
对对象数组C++的故障排序,c++,arrays,sorting,object,C++,Arrays,Sorting,Object,我试图按对象属性中的1个对对象数组进行排序,3个字符串,1个int,1个float。我需要按整数从高到低排序,然后按字符串按字母顺序排序。我无法理解如何仅访问对象的一部分 这是我所有的代码,我已经包含了一些用于排序的示例代码 #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include "video.h" int main() { const int MAX = 100; Video *video[MAX]; //up to 100



using namespace std;

#include "video.h"

int main() {

  const int MAX = 100;
  Video *video[MAX];  //up to 100 videos

  for(int l = 0; l < MAX; l++)
      video[l] = NULL;
      // cout << video[l] << endl;  //testing if all are equal to 0

  string title;
  string url;
  string desc;
  string sorting;
  float length;
  int rate;

 // cout << "What sorting method would you like to use?" << endl;
  getline(cin, sorting);
  //cout << "Enter the title, the URL, a comment, the length, and a rating for each video" << endl;

  int t = 0;

  while(getline(cin, title))
      getline(cin, url);
      getline(cin, desc);
      cin >> length;
      cin >> rate;
      video[t] = new Video(title, url, desc, length, rate);

for(int s = 0; s < t; s++){

for(int e = 0; e < t; e++)
delete video[e];


if(sorting == "length") {
int q = 0;
bool Video::longer(Video *video)
{ return m_length > other->m_length; }}

else if(sorting == "rating") {


else if(sorting == "title") {
for(int r = 0; r < MAX; r++) {


cerr << sorting << " is not a legal sorting method, giving up" << endl;
return 1; }

//this sorts the videos by length
for(int last = num_videos -1; last > 0; last--) {
for(int cur = 0; cur < last, cur++) {
if(videos[cur]->loner(videos[cur+1])) {
swap(videos[cure], videos[cur+1]); }}}



class Example
  std::string thing1;
  std::string thing2;
  std::string thing3;
  int         int1;
  float       f1;
bool comparison(const Example& a, const Example& b)
  // Compare by their integers.
  if (a.int1 < b.int1)
     return true;
  if (a.int1 > b.int1)
     return false;
  // We can assume the integers are equal.
  // Now to compare by strings.
  if (a.thing1 != b.thing1)
     return a.thing1 < b.thing1;
  // The first strings are equal at this point.
  // Compare the second versus the second.
  // Which is left as an exercise for the reader.
  return false;
std::vector<Example> many_examples;
std::sort(many_examples.begin(), many_examples.end(), comparison);