C++ 如何处理长时间的溢出

C++ 如何处理长时间的溢出,c++,C++,我正在使用一个API,它在long类型的变量中提供一些数据。此变量的值正在增加并将滚动多次,不幸的是,无法修改API。我试图使用类似于下面所包含的测试工具的代码来检测和补偿溢出,最终我将把数据转换为无符号long,然后转换为double: void DetectRolloverOneNumber(long val) { static unsigned __int64 prevVal = 0; //store value in an unsigned long unsigned long newV


void DetectRolloverOneNumber(long val)
static unsigned __int64 prevVal = 0;
//store value in an unsigned long
unsigned long newVal = val;

//we will eventually store in a long long
unsigned __int64 uiBigVal = newVal;

//max value for a 32 bit long
unsigned __int64 maxInt = 0xFFFFFFFF;
bool rollover = false;

//we will be adding max long + 1

//detect the rollover
unsigned __int64 modVal = prevVal% maxInt;

if (newVal < modVal)
    //account for the rollover
    uiBigVal += maxInt;
    rollover = true;

cout<< val << "\t" << newVal << "\t" << modVal << "\t" <<
        uiBigVal << "\t" << prevVal << "\t" << rollover << "\n";

//cache the value so we can check for rollover next time
prevVal = uiBigVal;


   -2483649        4292483647      4291483647      4292483647      4291483647
   -1483649        4293483647      4292483647      4293483647      4292483647
   -483649         4294483647      4293483647      4294483647      4293483647      
   516351          516351          4294483647      4295483647      4294483647   (rollover detected here and we are still good)
   1516351         1516351         516351          1516351         4295483647      
   2516351         2516351         1516351         2516351         1516351 //oops!!!
   3516351         3516351         2516351         3516351         2516351 

只是好奇,但在你的系统上长的有多大?我猜是64位,但你的问题暗示它们是32位。此外,为什么考虑铸造双?双打没有你想象的那么大。大部分来自我使用过的系统。如果是有符号类型,则其他位用于指数和符号(我相信)。既然你使用C++,我会使用Boosi::UnTuts64来存储大数。p> 谢谢你的回答。在我的系统中,long是32位的,不幸的是,我不能使用boost,因为我在一个非常封闭的框架中工作


   //the rest of the code is the same as above
   if ((newVal < modVal && prevVal > 0))
    //rollover has occurred, increment our rollover counter
    rolloverCount ++;

  //account for the rollover
  uiBigVal =newVal + (maxInt * rolloverCount);


\uu int64
   -2483649        4292483647      4291483647      4292483647      4291483647
   -1483649        4293483647      4292483647      4293483647      4292483647
   -483649         4294483647      4293483647      4294483647      4293483647      
   516351          516351          4294483647      4295483647      4294483647   (rollover detected here and we are still good)
   1516351         1516351         516351          1516351         4295483647      
   2516351         2516351         1516351         2516351         1516351 //oops!!!
   3516351         3516351         2516351         3516351         2516351 
   //the rest of the code is the same as above
   if ((newVal < modVal && prevVal > 0))
    //rollover has occurred, increment our rollover counter
    rolloverCount ++;

  //account for the rollover
  uiBigVal =newVal + (maxInt * rolloverCount);