简化我的程序,将数字从一个基转换为另一个基 我正在攻读初级C++课程。我接到一个任务,要求我编写一个程序,将任意数从二进制和十六进制之间的任意基数转换为二进制和十六进制之间的另一个基数。我被要求使用不同的函数来转换base 10和base 10。这是为了帮助我们习惯使用数组。(我们以前在课堂上已经讨论过通过引用传递。)我已经上交了,但我很确定这不是我应该做的: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base); char* from_dec(int value, int ending_base); int main() { char value[30]; int starting_base; int ending_base; cout << "This program converts from one base to another, so long as the bases are" << endl << "between 2 and 16." << endl << endl; input_numbers: cout << "Enter the number, then starting base, then ending base:" << endl; cin >> value >> starting_base >> ending_base; if (starting_base < 2 || starting_base > 16 || ending_base < 2 || ending_base > 16) { cout << "Invalid base(s). "; goto input_numbers; } for (int i=0; value[i]; i++) value[i] = toupper(value[i]); cout << "Base " << ending_base << ": " << from_dec(to_dec(value, starting_base), ending_base) << endl << "Press any key to exit."; getch(); return 0; } int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base) { char hex[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; long int return_value = 0; unsigned short int digit = 0; for (short int pos = strlen(value)-1; pos > -1; pos--) { for (int i=0; i<starting_base; i++) { if (hex[i] == value[pos]) { return_value+=i*pow((float)starting_base, digit++); break; } } } return return_value; } char* from_dec(int value, int ending_base) { char hex[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; char *return_value = (char *)malloc(30); unsigned short int digit = (int)ceil(log10((double)(value+1))/log10((double)ending_base)); return_value[digit] = 0; for (; value != 0; value/=ending_base) return_value[--digit] = hex[value%ending_base]; return return_value; } #包括 #包括 #包括 #包括 使用std::cout; 使用std::cin; 使用std::endl; int到_dec(字符值[],int起始_基); 字符*from_dec(int值,int结尾_基); int main(){ 字符值[30]; int-U基地; int END_基地; cout 16 | | end|u base16){ cout

简化我的程序,将数字从一个基转换为另一个基 我正在攻读初级C++课程。我接到一个任务,要求我编写一个程序,将任意数从二进制和十六进制之间的任意基数转换为二进制和十六进制之间的另一个基数。我被要求使用不同的函数来转换base 10和base 10。这是为了帮助我们习惯使用数组。(我们以前在课堂上已经讨论过通过引用传递。)我已经上交了,但我很确定这不是我应该做的: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base); char* from_dec(int value, int ending_base); int main() { char value[30]; int starting_base; int ending_base; cout << "This program converts from one base to another, so long as the bases are" << endl << "between 2 and 16." << endl << endl; input_numbers: cout << "Enter the number, then starting base, then ending base:" << endl; cin >> value >> starting_base >> ending_base; if (starting_base < 2 || starting_base > 16 || ending_base < 2 || ending_base > 16) { cout << "Invalid base(s). "; goto input_numbers; } for (int i=0; value[i]; i++) value[i] = toupper(value[i]); cout << "Base " << ending_base << ": " << from_dec(to_dec(value, starting_base), ending_base) << endl << "Press any key to exit."; getch(); return 0; } int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base) { char hex[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; long int return_value = 0; unsigned short int digit = 0; for (short int pos = strlen(value)-1; pos > -1; pos--) { for (int i=0; i<starting_base; i++) { if (hex[i] == value[pos]) { return_value+=i*pow((float)starting_base, digit++); break; } } } return return_value; } char* from_dec(int value, int ending_base) { char hex[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; char *return_value = (char *)malloc(30); unsigned short int digit = (int)ceil(log10((double)(value+1))/log10((double)ending_base)); return_value[digit] = 0; for (; value != 0; value/=ending_base) return_value[--digit] = hex[value%ending_base]; return return_value; } #包括 #包括 #包括 #包括 使用std::cout; 使用std::cin; 使用std::endl; int到_dec(字符值[],int起始_基); 字符*from_dec(int值,int结尾_基); int main(){ 字符值[30]; int-U基地; int END_基地; cout 16 | | end|u base16){ cout,c++,C++,我认为你不需要内环: for (int i=0; i<starting_base; i++) { 数学: 回路的预期工作状态: x = 0 x = 4x + 3 = 3 x = 4x + 0 = 12 x = 4x + 1 = 49 x = 4x + 2 = 198 return x; 编辑2: 很公平!那么,这里还有一些:-) 这是一个代码草图。虽然没有编译或测试。这是我之前提供的示例的直接翻译 unsigned to_dec( char * inputS


