Compare sshcode和VS-Code远程开发扩展之间的区别是什么

Compare sshcode和VS-Code远程开发扩展之间的区别是什么,compare,vscode-remote,Compare,Vscode Remote,我真的很喜欢这个概念,我可以用我的笔记本电脑写代码,但所有的硬东西都会在服务器上运行 所以我做了一些研究,发现了两种解决方案: 编码技术公司推出的sshcode() VS代码远程开发扩展() 在我的短时间内,我想有两种解决方案是相同的 但是如果您有了更深的理解,请给我一些比较,这样我就可以正确地决定在哪种情况下我应该使用sshcode,在其他情况下我应该使用VS-Code远程开发扩展 非常感谢 问题 1. I have VS Code installed in my local machine



  • 编码技术公司推出的sshcode()

  • VS代码远程开发扩展()

  • 在我的短时间内,我想有两种解决方案是相同的




     1. I have VS Code installed in my local machine.
     2. I have a remote machine where I have some docker container running.
     3. I am able to remote ssh into this machine from VS.
     4. I am able to using Remote Development to use VS Code to run and build code locally.
    Can I use the feature in a way such that I can directly get inside container in the remote instance and start developing my code in there using VS Code feature like when I reopen the folder in container instead of opening it on local machine, it needs to open in the container that is running inside the instance.

     1. I have VS Code installed in my local machine.
     2. I have a remote machine where I have some docker container running.
     3. I am able to remote ssh into this machine from VS.
     4. I am able to using Remote Development to use VS Code to run and build code locally.
    Can I use the feature in a way such that I can directly get inside container in the remote instance and start developing my code in there using VS Code feature like when I reopen the folder in container instead of opening it on local machine, it needs to open in the container that is running inside the instance.



    第一个是Microsoft VS Code远程开发扩展,它将本地VS代码连接到在开发服务器上运行的VS代码的远程实例。(在其短暂的生命周期中,sshcode也做到了这一点。)

