C++ c++;从大小为n的空矩阵创建填充数独网格

C++ c++;从大小为n的空矩阵创建填充数独网格,c++,matrix,C++,Matrix,我正试图编写一个程序,创建一个大小为N的矩阵,并将数字放入其中,这样就不会有数字使用回溯在同一列/行中重复 1) Put value in cell. If it's a repeat, try a different value. 2) If no such value exists, backtrack 1 cell, and change the value. //recursive 然而,最高的数字有时会重复几次。例如: 3 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 2


1) Put value in cell. If it's a repeat, try a different value.
2) If no such value exists, backtrack 1 cell, and change the value.  //recursive

3 1 2     3 1 2 4 5          2 4 1 3 6 5
1 3 3     2 3 1 5 4          4 3 2 5 1 6
2 3 1     1 2 5 3 5 <        1 5 3 2 4 6
          4 5 3 1 2          5 1 6 4 2 3
          5 4 5 2 1 <        6 2 4 1 3 6 <
              ^              3 6 5 6 6 4 <

int **grid;                                //2d dynamic array of size 'size'
bool checkRepeat(size,**grid,row,column);  //checks if a number in a column/row is a repeat
int backtrack = 0;
int holder = 0;                            //when backtracking, this holds the number that should be changed

bool checkRepeat(int x, int** grid, int row, int col){
    for (int i = 0; i < x; i++){
        if (grid[row][col] == grid[row][i] && col != i){
            return true;
    for (int j = 0; j < x; j++){
        if (grid[row][col] == grid[j][col] && row != j){
            return true;
    return false;

int main(){
for (int row = 0; row < size; row++){
        for (int col = 0; col < size; col++){

            if (backtrack == 0){
                    grid[row][col] = rand() % size + 1;

            if (backtrack == 1){       //If backtracking, go back one cell.
                grid[row][col] = 0;        //(Since the above for loops went one
                if (col == 0){           //cell forward, go 2 cells back)
                    col = size - 2;
                } else if (col == 1){
                    col = size - 1;
                } else {
                holder = grid[row][col];   //put the current number into holder to avoid it
                backtrack = 0;


    /*the following checks if the number in the current cell is
      a repeat and makes sure the number isn't the same as
      before (holder).  Then it checks all possible numbers (1 to size)
      and puts one that matches the rules. If one is not found,
      program backtracks 1 cell*/

            if (checkRepeat(size,grid,row,col) && grid[row][col] > 0){  
                for (int x = 1; x < size+1 && (checkRepeat(x,grid,row,col) || holder == grid[row][col]); x++){

                grid[row][col] = x;

            if (grid[row][col] == checkRepeat(size,grid,row,col) || grid[row][col] == holder){
                backtrack = 1;        //if no valid number was found in the above
                grid[row][col] = 0;
            holder = 0;
bool checkRepeat(大小,**网格、行、列)//检查列/行中的数字是否重复
int holder=0//回溯时,它保留应更改的编号
对于(int i=0;i0){
对于(int x=1;x


#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using std::vector;

// helper for std::accumulate
bool logical_and(bool x, bool y) {
  return x & y;

class Grid {
  typedef int ElementType;
  typedef vector< vector<ElementType> > GridElements;

  Grid(const int linesize) :

    // resizes to linesize_ rows & columns, with initial values == 0
    gridElements_.resize(linesize_, vector<ElementType>(linesize_, 0));

  // use like this: cout << grid.to_s();
  std::string to_s() const {
    std::stringstream ss;
    for (int row = 0; row < gridElements_.size(); row++) {
      for (int col = 0; col < gridElements_[row].size(); col++) {
    ss << gridElements_[row][col] << " ";
      ss << std::endl;

    ss << std::endl;

    return ss.str();

  // return true if there are no repeated numbers within filled elements in
  // rows/columns, false otherwise
  bool isValid() const {
    // you would also need to write and call a checkSquare method if you're doing a sudoku puzzle
    for (int i = 0; i < linesize_; i++) {
      if (!isRowValid(i) || !isColValid(i)) {
    return false;

    return true;

  // the recursive function that actually puts values in the grid elements
  // max recursion depth (I think) is linesize_^2
  bool fill(int row, int col) {
    // stopping conditions
    if (!isValid()) {
      return false;
    if ((row == linesize_) || (col == linesize_)) {
      return true;

    int nextCol = (col + 1) % linesize_;
    int nextRow = row;
    if (nextCol < col) {

    // keep a record of what numbers have been tried in this element
    vector<bool> attemptedNumbers(linesize_ + 1, false);
    attemptedNumbers[0] = true;

    // We will continue choosing values for gridElements_[row][col]
    // as long as we haven't tried all the valid numbers, and as long as
    // the rest of the grid is not valid with this choice
    int value = 0;
    bool triedAllNumbers = false;
    bool restOfGridValid = false;
    while (!triedAllNumbers && !restOfGridValid) {
      while (attemptedNumbers[value]) {
        value = rand() % linesize_ + 1;
      attemptedNumbers[value] = true;
      gridElements_[row][col] = value;

      // uncomment this for debugging/intermediate grids
      //std::cout << to_s();

      // triedAllNumbers == true if all the numbers in [1, linesize_] have been tried
      triedAllNumbers = std::accumulate(attemptedNumbers.begin(), attemptedNumbers.end(), true, logical_and);
      restOfGridValid = fill(nextRow, nextCol);
    if (triedAllNumbers && !restOfGridValid) {
      // couldn't find a valid number for this location
      gridElements_[row][col] = 0;

    return restOfGridValid;

