
奇怪的错误:C++中的非赋值,c++,C++,这是我的程序,它可以找到矩形的面积、周长以及矩形是否为正方形。它通过使用两个坐标和建模结构来实现这一切。我对C++是相当新的,并且我在这行上得到了一个不熟悉的错误:IFABSEY-A2.Y= ABSA2.x-x{错误:这是:赋值中的非Load。 #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> /* Name: Rectangle Author: ------ Date: 27/10/14 04

这是我的程序,它可以找到矩形的面积、周长以及矩形是否为正方形。它通过使用两个坐标和建模结构来实现这一切。我对C++是相当新的,并且我在这行上得到了一个不熟悉的错误:IFABSEY-A2.Y= ABSA2.x-x{错误:这是:赋值中的非Load。
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

Name: Rectangle
Author: ------
Date: 27/10/14 04:31
Description: A program that finds the area, perimeter, and if a rectangle is square

using namespace std;

class Point
    int x, y;


    Point ()
        x = 0;
        y = 0;

    //A four parameter constructor

    Point (int a, int b)
        x = a ;
        y = b ;

    //Setter function

    void setX (int a)
        x = a ;

    void setY (int b)
        y = b ;

    //Accessor functions

    int getX ()
        return x ;

    int getY ()
        return y ;

    //Function to print points

    void printPoint ()
        cout << endl << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl ;

    //Function to enter new points

    Point newPoint ()
        Point aPoint;
        int a;
        int b;
        cout << "Enter first x coordinate: " ;
        cin >> a ;
        cout << "Enter first y coordinate: " ;
        cin >> b ;
        return aPoint;

    //Function to find area

    int areaA (Point a2)
        int height = y - a2.y ;
        int length = a2.x - x ;
        int area = abs((length * height)) ;
        return area ;

    //Function to find perimeter

    int perimeterA (Point a2)
        int height1 = y - a2.y ;
        int length1 = a2.x - x ;
        int perimeter1 = abs(((length1 + height1) * 2)) ;
        return perimeter1 ;

    //Function to determine shape

    int isSquare (Point a2)
        int square;
        if ( abs(y - a2.y) = abs(a2.x - x) )     //****ERROR ON THIS LINE****
            cout << "It is square" ;

            cout << "It is not square" ;
        return square;

Point newPoint();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    cout << "Enter top left coordinate first and bottom right coordinate second" ;
    cout << endl << endl ;
    Point firstPoint;
    Point secondPoint;
    int areaR;
    int perimeter;
    firstPoint = firstPoint.newPoint();
    secondPoint = secondPoint.newPoint();
    cout << endl ;
    cout << "First point: " ;
    cout << "Second point: " ;
    cout << endl ;

    areaR = firstPoint.areaA(secondPoint);
    cout << "Area: " << areaR << endl ;
    perimeter = firstPoint.perimeterA(secondPoint);
    cout << "Perimeter: " << perimeter << endl;

    cout << endl ;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

我在这个错误中没有看到任何奇怪的东西。这条线确实试图把一些东西分配给非LValk,就像错误消息一样。在C++中,等式比较操作符被拼写为A==。 还不清楚为什么在包含C库标题时混合了两种不同的样式:和。如果决定包含,则包含更有意义。请记住,通过标题可用的标准库函数应视为std命名空间的成员。中不推荐使用include.h版本的heqaders现代C++

if(abs(y-a2.y) = abs(a2.x - x) )

