
Cobol-163数字字段中的非法字符,cobol,Cobol,我将如何修复使用此代码收到的此错误消息: 错误消息: 执行错误:文件“” 错误代码:163,pc=5AB,call=1,seg=0 163数字字段中的非法字符 是否仍然可以找到非法字符在数字字段中的确切位置?我很难找到问题的罪魁祸首 有几种方法可以确定“非法字符”错误的原因: 分析程序转储 使用交互式调试器 向程序中添加代码以验证数字字段的内容 分析程序转储 如果错误导致系统产生程序转储,请检查转储,查看它是否提供了任何有用的信息 转储通常会提供以下信息: 错误发生时,



执行错误:文件“” 错误代码:163,pc=5AB,call=1,seg=0 163数字字段中的非法字符



  • 分析程序转储
  • 使用交互式调试器
  • 向程序中添加代码以验证数字字段的内容

分析程序转储 如果错误导致系统产生程序转储,请检查转储,查看它是否提供了任何有用的信息


  • 错误发生时,程序的哪一行正在执行
  • 上次从每个输入文件中读取的记录是什么
  • 程序变量的内容



使用交互式调试器 如果开发环境包括交互式调试器,则可以在调试器中执行程序,直到出现错误,然后记录导致错误的程序语句和数据

向程序中添加验证代码 通过在使用数字字段之前向程序中添加代码以验证其内容,您不仅可以确定错误的原因,还可以从中恢复


(1) 测试
Input Rec

   Identification Division.
   Program-Id. Fifth-Assignment.
   Author. Joanne Lin.
   Date-Written. 04/12/2017.
  *Joanne Lin.
  *Assignment #5.

   Environment Division.
   Input-Output Section.

   Select City-File 
       assign to "/home1/c/a/acsi203/cityrates.dat".

       Select Input-File
       assign to "/home1/c/a/acsi203/realestate.dat".

       Select Output-File
       assign to "prog5out.dat"
       Organization is line sequential.

       Select Error-File
       assign to "error5out.dat"
   Organization is line sequential. 

   Data Division.
   File Section.
   FD      City-File.
   01      Input-City.
           02 City-Table            Pic a(15).
       02 Rate-Table            Pic v9(3).
       02 Filler                Pic x.

   FD      Input-File.
   01      Input-Rec.
       02      Street-Address   Pic x(27).
       02      City             Pic a(15).
       02      Zip              Pic 9(5).
       02      State            Pic a(2).
       88 Valid-State        value "CA". 
       02      Bedrooms         Pic 9.
       02      Bathrooms        Pic 9.
       02      Square-Feet      Pic 9(4).
       02      Property-Type    Pic x(8).
       88 Valid-Property values 
       02      Sale-Day-week    Pic a(3).
       02      Filler           Pic x(1).
       02      Sale-Month       Pic x(3).
       02      Filler           Pic x(1).
   02      Sale-Day         Pic 9(2).
   02      Filler           Pic x(1). 
       02      Sale-Hr          Pic 9(2). 
   02      Filler           Pic x(1).
   02      Sale-Min         Pic 9(2).
   02      Filler           Pic x(1).
       02      Filler           Pic x(1). 
   02      Sale-Sec         Pic 9(2).
   02      Filler           Pic x(1).
   02      Time-Zone        Pic a(3).
   02      Filler           Pic x(1).
       02      Sale-Year        Pic x(4).
       02      Sale-Price       Pic 9(6).
       02      Latitude         Pic 99V9(6).
       02      Longitude        Pic 99V9(7).
       02      Filler           Pic x.

    FD      Output-File
            linage is 58 lines
            with footing at 56
            lines at top 5 
            lines at bottom 5.

    01      Output-Rec              Pic x(132).

FD      Error-File.
01      Error-rec          Pic x(132).

   Working-Storage Section.

    01 Report-Header.
            02 Filler               Pic x(48) value spaces.
            02 Filler               Pic x(43) value
            "California Area Real Estate Transactions - ".
            02 Current-Month        Pic 99.
            02 Filler               Pic x value "/".
            02 Current-Day          Pic 99.
            02 Filler               Pic x value "/".
            02 Current-Year         Pic 9999.
   01 Date-Header.
            02 Year-head            Pic 9999.
            02 Month-head           Pic 99.
            02 Day-head             Pic 99.

