Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/batch-file/6.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Batch file 批量排除递归副本中的文件夹_Batch File_Recursion_Copy_Xcopy - Fatal编程技术网

Batch file 批量排除递归副本中的文件夹

Batch file 批量排除递归副本中的文件夹,batch-file,recursion,copy,xcopy,Batch File,Recursion,Copy,Xcopy,基本上,我们正在将大约50台台式机从XP迁移到7。我无法安装任何额外的程序来完成此任务。我所做的是编写一个脚本,将桌面、收藏夹和我的文档以及一些特定的文件类型从原始计算机复制到用户的共享驱动器。之后,它将能够将所有文件移动到新机器上。我正在尝试递归搜索Windows,获取脚本中的所有.pst文件和其他文件,并将它们备份到共享上的文件夹(但不是目录结构,我只希望所有文件都位于一个目录中,无论它们来自何处),但我的文档除外。他们放在我文件里的任何东西都应该被排除在搜索范围之外。不管怎么说,这就是我开


@echo off
set SHARE=
set /P USRDIR=Enter Local User Directory:  
set /p SHARE=Enter Shared Drive Name:  

set UPATH="c:\Documents and Settings\%USRDIR%"

set ESRI="%UPATH%\Application Data\ESRI"

net use g: /delete
net use g: \\server\%SHARE%
md %SPATH% %SPATH%\GIS %SPATH%\Outlook %SPATH%\Desktop %SPATH%\Documents %SPATH%\Favorites
if exists %ESRI% md %SPATH%\ESRI
md %SPATH%\misc %SPATH%\misc\GISfiles %SPATH%\misc\XMLfiles %SPATH%\misc\CSVfiles

for /R %%x in (*.mxd) do copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\GIS\"
for /R %%x in (*.dbf) do copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\GISfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.xml) do copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\XMLfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.csv) do copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\CSVfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.pst) do copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\Outlook\"
if exist %ESRI% xcopy /y /d /s /i /z %ESRI% %SPATH%\ESRI && echo ESRI YES || ESRI NO
xcopy /y /d /s /i /z "%UPATH%\Desktop" "%SPATH%\Desktop" && echo DESK YES || DESK NO
xcopy /y /d /s /i /z "%UPATH%\My Documents" "%SPATH%\Documents" && echo DOCS YES || DOCS NO
xcopy /y /d /s /i /z "%UPATH%\Favorites" "%SPATH%\Favorites" && echo FAVS YES || FAVS NO

echo "Script Complete!"

for /R %%x in (*.mxd) do xcopy /y /d /z /exclude:"\My Documents\" "%%x" "%SPATH%\GIS\"
for /R %%x in (*.dbf) do xcopy /y /d /z /exclude:"\My Documents\" "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\GISfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.xml) do xcopy /y /d /z /exclude:"\My Documents\" "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\XMLfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.csv) do xcopy /y /d /z /exclude:"\My Documents\" "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\CSVfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.pst) do xcopy /y /d /z /exclude:"\My Documents\" "%%x" "%SPATH%\Outlook\"







@echo off

    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

    rem Ask for share name
    set /P share=Enter Shared drive name:
    if "%share%"=="" (
        call :error "No share name provided"
        goto endProcess

    rem Configure target of copy
    set target=g:

    rem Connect to target
    net use %target% /delete 
    net use %target% \\server\%share%

    if not exist %target% (
        call :error "No connection to server"
        goto endProcess

    rem Configure directory by extension
    set extensions=.mxd .dbf .xml .csv .pst
    set .mxd=GIS
    set .dbf=misc\GISFiles
    set .xml=misc\XMLFiles
    set .csv=misc\CSVFiles
    set .pst=Outlook

    rem adjust target of copy to user name
    set target=%target%\!MIGRATION\%username%
    if not exist "%target%" (
        mkdir "%target%"

    rem Configure source of copy
    set source=%userprofile%
    if not exist "%source%" (
        call :error "User profile directory not found"
        goto endProcess

    rem Resolve My Documents folder
    call :getShellFolder Personal
    set myDocPath=%shellFolder%

    if not exist "%myDocPath%" (
        call :error "My Documents directory not found"
        goto endProcess

    rem Ensure target directories exists
    mkdir "%target%" > nul 2>nul
    for %%e in ( %extensions% ) do mkdir "%target%\!%%e!" >nul 2>nul

    rem We are going to filter file list using findstr. Generate temp file
    rem with strings, just to ensure final command line is in limits
    rem This will contain not desired folders/files or anything that will be
    rem copied later

    set filterFile="%temp%\filter.temp"
        echo %myDocPath%
        echo \Temporary Internet Files\
        echo \Temp\
    ) > %filterFile%

    rem Process user profile, excluding My Documents, IE Temp and not needed extensions
    for /F "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /s /b /a-d "%source%" ^| findstr /v /i /g:%filterFile% ^| findstr /i /e "%extensions%" ') do (
        call :processFile "%%~xf" "%%f"

    rem Now, process "especial" folders

    mkdir "%target%\Documents"
    xcopy /y /d /s /i /z "%myDocPath%" "%target%\Documents"

    call :getShellFolder Desktop
    if exist "%shellFolder%" (
        mkdir "%target%\Desktop"
        xcopy /y /d /s /i /z "%shellFolder%" "%target%\Desktop"
        if errorlevel 1 (
            call :error "Failed to copy desktop files"

    call :getShellFolder Favorites
    if exist "%shellFolder%" (
        mkdir "%target%\Favorites"
        xcopy /y /d /s /i /z "%shellFolder%" "%target%\Favorites"
        if errorlevel 1 (
            call :error "Failed to copy favorites"

    rem Finish
    goto :endProcess

rem ** subroutines *******************************************

    rem retrieve parameters 
    rem : %1 = file extension
    rem : %2 = file 
    set ext=%~1
    set file=%~2

    rem manage .something files
    if "%ext%"=="%file%" (
        set file=%ext%
        set ext=

    rem manage no extension files
    if "%ext%"=="" (
        rem WILL NOT COPY
        goto :EOF

    rem determine target directory based on file extension
    set extCmd=%%%ext%%%
    for /F "tokens=*" %%d in ('echo %extCmd%^|find /v "%%" ' ) do set folder=%%d

    if "%folder%"=="" (
        rem file extension not in copy list
        goto :EOF

    copy /y /z "%file%" "%target%\%folder%" >nul 2>nul
    if errorlevel 1 (
        call :error "Failed to copy [%file%]"
    ) else (
        echo %file%

    goto :EOF

    set _sf=%~1
    set shellFolder=
    if "%_sf%"=="" goto :EOF
    for /F "tokens=2,*" %%# in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "%_sf%" ^| find "%_sf%"') do (
        set shellFolder=%%$
    goto :EOF

    echo ERROR : %~1
    goto :EOF   


    exit /b

\my documents\

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /R %%x in (*.mxd) do set "check=%%~dpx" & if /i "!check!"=="!check:documents\=!" copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\GIS\"
for /R %%x in (*.dbf) do set "check=%%~dpx" & if /i "!check!"=="!check:documents\=!" copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\GISfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.xml) do set "check=%%~dpx" & if /i "!check!"=="!check:documents\=!" copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\XMLfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.csv) do set "check=%%~dpx" & if /i "!check!"=="!check:documents\=!" copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\misc\CSVfiles\"
for /R %%x in (*.pst) do set "check=%%~dpx" & if /i "!check!"=="!check:documents\=!" copy "%%x" "%SPATH%\Outlook\"
