mvc 3 无法通过JQuery填充选择列表。环境:MVC3剃须刀 mvc 3 无法通过JQuery填充选择列表。环境:MVC3剃须刀,,jquery,jquery-selectors,razor, Mvc 3,Jquery,Jquery Selectors,Razor,我正在使用MVC3应用程序和Razor ViewEngine。我有一个带有几个单选按钮和一个选择列表框的表单。根据选中的单选按钮,我从控制器获得一个区域列表。然后,通过将标题作为值,ID作为ID,使用此列表填充选择列表。我遇到的问题是,我的选择列表显示的是[object][object],而不是区域名称 <div> @Using Html.BeginForm() @<fieldset> <div class="editor-field">

我正在使用MVC3应用程序和Razor ViewEngine。我有一个带有几个单选按钮和一个选择列表框的表单。根据选中的单选按钮,我从控制器获得一个区域列表。然后,通过将标题作为值,ID作为ID,使用此列表填充选择列表。我遇到的问题是,我的选择列表显示的是[object][object],而不是区域名称

@Using Html.BeginForm()
    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.RadioButton("Opt1", "AIR", True)

    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.RadioButton("Opt1", "SEA", False)
    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.RadioButton("Opt1", "HOT", False)

    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.RadioButton("Opt1", "PC", False)

    <select id="SelectionValues" name="SelectedValue" size="width: 100px">

End Using

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
    $(":checkbox, :radio").click(function () {
        var type = $('form input[type=radio]:checked').val();
            url: '/Home/GetAreasByType',
            type: 'POST',
            data: { type: type },
            success: function (result) {
                for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                    var opt = new option(result[0, i], result[1, i]);


Public Class AreaRepository
    Implements IAreaRepository

    Private _areas As New List(Of Area)

    Sub New()
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "SE18 6HX", .Title = "SE18 6HX", .Type = "PC"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "SE8 4AF", .Title = "SE8 4AF", .Type = "PC"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "RH6 8RJ", .Title = "RH6 8RJ", .Type = "PC"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "EC1 4AF", .Title = "EC1 - Westminister", .Type = "PC"})

        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-1", .Title = "Holiday Inn Express", .Type = "HOT"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-2", .Title = "IBIS Hotel", .Type = "HOT"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-3", .Title = "Marriot Hotel", .Type = "HOT"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-4", .Title = "Shariton", .Type = "HOT"})

        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Sea-1", .Title = "Dover", .Type = "SEA"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Sea-2", .Title = "Portsmouth", .Type = "SEA"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Sea-3", .Title = "Plymouth", .Type = "SEA"})

        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Air-1", .Title = "Gatwick", .Type = "AIR"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Air-2", .Title = "Heathrow", .Type = "AIR"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Air-3", .Title = "Luton", .Type = "AIR"})
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAreaByType(Type As String) As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Area) Implements IAreaRepository.GetAreaByType
        Dim var = (From a In _areas
                   Order By a.Title Ascending
                   Where a.Type = Type
                   Select a).ToList()
        Return var
    End Function
End Class
请引导,我做错了什么? 提前谢谢。


 success: function (result) {
    $.each(result, function (index, elem) {
           $("<option/>").attr("value", elem.ID)


Public Class AreaRepository
    Implements IAreaRepository

    Private _areas As New List(Of Area)

    Sub New()
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "SE18 6HX", .Title = "SE18 6HX", .Type = "PC"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "SE8 4AF", .Title = "SE8 4AF", .Type = "PC"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "RH6 8RJ", .Title = "RH6 8RJ", .Type = "PC"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "EC1 4AF", .Title = "EC1 - Westminister", .Type = "PC"})

        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-1", .Title = "Holiday Inn Express", .Type = "HOT"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-2", .Title = "IBIS Hotel", .Type = "HOT"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-3", .Title = "Marriot Hotel", .Type = "HOT"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Hot-4", .Title = "Shariton", .Type = "HOT"})

        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Sea-1", .Title = "Dover", .Type = "SEA"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Sea-2", .Title = "Portsmouth", .Type = "SEA"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Sea-3", .Title = "Plymouth", .Type = "SEA"})

        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Air-1", .Title = "Gatwick", .Type = "AIR"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Air-2", .Title = "Heathrow", .Type = "AIR"})
        _areas.Add(New Area With {.ID = "Air-3", .Title = "Luton", .Type = "AIR"})
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAreaByType(Type As String) As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Area) Implements IAreaRepository.GetAreaByType
        Dim var = (From a In _areas
                   Order By a.Title Ascending
                   Where a.Type = Type
                   Select a).ToList()
        Return var
    End Function
End Class
 success: function (result) {
    $.each(result, function (index, elem) {
           $("<option/>").attr("value", elem.ID)