C++ Eisenberg-McGuire算法在C语言中的实现

C++ Eisenberg-McGuire算法在C语言中的实现,c++,segmentation-fault,C++,Segmentation Fault,我试图理解Eisenberg-McGuire算法,我发现了这个实现它的程序,但是当我运行这个程序时,我发现了一个分割错误 Segmentation fault: 11 这是节目单 /* Eisenberg-McGuire algorithm: a software approach to N-process mutual exclusion. For description of Eisenberg-McGuire algorithm, see page 261 of "C


Segmentation fault: 11

/* Eisenberg-McGuire algorithm: a software approach to N-process
   mutual exclusion.

   For description of Eisenberg-McGuire algorithm, see page 261 of
   "Concurrent Systems - Operating Systems, Database and Distributed
   Systems: An Inegrated Approach / Jean Bacon -- 2nd Edition".

   Copyrigh (c) 2001 Xiao Zhang */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

/* Eisenberg-McGuire's algorithm for N-process mutual exclusion       */

class eis_mcg_mutex_t {


    int n;
    enum procphase { out_cr, want_cr, claim_cr } *procphase;
    int turn;


    /* Initialize the mutex data shared by N processes */

    eis_mcg_mutex_t(int nproc) 
        n = nproc;
        procphase = new enum procphase [n];
        turn = (int) (1.0 * n * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
            procphase[i] = out_cr;

  /* Entry protocol for process i */

    void mutex_lock(int i) {
        procphase[i] = want_cr;
        int j = turn;
            while (j != i) 
                if (procphase[j] == out_cr) 
                    j = (j + 1) % n;
                    j = turn;
            procphase[i] = claim_cr;
            j = (j + 1) % n;

            while (procphase[j] != claim_cr) 
                j = (j + 1) % n;

        } while (!(j == i && (turn == i || procphase[turn] == out_cr)));
        turn = i;

  /* Exit protocol for process i */

    void mutex_unlock(int i) 
        int j = (turn + 1) % n;
        while (procphase[j] == out_cr) 
            j = (j + 1) % n;
        turn = j;
        procphase[i] = out_cr;


/* To test the Eisenberg-McGuire's algorithm, we write a simple       */
/* program that creates N threads (processes) and then has each       */
/* thread increment a global variable `counter' NLOOP times. The      */
/* final value of `counter' is expected to be N * NLOOP.              */

#define N 4           /* number of threads */
#define NLOOP 1000    /* number of times each thread loops */

int counter;      /* this is cremented by the threads */
eis_mcg_mutex_t counter_in_use(N);

void *doit(void *arg)
  int i, val;
  int tid = *(int *)arg;

  /* Each thread fetches, prints and increments the counter NLOOP times.
     The value of the counter should increase monotonically. */

  for (i = 0; i < NLOOP; i++) {

    /* Replace pthread_mutex_lock() with Eisenberg-McGuire's
       enter-critical-section procedure. */

    /* Here is critical section */
    val = counter;
    counter = val + 1;
    cout << tid << ": " << counter << endl;

    /* Replace pthread_mutex_unlock() with Eisenberg-McGuire's
       leave-critical-section procedure. */


  return NULL;

int main()
  pthread_t tid[N];
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, doit, (void *)i);
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);

  return 0;
Eisenberg-McGuire算法:N进程的软件方法 相互排斥。 有关Eisenberg-McGuire算法的说明,请参见第261页,共页 并发系统-操作系统、数据库和分布式系统 系统:一种不整合的方法/Jean Bacon——第二版”。 版权(c)2001小张*/ #包括 #包括 #包括 使用名称空间std; /**********************************************************************/ /*N进程互斥的Eisenberg-McGuire算法*/ /**********************************************************************/ 类eis_mcg_mutex_t{ 私人: int n; 枚举procphase{out_cr,want_cr,claim_cr}*procphase; 内翻; 公众: /*初始化由N个进程共享的互斥数据*/ eis_mcg_mutex_t(int nproc) { n=nproc; procphase=新枚举procphase[n]; srand(时间(0)); 回合=(整数)(1.0*n*rand()/(rand_MAX+1.0)); 对于(int i=0;i
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, doit, (void *)i);
(i=0;i 应该是

for (i = 0; i < N; i++) pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, doit, (void *)&i);
(i=0;i 找不到地址的amperson接线员



for (i = 0; i < N; i++) pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, doit, (void *)i);


int tid=(int)arg;
。每个线程都以这种方式保证其自身的值。但如果我执行该错误,则会出现以下错误:从指针转换到较小类型“int”会丢失信息int tid=(int)我修正了这个错误,程序现在运行得很好。请看更新。谢谢。莱弗勒,德米特里。<代码>类< /C> >不是C中的关键字;你必须写C++。