文本框。根据页面字典,有一个叫做插入点的对象,它有一个叫做插入点的元素。然而,我似乎什么也得不到:

tell application "Pages"
tell front document

-->set properties for text box
            set needs2Col to false
            set colHeight to 0
            if ((count of every item of headerFiles) > 5) then
                set needs2Col to true
                set boxH to (round ((count of every item of headerFiles) / 2) rounding up) * (font size of bookMarkStyle)
                set boxW to 6.5 * 72
                set boxX to 72.0
                            -->all these crash and burn with can't get errors
                            return insertion point of insertion point
                            return bounds of last paragraph of body text
                            -->all these return missing value
                            return insertion point of last paragraph of body text
                return insertion point of body text
            end if
end tell
end tell



tell application "Pages" to tell document 1
    --start of selection
    character offset of (get selection)

    --end of selection
    tell (get selection) to character offset + length

    --move the insertion point after the second paragraph
    select insertion point after paragraph 2

    --move the insertion point to the start of the second page
    select insertion point before (paragraph 1 where page number of containing page is 2)

    --replace the selected text
    set selection to "aa"

    --selection as plain text
    contents of selection
end tell
