程序不适用于arduino leonardo

程序不适用于arduino leonardo,arduino,Arduino,我有一个程序,可以在一个带有串行输出的uno上运行,但不能在莱昂纳多上运行,唯一的变化是键盘的按下和释放。我使用的是硬币机械,当硬币被添加时,它会输出一个脉冲。然而,当电缆从发送信号的引脚上松脱时,它确实触发了多次负载 const int coinInt = 0; //Attach coinInt to Interrupt Pin 0 (Digital Pin 2). Pin 3 = Interrpt Pin 1. volatile float coinsValue = 0.00;


    const int coinInt = 0; 
//Attach coinInt to Interrupt Pin 0 (Digital Pin 2). Pin 3 = Interrpt Pin 1.

volatile float coinsValue = 0.00;
//Set the coinsValue to a Volatile float
//Volatile as this variable changes any time the Interrupt is triggered
int coinsChange = 0;                  
//A Coin has been inserted flag

void setup()
  attachInterrupt(coinInt, coinInserted, RISING);   
//If coinInt goes HIGH (a Pulse), call the coinInserted function
//An attachInterrupt will always trigger, even if your using delays

void coinInserted()    
//The function that is called every time it recieves a pulse
  coinsValue = coinsValue + 0.05;  
//As we set the Pulse to represent 5p or 5c we add this to the coinsValue
  coinsChange = 1;                           
//Flag that there has been a coin inserted

void loop()
  if(coinsChange == 1)          
//Check if a coin has been Inserted
    coinsChange = 0;              
//unflag that a coin has been inserted
//Print the Value of coins inserted



int coinsChange = 0;

volatile int coinsChange = 0;