for (int i=0; i<starting_base; i++) {


  x = 0
  x = 4x + 3 = 3
  x = 4x + 0 = 12
  x = 4x + 1 = 49
  x = 4x + 2 = 198

  return x;




to_dec( char * inputString, unsigned base )
  unsigned rv = 0; // return value
  unsigned c;      // character converted to integer

  for( char * p = inputString; *p; ++p ) // p iterates through the string
    c = *p - hex[0];
    rv = base * rv + c;

  return rv;



char const* hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";



bool base_is_invalid = true;
while ( base_is_invalid ) {

    cout << "Enter the number, then starting base, then ending base:" << endl;
    cin >> value >> starting_base >> ending_base;

    if (starting_base < 2 || starting_base > 16 || ending_base < 2 || ending_base > 16)
        cout << "Invalid number. ";
        base_is_invalid = false;

bool base\u为无效=真;
cout value>>起始基数>>结束基数;
如果(起始|基数<2 | |起始|基数>16 | |结束|基数<2 | |结束|基数>16)

int to_dec(char* value, int starting_base)
    int return_value = 0;
    for (char* cur = value + strlen(value) - 1; cur >= value; cur--) {
        // assuming chars are ascii/utf: 0-9=48-57, A-F=65-70
        // faster than loop
        int inval = *cur - 48;
        if (inval > 9) {
            inval = *cur - 55;
            if (inval > 15) {
                // throw input error
        if (inval < 0) {
            // throw input error
        if (inval >= starting_base) {
            // throw input error
        // now the simple calc
        return_value *= starting_base;
        return_value += inval;
    return return_value;
int to_dec(字符*值,int起始值)
int inval=*cur-48;





同样,我认为大多数使用现代语言的程序员都遵循这样的规则:“只有在其他解决方案真的有缺陷或工作量过大的情况下才使用goto”。这是一种可以通过使用循环很容易解决的情况,如主持人所示。在您的程序中,goto很容易处理,但您不会永远编写这样的小程序,是吗?;) 一、 例如,最近出现了一些遗留代码..2000行goto杂乱无章的代码,耶!试图遵循代码的逻辑流几乎是不可能的(“哦,跳200行,太好了…反正谁需要上下文”),更难的是重写这该死的东西




 int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base) 
      char asc2BaseTab = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,10,11,12,13,14,15, //0-9 and A-F (big caps)
                         -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  //unused ascii chars
                          10,11,12,13,14,15};  //a-f (small caps)

      srcIdx = strlen(value);
      int number=0;
      while((--srcIdx) >= 0)
           number *= starting_base;          
           char asciiDigit = value[srcIdx];
           if(asciiDigit<'0' || asciiDigit>'f') 
                //display input error
           char digit = asc2BaseTab[asciiDigit - '0'];
           if(digit == -1)
                 //display input error
           number += digit;
      return number;
char asc2BaseTab={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1,-1,-1,-1,10,11,12,13,14,15,//0-9和A-F(大写)
char asciiDigit=值[srcIdx];
bool base_is_invalid = true;
while ( base_is_invalid ) {

    cout << "Enter the number, then starting base, then ending base:" << endl;
    cin >> value >> starting_base >> ending_base;

    if (starting_base < 2 || starting_base > 16 || ending_base < 2 || ending_base > 16)
        cout << "Invalid number. ";
        base_is_invalid = false;

