C 在链表上快速排序,如何使此代码使用第一个元素作为轴心,而不是最后一个元素

C 在链表上快速排序,如何使此代码使用第一个元素作为轴心,而不是最后一个元素,c,linked-list,quicksort,C,Linked List,Quicksort,为了使这段代码能够使用第一个元素作为轴心而不是最后一个元素,我必须实现哪些改变 我所采取的任何方法都不起作用,任何帮助都将不胜感激,谢谢 struct Node* partition(struct Node *l, struct Node *h) { // set pivot as h element int x = h->data; // similar to i = l-1 for array implementation struct No



struct Node* partition(struct Node *l, struct Node *h) 
    // set pivot as h element 
    int x = h->data; 

    // similar to i = l-1 for array implementation 
    struct Node *i = l->prev; 

    // Similar to "for (int j = l; j <= h- 1; j++)" 
    for (struct Node *j = l; j != h; j = j->next) 
        if (j->data <= x) 
            // Similar to i++ for array 
            i = (i == NULL) ? l : i->next; 

            swap(&(i->data), &(j->data)); 
    i = (i == NULL) ? l : i->next; // Similar to i++ 
    swap(&(i->data), &(h->data)); 
    return i; 

/* A recursive implementation of quicksort for linked list */
void _quickSort(struct Node* l, struct Node *h) 
    if (h != NULL && l != h && l != h->next) 
        struct Node *p = partition(l, h); 
        _quickSort(l, p->prev); 
        _quickSort(p->next, h); 

// The main function to sort a linked list. 
// It mainly calls _quickSort() 
void quickSort(struct Node *head) 
    // Find last node 
    struct Node *h = lastNode(head); 

    // Call the recursive QuickSort 
    _quickSort(head, h); 

// set pivot as h element 
int x = h->data; 
struct Node*分区(struct Node*l,struct Node*h)
//类似于“for(int j=l;j

int x = l->data; 