Arrays Julia-滤波阵列的多重条件

Arrays Julia-滤波阵列的多重条件,arrays,filter,julia,Arrays,Filter,Julia,给定如下数组: 5-element Array{String,1}: "Computer science" "Artificial intelligence" "Machine learning" "Algorithm" "Mathematics" 在Julia中,如何通过多个条件过滤它?例如,我想获得所有 不是计算机科学或人工智能的价值观,因此,我想获得: 3-element Arr


5-element Array{String,1}:
 "Computer science"
 "Artificial intelligence"
 "Machine learning"
在Julia中,如何通过多个条件过滤它?例如,我想获得所有 不是计算机科学或人工智能的价值观,因此,我想获得:

3-element Array{String,1}:
 "Machine learning"


julia> x = ["Computer science", "Artificial intelligence", "Machine learning", "Algorithm", "Mathematics"]
5-element Array{String,1}:
 "Computer science"
 "Artificial intelligence"
 "Machine learning"

# Note the double parentheses, in order to build the
# ("Computer science", "Artificial intelligence") tuple
# It would also be possible (but probably less efficient) to put
# those values in a vector
julia> filter(!in(("Computer science", "Artificial intelligence")), x)
3-element Array{String,1}:
 "Machine learning"

julia> filter(!in(Set(("Computer science", "Artificial intelligence"))), x)
3-element Array{String,1}:
 "Machine learning"