   01 Column-Headers.

           02  Filler          pic x(27) value "Address".
           02  Filler          pic x(1)  value spaces.
           02  Filler          pic x(16) value "City".
           02  Filler          pic x(6)  value "Zip".
           02  Filler          pic x(3)  value "St".
           02  Filler          pic x(6)  value "BD".
           02  Filler          pic x(3)  value "BT".
           02  Filler          pic x(4)  value "SFt".
           02  Filler          pic x(10) value "Prop Type".
           02  Filler          pic x(4)  value "Day".
           02  Filler          pic x(4)  value "Mth".
           02  Filler          pic x(3)  value "DD".
           02  Filler          pic x(3)  value "HR".
           02  Filler          pic x(3)  value "MN".
           02  Filler          pic x(3)  value "SC".
           02  Filler          pic x(4)  value "Zon".
           02  Filler          pic x(5)  value "Year".
           02  Filler          pic x(6)  value "Price".
           02  Filler          pic x(6)  value spaces.
           02  Filler          pic x(9)  value "Latitude".
           02  Filler          pic x(10) value "Longitude".
           02  Filler          pic x(7)  value "$/Sq Ft".
           02  Filler          pic x(1)  value spaces.
           02  Filler          pic x(9)  value "Est Value". 

    01 Info-Line.
           02   Street-Address-out     Pic x(27).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   City-out               Pic a(15).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Zip-Out                Pic 9(5).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   State-out              Pic a(2).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Bedrooms-out           Pic x(5).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(2) value spaces.
           02   Bathrooms-out          Pic 9(1).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Square-feet-out        Pic 9(4).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Property-Type-out      Pic x(8).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Sale-Day-week-out      Pic x(3).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Sale-Month-out         Pic x(3).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Sale-day-out           Pic 9(2).
           02   Filler                 Pic x    value spaces.
           02   Sale-hr-out            Pic 9(2).
           02   Filler                 Pic x value spaces.
           02   Sale-min-out           Pic 9(2).
           02   Filler                 Pic x value spaces.
           02   Sale-Sec-out           pic 9(2).
           02   Filler                 Pic x value spaces.
           02   Time-Zone-out          pic x(3).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Sale-Year-out          Pic x(4).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Sale-price-out         Pic $zzz,zz9.99.
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.

           02   Latitude-out           Pic 9(8).
           02   Filler                 Pic x    value spaces.
           02   Longitude-out          Pic 9(9).
           02   Filler                 Pic x(2)  value spaces.
           02   Price-Sq-Ft-Out        Pic $zz9.99.
           02   Filler                 Pic x(1) value spaces.
           02   Estimate-Value-Out     Pic $zzz,zz9.99.

    01 WSMisc-fields. 
           02 WS-Price-Sq-Ft           Pic 9(6)V99.
           02 ws-Estimate-value        Pic 9(6)V99.

           02 Total-Bedrooms       Pic 9(5) value zeros.
           02 Total-Bathrooms      Pic 9(5) value zeros.
           02 Total-Square-Feet    Pic 9(7) value zeros.
           02 Total-Sale-Price     Pic 9(9) value zeros.

           02 Total-Records        Pic 9(5) value zeros.

           02 Avg-Bedrooms         Pic 9(5)V99.
           02 Avg-Bathrooms        Pic 9(5)v99.
           02 Avg-Square-Feet      Pic 9(6)V99.
           02 Avg-Sale-Price       Pic 9(6)V99.

           02 Row-Index            Pic 9(2).
           02 Bedroom-Index        Pic 9.
           02 Sale-Price-Temp      Pic 9(8)v99 value zeros.

   01 Error-out-line.
           02 Filler               Pic x(15) value
                      "Record Number: ".
           02 Error-rec-number     Pic z,zz9.
           02 Filler               Pic x(2)  value spaces.
           02 Error-message        Pic x(30) value spaces.
           02 Filler               Pic xx value spaces.

   01 WS-Error-line                Pic x(114) value spaces.

   01 Averages.
           02 Filler               Pic x(9) value "Averages:".
           02 Filler               Pic x(45) value spaces.
           02 Bedroom-Average      Pic zzz.
           02 Filler               Pic x(2) value spaces.
           02 Bathroom-Average     Pic zzz.
           02 Filler               Pic x(2) value spaces.
           02 SqFt-Average         Pic z,zzz,zz.
           02 Filler               Pic x(5) value spaces.
           02 Sale-Price-Average   Pic $$,$$$,$$9.99.

