mvc 自定义用户级别和权限MVC mvc 自定义用户级别和权限MVC,,,, Mvc,, Mvc 3,每当调用GET或POST来创建或编辑文章页面时,我希望使用以下方法: ' userId = ID or username of the user logged in ' companyId = ID or name of the company for which the current blog is assigned ' blogId = ID or name of the blog for which the article is being written ' returnSuccess


' userId = ID or username of the user logged in
' companyId = ID or name of the company for which the current blog is assigned
' blogId = ID or name of the blog for which the article is being written
' returnSuccessView = the view that will be returned if the user has access
' returnFailView = the view  that will be returned if the user does not have access

return View(CheckUserAccess(userId, companyId, blogId, returnSuccessView, returnFailView))








public class MyAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        var authorized = base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
        if (!authorized)
            // The user is not even authenticated => we can't get much further
            return false;

        // At this stage we know that there's an authneticated user
        // let's see who he is by fecthing his username
        string username = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;

        RouteData rd = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData;

        // Now, let's read the companyId and blogId parameters that he sent
        // into the request and ensure that he is not cheating on us
        string companyId = rd.Values["companyId"] as string;
        string blogId = rd.Values["blogId"] as string;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(blogId))
            // One of the required parameters were not supplied when the action was invoked
            // => we can't get much further
            return false;

        return IsOwner(username, companyId, blogId);

    private bool IsOwner(string username, string companyId, string blogId)
        // TODO: you know what to do here: 
        // check with your data store or wherever you have stored this info
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public ActionResult Edit(string companyId, string blogId)
    // if we got that far it means that the user is authorized to edit this blog post
    // and we could allow him to see the edit view
    EditViewModel model = ...
    return View(model); 
public ActionResult Edit(EditViewModel model)
    // if we got that far it means that the user is authorized to edit this blog post
    // and we could go ahead and perform the necessary update

public ActionResult Edit(string companyId, string blogId)
    // if we got that far it means that the user is authorized to edit this blog post
    // and we could allow him to see the edit view
    EditViewModel model = ...
    return View(model); 
public ActionResult Edit(EditViewModel model)
    // if we got that far it means that the user is authorized to edit this blog post
    // and we could go ahead and perform the necessary update

这很有见地。然而,我不知道如何为IsOwner创建该部件(这实际上是我在问题中提出的问题)。如果我的用户模型中有一个ICollection,它存储了所有用户的关联公司,那么我如何检查被请求公司的ICollection?哦,这是一些数据库或任何你正在使用的特定问题。这与ASP.NET MVC 3完全无关,而您最初的问题就是关于ASP.NET MVC 3的。在我的回答中,我向您展示了如何编写自定义授权属性,允许您读取RouteData参数并检索当前连接的用户名。您将如何验证用户是否属于博客或公司,或者我不知道什么将完全取决于您的实现。因此,我建议您启动一个新线程,解释您正在使用的数据访问技术(我猜是EF),显示您的DB模式。。。。。。问一个关于如何执行给定SQL或任何查询的非常具体的问题。我在问题中多次特别提到ICollection,问“有人能告诉我这个函数是什么样子的吗?”我是否应该为此提出一个新问题?我不想创建一个重复的。。。我觉得我问的是我的确切意思,但仍然不知道怎么做。我理解你的意思。然后,我将尝试针对我正在使用的实体框架发布一个新问题。不过,如果你能在这里回答这个问题,这将是有益的,因为这基本上是我问的同一个问题。