C++ x11不匹配错误X_CreateWindow序列号7

C++ x11不匹配错误X_CreateWindow序列号7,c++,linux,x11,xlib,C++,Linux,X11,Xlib,我正在编写一个带有事件输出的基本X应用程序。我在运行程序时遇到错误匹配。据我所知,代码是正确的,但我不知道为什么我会收到错误,也没有太多关于这方面的文档。这是我的createWindow函数: void appevent::createWindow() { XPixmapFormatValues *pixmapFormats; int count; const int bitsPerByte {8}; dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);


void appevent::createWindow() {

    XPixmapFormatValues *pixmapFormats;
    int count;
    const int bitsPerByte {8};

    dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);

    pixmapFormats = XListPixmapFormats(dpy, &count);

    for (int i {} ; i < count ; i++) {

        if(pixmapFormats[i].depth > depth) {

            depth = pixmapFormats[i].depth;
            bytespp = pixmapFormats[i].bits_per_pixel / bitsPerByte;
            scanlinePad = pixmapFormats[i].scanline_pad;


    std::cout << "Max depth of display: " << depth << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Bytes per pixel: " << bytespp << std::endl;

    vis = DefaultVisual(dpy, 0);

    switch(vis->c_class) {

        case PseudoColor: std::cout << "Vis is pseudocolor" << std::endl; break;
        case StaticColor: std::cout << "Vis is StaticColor" << std::endl; break;
        case GrayScale  : std::cout << "Vis is GrayScale"   << std::endl; break;
        case StaticGray : std::cout << "Vis is StaticGray"  << std::endl; break;
        case DirectColor: std::cout << "Vis is DirectColor" << std::endl; break;
        case TrueColor  : std::cout << "Vis is TrueColor"   << std::endl; break;

    w = XCreateWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 100, 100,
              screenWidth, screenHeight,
              depth, CopyFromParent, vis,
              0, NULL);

    XStoreName(dpy, w, "Hello");
    XMapWindow(dpy, w);

    screen = new char[screenWidth * screenHeight * bytespp];

    if(ImageByteOrder(dpy) == LSBFirst) std::cout << "LSB first" << std::endl;
    else std::cout << "MSB first" << std::endl;

    ximg = XCreateImage(dpy, vis, depth,
                screenWidth, screenHeight,

    XSetForeground(dpy, DefaultGC(dpy, 0), -0);
    XSetBackground(dpy, DefaultGC(dpy, 0), 0);

Max depth of display: 32
Bytes per pixel: 4
Vis is TrueColor
LSB first
X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  Major opcode of failed request:  1 (X_CreateWindow)
  Serial number of failed request:  7
  Current serial number in output stream:  10