int to_dec(char* value, int starting_base)
    int return_value = 0;
    for (char* cur = value + strlen(value) - 1; cur >= value; cur--) {
        // assuming chars are ascii/utf: 0-9=48-57, A-F=65-70
        // faster than loop
        int inval = *cur - 48;
        if (inval > 9) {
            inval = *cur - 55;
            if (inval > 15) {
                // throw input error
        if (inval < 0) {
            // throw input error
        if (inval >= starting_base) {
            // throw input error
        // now the simple calc
        return_value *= starting_base;
        return_value += inval;
    return return_value;
 int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base) 
      char asc2BaseTab = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,10,11,12,13,14,15, //0-9 and A-F (big caps)
                         -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,  //unused ascii chars
                          10,11,12,13,14,15};  //a-f (small caps)

      srcIdx = strlen(value);
      int number=0;
      while((--srcIdx) >= 0)
           number *= starting_base;          
           char asciiDigit = value[srcIdx];
           if(asciiDigit<'0' || asciiDigit>'f') 
                //display input error
           char digit = asc2BaseTab[asciiDigit - '0'];
           if(digit == -1)
                 //display input error
           number += digit;
      return number;
int to_dec(char value[], int starting_base)
int to_dec(string value, int starting_base);
string from_dec(int value, int ending_base);
string hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";//The index of the letter is its decimal value. A is 10, F is 15.
char c = 'B';
int value = hex.find( c );//works only with uppercase;
int to_dec(string value, int starting_base) {
  string hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
  int result = 0;
  for (int power = 0; power < value.size(); ++power) {
    result += hex.find( value.at(value.size()-power-1) ) * pow((float)starting_base, power);
  return result;
std::string from_dec(int n, int base)
    std::string result;
    bool is_negative = n < 0;

    if (is_negative)
       n = - n;

    while (n != 0)
        result = DIGITS[n % base] + result;
        n /= base;

    if (is_negative)
        result = '-' + result;

    return result;
// Write a function ConvertBase(Number, Base1, Base2) which takes a 
// string or array representing an integer in Base1 and converts it
// into base Base2, returning the new string.
CString ConvertBase(const CString& strNumber, int base1, int base2)
   return ValueToBaseString(BaseStringToValue(strNumber, base1), base2);
UINT64 BaseStringToValue(const CString& strNumber, int base)
    if (strNumber.IsEmpty())
        return 0;

    CString outDigit = strNumber.Right(1);
    UINT64 output = DigitToInt(outDigit[0]);
    CString strRemaining = strNumber.Left(strNumber.GetLength() - 1);
    UINT64 val = BaseStringToValue(strRemaining, base);
    output += val * base;
    return output;
int DigitToInt(wchar_t cDigit)
    cDigit = toupper(cDigit);
    if (cDigit >= '0' && cDigit <= '9')
        return cDigit - '0';
    return cDigit - 'A' + 10;
typedef struct 
    CString number;
    int base1;
    int base2;
    CString answer;
} Input;

Input input[] =
    { "345678", 10, 16, "5464E"},
    { "FAE211", 16, 8, "76561021" },
    { "FAE211", 16, 2, "111110101110001000010001"},
    { "110110111", 2, 10, "439" } 


for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(input) / sizeof(input[0]) ; i++)
    CString result = ConvertBase(input[i].number, input[i].base1, input[i].base2);
    printf("%S in base %d is %S in base %d (%S expected - %s)\n", (const WCHAR*)input[i].number, 
                                               (const WCHAR*) result, 
                                               (const WCHAR*) input[i].answer,
                                               result == input[i].answer ? "CORRECT" : "WRONG");
345678 in base 10 is 5464E in base 16 (5464E expected - CORRECT)
FAE211 in base 16 is 76561021 in base 8 (76561021 expected - CORRECT)
FAE211 in base 16 is 111110101110001000010001 in base 2 (111110101110001000010001 expected - CORRECT)
110110111 in base 2 is 439 in base 10 (439 expected - CORRECT)