Common lisp 如何使用示例函数?

Common lisp 如何使用示例函数?,common-lisp,Common Lisp,这个程序是由Peter Norvig,1992,Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,Inc.编写的。如果我编译并加载到调试窗口中,我将如何使用它 ; This function returns a random element of the list choices (defun random-elt (choices) "Choose an element from a list at random." ;; elt returns the (n + 1)th ele

这个程序是由Peter Norvig,1992,Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,Inc.编写的。如果我编译并加载到调试窗口中,我将如何使用它

; This function returns a random element of the list choices
(defun random-elt (choices)
    "Choose an element from a list at random."
;; elt returns the (n + 1)th element of the list choices 
;; random returns a random integer no large than the number of
;;   elements in the list choices
    (elt choices (random (length choices))))

; This function returns a random element of the given set and returns 
; it in a list
(defun one-of (set)
     "Pick one element of set, and make a list of it."
     (list (random-elt set)))

; Define a sentence as a noun-phrase + verb phrase
(defun sentence ()  (append (noun-phrase) (verb-phrase)))

; Define a noun phrase as an article + noun
(defun noun-phrase () (append (Article) (Noun)))

; Define a verb phrase as a verb + a noun phrase
(defun verb-phrase () (append (Verb) (noun-phrase)))

; This function returns a randomly selected article
(defun Article () (one-of '(the a)))

; This function returns a randomly selected noun
(defun Noun () (one-of '(man ball woman table)))

; This function returns a randomly selected verb
(defun Verb () (one-of '(hit took saw liked)))


(sentence) ;==> (THE WOMAN TOOK A TABLE)


(sentence) ;==> (THE WOMAN TOOK A TABLE)

通常我会使用SLIME/Emacs、Clozure CL、LispWorks、Allegro CL等工具编辑文件。。。或者任何其他有编辑器可以与公共Lisp对话的东西

如果将代码放入缓冲区,则编译缓冲区。在SLIME/Emacs中,使用control-c control-k或meta-x SLIME编译和加载文件。这将编译整个文件,并将编译后的代码加载到运行的公共Lisp中



通常我会使用SLIME/Emacs、Clozure CL、LispWorks、Allegro CL等工具编辑文件。。。或者任何其他有编辑器可以与公共Lisp对话的东西

如果将代码放入缓冲区,则编译缓冲区。在SLIME/Emacs中,使用control-c control-k或meta-x SLIME编译和加载文件。这将编译整个文件,并将编译后的代码加载到运行的公共Lisp中