   01 End-Report.
           02 Filler               Pic x(60) value spaces.
           02 Filler               Pic x(13) value
                           "End of Report".
           02 Filler               Pic x(59) value spaces.

   01 Number-of-files-line.
           02 Filler               Pic x(29) value
                 "Number of records processed:".
           02 Rec-count            Pic 9(4) value 0.
           02 Filler               Pic x(99) value spaces.

   01 eof-flag                        Pic xxx value "No".
   01 Invalid-flag                    Pic xxx value "No".
   01 eop-flag                        Pic x value "N".
   01 eof-city-flag                   Pic x value "N".
   01 match-flag                      Pic x value "N".            

   01 blank-line                  Pic x(132) value spaces.

   01 Page-Footer.
            02 Filler             Pic x(80) value spaces.
            02  Filler                 Pic x value "-".
            02  Page-Num               Pic 9 value 1.
            02  Filler                 Pic x value "-".

   01 Bedrooms-Heading.
            02  Filller      Pic x(18) value "Number of Bedrooms".
            02  Filler       Pic x(6)  value spaces.
            02  Filler       Pic x(22) value
                                     "Accumulated Sale Price".

   01 WS-Num-Bedroom.
            02  Filler   Pic x(5) value "Zero".
            02  Filler   Pic x(5) value "One".
            02  Filelr   Pic x(5) value "Two".
            02  Filler   Pic x(5) value "Three".
            02  Filler   pic x(5) value "Four".
            02  Filler   Pic x(5) value "Five".
            02  Filler   Pic x(5) value "Six".

   01       Ws-Num-Bedroom-Table redefines Ws-Num-Bedroom.
            02 Table-Num-Bedrooms occurs 7 times      Pic x(5).

   01       Ws-Sale-Price-Table occurs 6 times.
            02 Table-bedroom-price     Pic 9(9)v99 value zeroes.

   01       Total-Sale-Bedroom.
            02 Filler                  Pic x(7)  value spaces.
            02 Num-bedrooms            Pic 9(1).
            02 Filler                  Pic x(18) value spaces.
            02 Tot-Sale-Price          Pic $zzz,zzz,zz9.99.

   01       City-Index                Pic 99 value 1. 

   01       City-Rate-Table  occurs 22  times
                   ascending key is city-name
                   indexed by City-Table-Index.
            02 City-Name               Pic a(15).
            02 Multi-Rate              pic v9(3).

   01       Bath-Header.
            02 Filler                  Pic x(13) value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x(5)  value "Baths".
            02 Filler                  Pic x(15) value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x     value "1".
            02 Filler                  Pic x(18) value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x     Value "2".
            02 Filler                  Pic x(18) value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x     Value "3".
            02 Filler                  Pic x(18) Value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x     Value "4".
            02 Filler                  Pic x(18) Value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x     Value "5".

   01       Bedroom-Header.
            02 Filelr                  Pic x(4) value spaces.
            02 Filler                  Pic x(6) value "Bedrms".

   01       Bed-Row     occurs 6 times.
            02 Bath-Col occurs 5 times.
               03 Bed-Bath-Accum      Pic 9(8)v99 value zeroes.

    01      Bed-Bath-Row occurs 6 times.
           02 Filler                   Pic x(15) value spaces.
           02 Bed-Num-Out              Pic zz9.
           02 Filler                   Pic x(8) value spaces.
           02 Bed-Bath-Sale-Out  occurs 5 times.
              03 Bed-Bath-Sale         Pic zzz,zzz,zz9.99.
              03 Filler                Pic x(5) value spaces.
   01      Column-Counter              Pic 99 value 0.

   Procedure Division.

  *Main logic of the program.

            Perform 1000-Init.
            Perform 2000-Main-Loop until Eof-Flag = "Yes".
            Perform 3000-Calculate-Average.
            Perform 4000-Finish.

            Perform 5000-Write-Bedroom-Heading.

  * Prints 1-dimensional table accumulated price
  * per bedroom
            Perform 6000-Print-Tot-Price-Bed
                    varying row-index from 1 by 1
                    until row-index  > 6.
            Perform 8000-Write-Ftr-Space-Line-Num.

