C++ 无法将均匀分布转换为int

C++ 无法将均匀分布转换为int,c++,c++11,random,visual-studio-2013,mersenne-twister,C++,C++11,Random,Visual Studio 2013,Mersenne Twister,我正在尝试制作使用mersenne twister的随机电平发生器。下面是代码,它才刚刚开始,所以没有多大意义: 发电机h: 我花了很多时间在网上搜索答案,但什么也找不到。请帮助。我认为您的主要问题是将类成员声明为函数。我对您的代码做了一些建议更改,并做了简要说明: class GameMap { public: // are these really meant to be static (one for all GameMap's) // or do you want on

我正在尝试制作使用mersenne twister的随机电平发生器。下面是代码,它才刚刚开始,所以没有多大意义:



class GameMap

    // are these really meant to be static (one for all GameMap's)
    // or do you want one set of map data for every GameMap object (non static)? 
    /*static*/ int bgmap[256][256];
    /*static*/ int fg1map[256][256];
    /*static*/ int fg2map[256][256];
    /*static*/ int genposx, genposy, width, height;

    // static std::mt19937 twister(int); // function declaration?
    std::mt19937 twister;

    // probably you don't want static function declarations
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist1; //(int, int);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist2; //(int, int);
    static std::random_device rd;
    void Generate(int sizex, int sizey, int seed);


: dist1(1, 8)
, dist2(1, 248) // initialize these here

void GameMap::Generate(int sizex, int sizey, int seed = rd())
    twister.seed(seed); // probably you meant this?

    genposx = 1;
    genposy = 1;

        genposx = dist2(twister);
        genposy = dist2(twister);
        width = dist1(twister);
        height = dist1(twister);

    } while (whatever);

//#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <random>
#include "Generator.h"

    dist1(1, 8);
    dist2(1, 248);

void GameMap::Generate(int sizex, int sizey, int seed = rd())

    genposx = 1;
    genposy = 1;

        genposx = dist2(twister);
        genposy = dist2(twister);
        width = dist1(twister);
        height = dist1(twister);

    } while (whatever);
no suitable conversion from unifgorm_int_distribution<int>" to "int" exists

argument of type "std::mt19937 (*)(int)" is incompatible with parameter of type "int"

too few arguments in function call
genposx = dist2(twister);
genposy = dist2(twister);
width = dist1(twister);
height = dist1(twister);
class GameMap

    // are these really meant to be static (one for all GameMap's)
    // or do you want one set of map data for every GameMap object (non static)? 
    /*static*/ int bgmap[256][256];
    /*static*/ int fg1map[256][256];
    /*static*/ int fg2map[256][256];
    /*static*/ int genposx, genposy, width, height;

    // static std::mt19937 twister(int); // function declaration?
    std::mt19937 twister;

    // probably you don't want static function declarations
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist1; //(int, int);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist2; //(int, int);
    static std::random_device rd;
    void Generate(int sizex, int sizey, int seed);


: dist1(1, 8)
, dist2(1, 248) // initialize these here

void GameMap::Generate(int sizex, int sizey, int seed = rd())
    twister.seed(seed); // probably you meant this?

    genposx = 1;
    genposy = 1;

        genposx = dist2(twister);
        genposy = dist2(twister);
        width = dist1(twister);
        height = dist1(twister);

    } while (whatever);