Assembly 乘/除2.0

Assembly 乘/除2.0,assembly,masm,Assembly,Masm,我最近发布了一个我一直在使用的乘法-除法菜单(再次感谢大家的输入!),但我最近放弃了该代码,在一位有汇编语言经验的朋友的帮助下,我知道我现在有了一些我认为更接近最终产品的东西。但当我终于回到家把它组装起来时,我意识到他一直在向我展示一些他知道的NASM,这对MASM不太管用!我一直在一个接一个地尝试使用在线指南将任何不起作用的位转换为它们的MASM等价物。但现在我想我已经到了需要外界帮助的地步。我收到两个链接器错误LNK2001未解析的外部符号\u WinMainCRTStartup和LNK11

我最近发布了一个我一直在使用的乘法-除法菜单(再次感谢大家的输入!),但我最近放弃了该代码,在一位有汇编语言经验的朋友的帮助下,我知道我现在有了一些我认为更接近最终产品的东西。但当我终于回到家把它组装起来时,我意识到他一直在向我展示一些他知道的NASM,这对MASM不太管用!我一直在一个接一个地尝试使用在线指南将任何不起作用的位转换为它们的MASM等价物。但现在我想我已经到了需要外界帮助的地步。我收到两个链接器错误LNK2001未解析的外部符号\u WinMainCRTStartup和LNK1120 1未解析的外部


   TITLE mainmenu

; Description: This program presents a menu that will prompt the user decide whether they wouldd like to multiply or divide. The programs reads the numbers in the range 1 to 100. If an invalid selection is made the program will close.
; Revision date: 4/29/2017



main PROC

; Messages

msg1 db 10,'-Mulitply or Divide Calculator-',10,0

lmsg1 equ $ - msg1

msg2 db 10,'Number 1: ',0

lmsg2 equ $ - msg2

msg3 db 'Number 2: ',0

lmsg3 equ $ - msg3

msg4 db '3. Multiply',10,0

lmsg4 equ $ - msg4

msg5 db '4. Divide',10,0

lmsg5 equ $ - msg5

msg6 db 'Operation: ',0

lmsg6 equ $ - msg6

msg7 db 10,'Result: ',0

lmsg7 equ $ - msg7

msg8 db 10,'Invalid Option',10,0

lmsg8 equ $ - msg8

nlinea db 10,10,0

lnlinea equ $ - nlinea

dw ?

; Spaces reserved for storing the values provided by the user.

opc BYTE ?

num1 byte ?

num2 byte ?

result word ?


; Print on screen the message 1

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg1

mov edx, lmsg1

int 80h

; Print on screen the message 2

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx,OFFSET msg2

mov edx, lmsg2

int 80h

; We get num1 value.

mov eax, 3

mov ebx, 0

mov ecx, OFFSET num1

mov edx, 2

int 80h

; Print on screen the message 3

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg3

mov edx, lmsg3

int 80h

; We get num2 value.

mov eax, 3

mov ebx, 0

mov ecx,  OFFSET num2

mov edx, 2

int 80h

; Print on screen the message 4

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg4

mov edx, lmsg4

int 80h

; Print on screen the message 5

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg5

mov edx, lmsg5

int 80h

; Print on screen the message 6

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg6

mov edx, lmsg6

int 80h

; We get the option selected.

mov ebx,0

mov ecx,  OFFSET opc

mov edx,2

mov eax,3

int 80h

mov ah, opc ; Move the selected option to the registry ah

sub ah, '0' ; Convert from ascii to decimal

; We compare the value entered by the user to know what operation to perform.

cmp ah, 1

cmp ah, 2

cmp ah, 3

je multiply

cmp ah, 4

je divide

; If the value entered by the user does not meet any of the above

; conditions then we show an error message and we close the program.

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx,  OFFSET msg8

mov edx, lmsg8

int 80h

main ENDP

; We keep the numbers in the registers al and bl

mov al, num1

mov bl, num2

; Convert from ascii to decimal

sub al, '0'

sub bl, '0'

; Print on screen the message 7

multiply PROC

; We store the numbers in registers al and bl

mov al, num1

mov bl, num2

; Convert from ascii to decimal

sub al, '0'

sub bl, '0'

; Multiply. AX = AL x BL

mul bl

; Conversion from decimal to ascii

add ax, '0'

; We move the result

mov result, ax

; Print on screen the message 7

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg7

mov edx, lmsg7

int 80h

; Print on screen the result

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov result, ax

mov edx, 1

int 80h

; We end the program

multiply ENDP

divide PROC

; We store the numbers in registers ax and bx

mov al, num1

mov bl, num2

mov dx, 0

mov ah, 0

; Convert from ascii to decimall

sub al, '0'

sub bl, '0'

; Division. AL = AX / BX

div bl

; Conversion from decimal to ascii

add ax, '0'

; We move the result

mov result, ax

; Print on screen the message 7

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET msg7

mov edx, lmsg7

int 80h

; Print on screen the result

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET result

mov edx, 1

int 80h

; We end the program

divide ENDP

; Print on screen two new lines

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, OFFSET nlinea

mov edx, lnlinea

int 80h

; End the program

mov eax, 1

mov ebx, 0

int 80h