  // checks that a number is used only once in the row
  // assumes that values in gridElements_ are in [1, linesize_]
  // return false when the row contains repeated values, true otherwise
  bool isRowValid(int row) const {
    vector<bool> numPresent (linesize_ + 1, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < linesize_; i++) {
      int element = gridElements_[row][i];

      if (element != 0) {
    if (numPresent[element]) {
      return false;
    else {
      numPresent[element] = true;
      // don't do anything if element == 0

    return true;

  // checks that a number is used only once in the column
  // assumes that values in gridElements_ are in [1, linesize_]
  // return false when the column contains repeated values, true otherwise
  bool isColValid(int col) const {
    vector<bool> numPresent (linesize_ + 1, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < linesize_; i++) {
      int element = gridElements_[i][col];

      if (element != 0) {
    if (numPresent[element]) {
      return false;
    else {
      numPresent[element] = true;
      else {
    // if element == 0, there isn't anything left to check, so just leave the loop

    return true;

  // the size of each row/column
  int linesize_;

  // the 2d array
  GridElements gridElements_;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // 6x6 grid
  Grid grid(6);

  // pretty sure this is mathematically guaranteed to always return true, assuming the algorithm is implemented correctly ;)
  grid.fill(0, 0);

  std::cout << grid.to_s();
typedef int元素类型;

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using std::vector;

// helper for std::accumulate
bool logical_and(bool x, bool y) {
  return x & y;

class Grid {
  typedef int ElementType;
  typedef vector< vector<ElementType> > GridElements;

  Grid(const int linesize) :

    // resizes to linesize_ rows & columns, with initial values == 0
    gridElements_.resize(linesize_, vector<ElementType>(linesize_, 0));

  // use like this: cout << grid.to_s();
  std::string to_s() const {
    std::stringstream ss;
    for (int row = 0; row < gridElements_.size(); row++) {
      for (int col = 0; col < gridElements_[row].size(); col++) {
    ss << gridElements_[row][col] << " ";
      ss << std::endl;

    ss << std::endl;

    return ss.str();

  // return true if there are no repeated numbers within filled elements in
  // rows/columns, false otherwise
  bool isValid() const {
    // you would also need to write and call a checkSquare method if you're doing a sudoku puzzle
    for (int i = 0; i < linesize_; i++) {
      if (!isRowValid(i) || !isColValid(i)) {
    return false;

    return true;

  // the recursive function that actually puts values in the grid elements
  // max recursion depth (I think) is linesize_^2
  bool fill(int row, int col) {
    // stopping conditions
    if (!isValid()) {
      return false;
    if ((row == linesize_) || (col == linesize_)) {
      return true;

    int nextCol = (col + 1) % linesize_;
    int nextRow = row;
    if (nextCol < col) {

    // keep a record of what numbers have been tried in this element
    vector<bool> attemptedNumbers(linesize_ + 1, false);
    attemptedNumbers[0] = true;

    // We will continue choosing values for gridElements_[row][col]
    // as long as we haven't tried all the valid numbers, and as long as
    // the rest of the grid is not valid with this choice
    int value = 0;
    bool triedAllNumbers = false;
    bool restOfGridValid = false;
    while (!triedAllNumbers && !restOfGridValid) {
      while (attemptedNumbers[value]) {
        value = rand() % linesize_ + 1;
      attemptedNumbers[value] = true;
      gridElements_[row][col] = value;

      // uncomment this for debugging/intermediate grids
      //std::cout << to_s();

      // triedAllNumbers == true if all the numbers in [1, linesize_] have been tried
      triedAllNumbers = std::accumulate(attemptedNumbers.begin(), attemptedNumbers.end(), true, logical_and);
      restOfGridValid = fill(nextRow, nextCol);
    if (triedAllNumbers && !restOfGridValid) {
      // couldn't find a valid number for this location
      gridElements_[row][col] = 0;

    return restOfGridValid;

  // checks that a number is used only once in the row
  // assumes that values in gridElements_ are in [1, linesize_]
  // return false when the row contains repeated values, true otherwise
  bool isRowValid(int row) const {
    vector<bool> numPresent (linesize_ + 1, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < linesize_; i++) {
      int element = gridElements_[row][i];

      if (element != 0) {
    if (numPresent[element]) {
      return false;
    else {
      numPresent[element] = true;
      // don't do anything if element == 0

    return true;

  // checks that a number is used only once in the column
  // assumes that values in gridElements_ are in [1, linesize_]
  // return false when the column contains repeated values, true otherwise
  bool isColValid(int col) const {
    vector<bool> numPresent (linesize_ + 1, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < linesize_; i++) {
      int element = gridElements_[i][col];

      if (element != 0) {
    if (numPresent[element]) {
      return false;
    else {
      numPresent[element] = true;
      else {
    // if element == 0, there isn't anything left to check, so just leave the loop

    return true;

  // the size of each row/column
  int linesize_;

  // the 2d array
  GridElements gridElements_;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // 6x6 grid
  Grid grid(6);

  // pretty sure this is mathematically guaranteed to always return true, assuming the algorithm is implemented correctly ;)
  grid.fill(0, 0);

  std::cout << grid.to_s();