C 大整数的小查找表

C 大整数的小查找表,c,performance,lookup-tables,C,Performance,Lookup Tables,我想制作一个快速、相对较小的查找表,但输入范围较大: -输入:最大32位值(32位颜色值) -输出:最大8位索引(表索引) 类似下面的代码。(如果索引的值超过256个,则索引仅为0) 不管我怎么想,我总是以这样的事情结束。对于32位(4294967296个状态)的输入范围,我需要分配太多的内存,才能获得256个可能的输出。我也不希望在for循环内部形成256个if else 有没有一种快速的方法,不管是表还是非表,最终都有相同的功能,我还没有听说过 非常感谢 您可以使用哈希表将32位值映射到查找

我想制作一个快速、相对较小的查找表,但输入范围较大: -输入:最大32位值(32位颜色值) -输出:最大8位索引(表索引)


if else






#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>

struct hash_index {
  uint8_t index;
  char used;

#define HASHBITS  10
#define HASHSIZE  (1U << HASHBITS)
#define HASHMASK  (HASHSIZE - 1)
#define LOOKUPSIZE  256U

static uint8_t getIndx(uint32_t value);
static uint32_t lookup[LOOKUPSIZE];
static struct hash_index hashtab[HASHSIZE];
static unsigned int count = 0;
static unsigned int tot_collisions = 0;
static unsigned int max_collisions = 0;
static unsigned int hash_used = 0;

int main(void) {
  int pass;
  unsigned int i;
  uint32_t value;
  uint8_t index;
  unsigned int successes;
  unsigned int failures;
  int ok;

  printf("Lookup size: %u, Hash size: %u\n", LOOKUPSIZE, HASHSIZE);
  for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
    successes = 0;
    failures = 0;
    tot_collisions = 0;
    max_collisions = 0;
    /* Not resetting hash_used because it shouldn't change after first pass. */
    printf("\nPass %d, currently used hashes: %u\n\n", pass, hash_used);
    for (i = 0; i < 260; i++) {
      static const char * const outcomes[2] = {"FAIL", "OK"};
      value = rand();
      index = getIndx(value);
      ok = lookup[index] == value;
      printf("%" PRIu32 " -> %" PRIu8 " (%s)\n", value, index, outcomes[ok]);
      if (ok) {
      } else {
    printf("\nSuccesses: %u, Failures: %u\n", successes, failures);
    printf("Used hashes: %u, Total collisions: %u, Max collisions: %u\n\n",
           hash_used, tot_collisions, max_collisions);

  return 0;

static uint8_t getIndx(uint32_t value) {
  unsigned int initial_hash;
  unsigned int hash;
  unsigned int collisions = 0;
  uint8_t index;

   * Search for value using hash table, starting at position hashed from value.
   * The hash table is longer than the maximum number of used entries,
   * so we should always be able to find an unused entry in the hash table.
  initial_hash = ((value * UINT32_C(0x61c88647)) >> (32 - HASHBITS)) & HASHMASK;
  for (hash = initial_hash;
       collisions < HASHSIZE && hashtab[hash].used;
       hash = (hash + 1) & HASHMASK) {
     * This hash table entry is used.  Get the corresponding index in the
     * main lookup table to check if the value matches.
    index = hashtab[hash].index;
    if (lookup[index] == value) {
      /* Matching value found.  Return its index in the main table. */
      return index;
    /* Count hash collisions and total hash collisions. */
    if (max_collisions < collisions) {
      /* Update max hash collisions for diagnostics. */
      max_collisions = collisions;
  /* Value not found. */
  if (count < LOOKUPSIZE && collisions < HASHSIZE) {
     * There is room in the main lookup table for the new value
     * and room in the hash table.  The index of the new value in the
     * main lookup table will be the current count, which will be incremented.
    index = count++;
     * Add value to main lookup table,
     * add index in main lookup table to hash table,
     * and return the index in the main lookup table.
    lookup[index] = value;
    hashtab[hash].index = index;
    hashtab[hash].used = 1;
    hash_used++;  /* Count of used hash table entries for diagnostics. */
    return index;
   * Value not found and main lookup table is full or hash table is full.
   * Give up.
  return 0;

uint8\u t
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>

struct hash_index {
  uint8_t index;
  char used;

#define HASHBITS  10
#define HASHSIZE  (1U << HASHBITS)
#define HASHMASK  (HASHSIZE - 1)
#define LOOKUPSIZE  256U

static uint8_t getIndx(uint32_t value);
static uint32_t lookup[LOOKUPSIZE];
static struct hash_index hashtab[HASHSIZE];
static unsigned int count = 0;
static unsigned int tot_collisions = 0;
static unsigned int max_collisions = 0;
static unsigned int hash_used = 0;

int main(void) {
  int pass;
  unsigned int i;
  uint32_t value;
  uint8_t index;
  unsigned int successes;
  unsigned int failures;
  int ok;

  printf("Lookup size: %u, Hash size: %u\n", LOOKUPSIZE, HASHSIZE);
  for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
    successes = 0;
    failures = 0;
    tot_collisions = 0;
    max_collisions = 0;
    /* Not resetting hash_used because it shouldn't change after first pass. */
    printf("\nPass %d, currently used hashes: %u\n\n", pass, hash_used);
    for (i = 0; i < 260; i++) {
      static const char * const outcomes[2] = {"FAIL", "OK"};
      value = rand();
      index = getIndx(value);
      ok = lookup[index] == value;
      printf("%" PRIu32 " -> %" PRIu8 " (%s)\n", value, index, outcomes[ok]);
      if (ok) {
      } else {
    printf("\nSuccesses: %u, Failures: %u\n", successes, failures);
    printf("Used hashes: %u, Total collisions: %u, Max collisions: %u\n\n",
           hash_used, tot_collisions, max_collisions);

  return 0;

static uint8_t getIndx(uint32_t value) {
  unsigned int initial_hash;
  unsigned int hash;
  unsigned int collisions = 0;
  uint8_t index;

   * Search for value using hash table, starting at position hashed from value.
   * The hash table is longer than the maximum number of used entries,
   * so we should always be able to find an unused entry in the hash table.
  initial_hash = ((value * UINT32_C(0x61c88647)) >> (32 - HASHBITS)) & HASHMASK;
  for (hash = initial_hash;
       collisions < HASHSIZE && hashtab[hash].used;
       hash = (hash + 1) & HASHMASK) {
     * This hash table entry is used.  Get the corresponding index in the
     * main lookup table to check if the value matches.
    index = hashtab[hash].index;
    if (lookup[index] == value) {
      /* Matching value found.  Return its index in the main table. */
      return index;
    /* Count hash collisions and total hash collisions. */
    if (max_collisions < collisions) {
      /* Update max hash collisions for diagnostics. */
      max_collisions = collisions;
  /* Value not found. */
  if (count < LOOKUPSIZE && collisions < HASHSIZE) {
     * There is room in the main lookup table for the new value
     * and room in the hash table.  The index of the new value in the
     * main lookup table will be the current count, which will be incremented.
    index = count++;
     * Add value to main lookup table,
     * add index in main lookup table to hash table,
     * and return the index in the main lookup table.
    lookup[index] = value;
    hashtab[hash].index = index;
    hashtab[hash].used = 1;
    hash_used++;  /* Count of used hash table entries for diagnostics. */
    return index;
   * Value not found and main lookup table is full or hash table is full.
   * Give up.
  return 0;