复杂模型和显示数据 我刚刚开始学习C++和QT框架,我已经有问题了。问题是如何创建和显示数据,这些数据不仅是字符串,而且是对象,我可以访问和显示哪些属性。例如,我有一个员工列表,我想显示一个如下所示的列表: --------------------- John Smith Salary: 50,230 --------------------- Max Mustermann Salary: 67,000 ---------------------

复杂模型和显示数据 我刚刚开始学习C++和QT框架,我已经有问题了。问题是如何创建和显示数据,这些数据不仅是字符串,而且是对象,我可以访问和显示哪些属性。例如,我有一个员工列表,我想显示一个如下所示的列表: --------------------- John Smith Salary: 50,230 --------------------- Max Mustermann Salary: 67,000 ---------------------,c++,qt,C++,Qt,目标是列表中的每个项目都可以单击,并打开一个包含详细信息的新窗口。另外,重要的一点是,我可以对属性进行不同的样式设置。Qt为我们提供了模型和视图框架,它非常灵活。 您可以通过“模型”保存数据,通过“视图”显示“模型”的数据 并确定如何通过“委派”播放数据 C++代码有点冗长,所以我用QML从文档中表达了概念 import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.1 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 Rectangle {


Qt为我们提供了模型和视图框架,它非常灵活。 您可以通过“模型”保存数据,通过“视图”显示“模型”的数据 并确定如何通过“委派”播放数据

<> C++代码有点冗长,所以我用QML从文档中表达了概念

    import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0

Rectangle {
    width: 640; height: 480

    //the new window
        id: newWindow
        width: 480; height:240      

        property string name: ""
        property string salaryOne: ""
        property string salaryTwo: ""

            anchors.fill: parent

                id: theText
                width:width; height: contentHeight
                text: newWindow.name + "\nSalaryOne : " + newWindow.salaryOne + "\nSalaryTwo : " + newWindow.salaryTwo

            Button {
                id: closeWindowButton
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                width: 98
                tooltip:"Press me, to close this window again"
                onClicked: newWindow.visible = false

    ListModel {
        id: salaryModel
        ListElement {
            name: "John Smith"
            SalaryOne: 50
            SalaryTwo: 230
        ListElement {
            name: "Max Mustermann"
            SalaryOne: 67
            SalaryTwo: 0

    //this is the delegate, determine the way you want to show the data
    Component {
        id: salaryDelegate
        Item {
            width: 180; height: 40
            Column {
                Text { text: name }
                Text { text: "Salary : " + SalaryOne + ", " + SalaryTwo }

                anchors.fill: parent

                //set the value of the window and make it visible
                onClicked: {
                    newWindow.name = model.name
                    newWindow.salaryOne = model.SalaryOne
                    newWindow.salaryTwo = model.SalaryTwo
                    newWindow.visible = true                    

                    view.currentIndex = index                          

    ListView {
        id: view
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: salaryModel
        delegate: salaryDelegate
<> P>可以将窗口或ListVIEW划分为不同的QML文件,结合C++、QML和JavaScript的功能。像qml这样的声明性语言在处理UI方面非常好


#include <memory>

#include <QApplication>
#include <QListView>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QStandardItemModel>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);   

    QStandardItemModel model(2, 1);
    model.appendRow(new QStandardItem(QString("John Smith\nSalary: %1, %2\n").arg(50).arg(230)));
    model.appendRow(new QStandardItem(QString("Max Mustermann\nSalary: %1, ").arg(67) + QString("000\n")));

    QSplitter splitter;

    QListView *list = new QListView(&splitter);



    return a.exec();

//the type of model_selected is QItemSelectionModel*
model_selected = list->selectionModel();

connect(model_selected, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
            this, SLOT(selection_changed(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));

void imageWindow::selection_changed(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)
    //do what you want