如何使用win32 c+在Windows Mobile 6.5中隐藏菜单+;? 如何在Windows Mobile 6.5中用Win32 C++隐藏菜单栏(即启动按钮),我是指全屏显示? 找不到正确的答案。。。长时间的谷歌搜索,到目前为止还没有成功。

如何使用win32 c+在Windows Mobile 6.5中隐藏菜单+;? 如何在Windows Mobile 6.5中用Win32 C++隐藏菜单栏(即启动按钮),我是指全屏显示? 找不到正确的答案。。。长时间的谷歌搜索,到目前为止还没有成功。,c++,winapi,windows-mobile,C++,Winapi,Windows Mobile,要使weh 6.5 3上的窗口真正全屏,您必须将窗口的菜单设置为NULL并调整窗口大小 #ifdef USEMENUBAR nclog(L"iLock5: InitInstance: USEMENUBAR...\r\n"); if(UseMenuBar==1){ // When the main window is created using CW_USEDEFAULT the height of the menubar (if one

要使weh 6.5 3上的窗口真正全屏,您必须将窗口的菜单设置为NULL并调整窗口大小

    nclog(L"iLock5: InitInstance: USEMENUBAR...\r\n");
            // When the main window is created using CW_USEDEFAULT the height of the menubar (if one
            // is created is not taken into account). So we resize the window after creating it
            // if a menubar is present
            if (g_hWndMenuBar)
                    nclog(L"iLock5: InitInstance: Moving window because of UseMenuBar\r\n");
                    RECT rc;
                    RECT rcMenuBar;

                    GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rc);
                    GetWindowRect(g_hWndMenuBar, &rcMenuBar);
                    rc.bottom -= (rcMenuBar.bottom - rcMenuBar.top);

                    MoveWindow(hWnd, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top, FALSE);
    nclog(L"iLock5: InitInstance: USEMENUBAR undefined...\r\n");
            nclog(L"iLock5: InitInstance: Moving window without MenuBar\r\n");
            //move window to upper left logical corner
            MoveWindow(hWnd, 0, 0, theRect.right, theRect.bottom, FALSE);
这是我的iLock kiosk模式启动工具的一部分。第条