
Applescript-如何打开,applescript,Applescript,我对Applescript非常陌生,我编写了一个快速脚本,可以根据文件类型和修改日期打开一些文件/目录。我需要在任何修改后在iBooks中打开这些文件。你能告诉我我的剧本有什么问题吗 以下是脚本: set theFolder to alias "Macintosh HD:::" tell application "iBooks" open (file of theFolder whose name extension is "epub" and modification date is less



set theFolder to alias "Macintosh HD:::"
tell application "iBooks"
open (file of theFolder whose name extension is "epub" and modification date is less than (current date))
end tell

set theFolder to POSIX file "/Users/USER/Desktop/test_folder"
set theFolder to theFolder as alias
tell application "Finder"
    open theFolder
    set myList to (every file of theFolder whose modification date is less than (current date))
    set theApp to path to application "iBooks"
    repeat with myFile in myList
        open myFile using theApp
    end repeat
end tell


您是指iBooks作者吗?iBooks是用于iOS的,因此不是用于OSX的应用程序。这是第一件事…@CRGreen iBooks包含在OS X 10中。9@DigiMonk虽然我仍然不认为它是可编写脚本的。@adayzdone为真,但OS X 10.9上的iBooks.app没有脚本字典。您有任何错误吗?