Audio 读取WAV文件时,数据ID打印为;事实“;而不是",;“数据”;

Audio 读取WAV文件时,数据ID打印为;事实“;而不是",;“数据”;,audio,wav,Audio,Wav,我是音频播放新手,花了一整天的时间阅读wav文件规范。我编写了一个简单的程序来提取文件的头,但是现在我的程序总是返回false,因为DataID一直以“事实”而不是“数据”的形式返回 我相信这可能发生的原因有几个 我正在读取的文件的格式大小为18,而有效的PCM文件的格式大小应为16 我正在读取的文件的格式代码是6,这意味着它可能已被压缩 dataSize的值太小(只有4)。即使文件在通过VLC或Windows Media Player运行时有30秒的播放时间 我使用的代码如下: using



  • 我正在读取的文件的格式大小为18,而有效的PCM文件的格式大小应为16

  • 我正在读取的文件的格式代码是6,这意味着它可能已被压缩

  • dataSize的值太小(只有4)。即使文件在通过VLC或Windows Media Player运行时有30秒的播放时间


using (var reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(wavFile, FileMode.Open)))
    // Read all descriptor info into variables to be passed
    // to an ASWAVFile instance.
    var chunkID       = reader.ReadBytes(4); // Should contain "RIFF"
    var chunkSize     = reader.ReadBytes(4);
    var format        = reader.ReadBytes(4); // Should contain "WAVE"

    var formatID      = reader.ReadBytes(4); // Should contain "fmt"
    var formatSize    = reader.ReadBytes(4); // 16 for PCM format.
    var formatCode    = reader.ReadBytes(2); // Determines linear quantization - 1 = PCM, else it has been compressed
    var channels      = reader.ReadBytes(2); // mono = 1, stereo = 2
    var sampleRate    = reader.ReadBytes(4); // 8000, 44,100 etc
    var byteRate      = reader.ReadBytes(4); // SampleRate * Channels * BitsPerSample / 8
    var blockAlign    = reader.ReadBytes(2); // Channels * BitsPerSample / 8
    var bitsPerSample = reader.ReadBytes(2); // If mono 8, if stereo 16 etc.

    var padding = byteToInt(formatSize);

    // Read any extra values so we can jump to the data chunk - extra padding should only be set here
    // if formatSize is 18
    byte[] fmtExtraSize = new byte[2];

    if (padding == 18)
        fmtExtraSize = reader.ReadBytes(2);

    // Read the final header information in, we can then set
    // other 
    var dataID   = reader.ReadBytes(4);      // Should contain "data"
    var dataSize = reader.ReadBytes(4);      // Calculated by Samples * Channels * BitsPerSample / 8

    // Check if the file is in the correct format
    if ( 
            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(chunkID)  != "RIFF" ||
            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(format)   != "WAVE" ||
            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(formatID) != "fmt"  ||
            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(dataID)   != "data"
        return false;

    //file = new ASWAVFile();

RIFF, WAVE, fmt, fact




