C++ 获取错误:";错误:‘;的类型冲突;呼叫"摄氏&"x2019 ;&引用;及;注:先前的隐含声明‘;呼叫"摄氏&"x2019 ;;“在这里”;

C++ 获取错误:";错误:‘;的类型冲突;呼叫"摄氏&"x2019 ;&引用;及;注:先前的隐含声明‘;呼叫"摄氏&"x2019 ;;“在这里”;,c++,c,opengl,C++,C,Opengl,我无法在gcc中编译此代码。我试着把call_Celsiu改为计算,也试着把它从大写改为小写。我不确定这是因为我没有声明一个我认为不正确的变量,还是因为我调用的函数错误 /* Homework 1 Question 2 */ /* Purpose: Takes a depth (in kilometers) inside the earth */ /* as input data; Computes and displays the temperature at */ /* depth in


/* Homework 1 Question 2 */

/* Purpose: Takes a depth (in kilometers) inside the earth */
/* as input data; Computes and displays the temperature at */
/* depth in degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit.        */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)

/* Declare Variables */

double depth;
double Celsius;
double Fahrenheit;

/* Obtain Data */

printf("Please enter depth(in kilometers) inside the Earth:  ");

/* Calculate */

Celsius = call_celsius(depth);
Fahrenheit = call_fahrenheit(Fahrenheit);

/* Output */

printf("The temperature at %lf kilometers is %lf degrees Celsius and %lf degrees       Fahrenheit",depth, Celsius, Fahrenheit);

return 0;

double call_celsius(double depth)
return((10 * depth) + 20);

double call_fahrenheit(double Celsius)

return((1.8 * Celsius) + 32);


double call_celsius(double depth);
double call_fahrenheit(double Celsius);
int main(void) {

double call_celsius(double depth);
double call_fahrenheit(double Celsius);
int main(void) {