            Perform 6500-Write-Bed-Bath-Headings.
            Perform 7000-Print-Bed-Bath-Sales-Tot
                    varying row-index from 1 by 1
                    until row-index > 6.

            Perform 8000-Write-Footer.
            Perform 9000-Close-Files.

            Stop Run.


            Open Input Input-File
                 Input City-File
                 output Output-File
                 output Error-File.

                 Perform 1500-Load-City-Rate until
                                  Eof-City-Flag = "Y".
                 Close City-File.

                  Move Ws-Num-Bedroom to Ws-Num-Bedroom-Table.

                  Move Function Current-Date to Date-header.
                  Move Year-head  to Current-year.
                  Move Month-head to Current-month.
                  Move Day-head   to Current-day.

               Write Output-Rec from Report-Header
                                  after advancing 2 lines.

                  Write Output-Rec from Column-Headers
                                  after advancing 2 lines.
                  Write output-Rec from blank-line.

                  Read Input-File at end move "Yes" to Eof-Flag.


            Read City-File at end move "Y" to Eof-City-Flag.

            If Eof-City-Flag = "N"
               Move City-Table to City-Name(City-Index)
               Move Rate-Table to Multi-Rate(City-Index)
               Add 1 to City-Index.


             Add 1 to Rec-count.
             Perform 2100-Validate-Record.

            If Invalid-Flag = "N"
               Perform 2200-Write-Good-Record
               Perform 2300-Write-Error-Record.

            Read Input-File at end move "Yes" to Eof-Flag.


            If Valid-State             and
               Valid-Property          and
               Bedrooms    is Numeric  and
               Bathrooms   is Numeric  and
               Square-feet is Numeric  and
               Sale-Price  is Numeric
               Move "N" to Invalid-Flag
               Move "Y" to Invalid-Flag.


             Move   Street-Address to Street-Address-out.
             Move   City           to City-out.
             Move   State          to State-out.
             Move   Zip            to Zip-out.

             Move 1 to City-Index.
             Move "Y" to Match-Flag.
             Search all City-Rate-Table
                   at end
                       Move "N" to Match-Flag
                    When City-Name(City-Table-Index) = City
                        Compute  Sale-Price-Temp = Sale-Price *

             If bedrooms > 0 and Bathrooms > 0 and
                Match-Flag = "Y"
                Add Sale-Price-Temp to
             If bedrooms > 0
                Add Sale-Price-temp to Table-Bedroom-Price(bedrooms).

             Compute bedroom-index = Bedrooms + 1.
             Move   Table-Num-Bedrooms(bedroom-index) to

             Move   Bathrooms      to Bathrooms-out.
             Move   Square-feet    to Square-feet-out.
             Move   Property-Type  to Property-Type-out.
             Move   Sale-Day-week  to Sale-Day-week-out.
             Move   Sale-Month     to Sale-Month-out.
             Move   Sale-day       to Sale-day-out.
             Move   Sale-hr        to Sale-hr-out.
             Move   Sale-min       to Sale-min-out.
             Move   Sale-sec       to Sale-sec-out.
             Move   Sale-Year      to Sale-Year-out.
             Move   Sale-price-Temp  to Sale-price-out.

             Perform 2050-Calculation.

            Write Output-Rec from Info-Line at eop
                        perform 2040-Write-Page-Footer.
            Add 1  to Rec-Count.


            Write Output-Rec from Page-Footer
                           after advancing 2 lines.
            Add 1 to Page-Num.

            Write Output-Rec from Report-Header
                          after advancing page.

            Write Output-Rec from Column-Headers
                             after advancing 2 lines.
            Write Output-Rec from Blank-Line.


             If Square-feet > 0
                Compute WS-Price-Sq-Ft =
                                  Sale-price-temp / Square-feet
                Move 0  to WS-Price-Sq-Ft.
             Move WS-Price-Sq-Ft to Price-Sq-Ft-out.

             If City = "SACRAMENTO" or "RIO LINDA"
                Compute WS-Estimate-Value = Sale-price-temp * 1.18
               Compute WS-Estimate-Value = Sale-price-temp * 1.13.
             Move WS-Estimate-Value to Estimate-Value-out.

             If Square-feet > 0
                Add Bedrooms         to Total-Bedrooms
                Add Bathrooms        to Total-Bathrooms
                Add Square-feet      to Total-Square-Feet
                Add Sale-Price-temp  to Total-Sale-Price
                Add 1                to Total-Records.


           Move  Input-Rec  to WS-Error-Line.
           Write Error-Rec  from WS-Error-Line.
           Move Rec-count   to   Error-rec-number.

           If not Valid-State
              Move "State is invalid"  to error-message
              Write error-rec from Error-out-line.

           If not Valid-Property
              Move "Propery Type is invalid"  to error-message
              Write error-rec from Error-out-line.

           If Bedrooms is not numeric
              Move "Bedrooms is not numeric"  to error-message
              Write error-rec from Error-out-line.
           If Bathrooms is not numeric
              Move "Bathrooms is not numeric"  to error-message
              Write error-rec from Error-out-line.

           If Square-Feet is not numeric
              Move "Square feet is not numeric"  to error-message
              Write error-rec from Error-out-line.

           If Sale-Price is not numeric
              Move "Sale Price is not numeric"  to error-message
              Write error-rec from Error-out-line.

           Write error-rec from blank-Line.


           Compute Avg-Bedrooms    =
                    Total-Bedrooms    / Total-Records.
           Compute Avg-Bathrooms   =
                    Total-Bathrooms   / Total-Records.
           Compute Avg-Square-Feet =
                    Total-Square-Feet / Total-Records.
           Compute Avg-Sale-Price  =
                    Total-Sale-Price  / Total-Records.

            Move Avg-Bedrooms    to  Bedroom-Average.
            Move Avg-Bathrooms   to  Bathroom-Average.
            Move Avg-Square-Feet to  SqFt-Average.
            Move Avg-Sale-Price  to  Sale-Price-Average.


            Move Table-Bedroom-Price(row-index) to
            move row-index  to Num-Bedrooms.
            Write  Output-Rec from Total-Sale-Bedroom.


            Write Output-Rec from Averages
                      after advancing 2 lines.

            Write Output-Rec from Number-of-files-line
                      after advancing 2 lines.
            Perform 5500-Write-Blank-Lines until Eop-Flag = "Y".


            Write Output-Rec from blank-Line
                    at  eop Write Output-Rec from Page-Footer
                    Move "Y" to Eop-Flag.


            Add 1 to Page-Num.
          Write Output-Rec from Bedrooms-Heading
                               after advancing page.

            Write Output-Rec from blank-Line.


            Add 1 to Page-Num.
            Write Output-Rec from Bath-Header
                               after advancing page.
            Write Output-Rec from Bedroom-Header.
            Write Output-Rec from blank-Line.


            Move Row-Index to Bed-Num-Out(Row-Index).
            Perform 7500-Print-Line varying
                   Column-Counter from 1 by 1
                   Until Column-Counter > 5.
            Write Output-Rec from Bed-Bath-Row(Row-Index).

            Move Bed-Bath-Accum(Row-Index,Column-Counter) to

            Move "N" to Eop-Flag.
            Perform 5500-Write-Blank-Lines until Eop-Flag = "Y".


            Write Output-Rec from blank-line.
            Write Output-Rec from End-Report.

            Perform 8000-Write-Ftr-Space-Line-Num.

            Close Output-File Input-File Error-File.
(2) 在将数字内容移动到多费率(城市索引)

(3) 验证
的值是否为您正在运行Micro Focus COBOL的某些变体。您遇到了一个运行时错误,该错误表示“要么源数据(某处)被破坏,要么我所做的某件事被破坏,而非数字数据在数字字段中是一个”








           02   Zip-Out                Pic 9(5).


            Read City-File at end move "Y" to Eof-City-Flag.

            If Eof-City-Flag = "N"
               Move City-Table to City-Name(City-Index)
               Move Rate-Table to Multi-Rate(City-Index)
               Add 1 to City-Index.




       Read City-File 
         at end 
           move "Y"                 to Eof-City-Flag

       If Eof-City-Flag = "N"
           Move City-Table          to City-Name 
                                        ( City-Index )
           Move Rate-Table          to Multi-Rate 
                                        ( City-Index )
           Add 1                    to City-Index
   program-id. err-163.
   data division.
   working-storage section.
   1 163-data pic 9(5).
   procedure division.
       add 1 to 163-data
       stop run