c++;多核应用的堆栈效率 我试图在C++中编写multicode Markov Chain代码,而我试图利用许多CPU(最多24个)来运行每个不同的链,在选择一个正确的容器来收集每个CPU上的数值评估时,我遇到了一个问题。我试图测量的基本上是布尔变量数组的平均值。我尝试过在“std::vector”对象周围编写一个包装器,如下所示: struct densityStack { vector<int> density; //will store the sum of boolean varaibles int card; //will store the amount of elements we summed over for normalizing at the end densityStack(int size){ //constructor taking as only parameter the size of the array, usually size = 30 density = vector<int> (size, 0); card = 0; } void push_back(vector<int> & toBeAdded){ //method summing a new array (of measurements) to our stack for(auto valStack = density.begin(), newVal = toBeAdded.begin(); valStack != density.end(); ++valStack, ++ newVal) *valStack += *newVal; card++; } void savef(const char * fname){ //method outputting into a file ofstream out(fname); out.precision(10); out << card << "\n"; //saving the cardinal in first line for(auto val = density.begin(); val != density.end(); ++val) out << << (double) *val/card << "\n"; out.close(); } }; struct densityStack{ 向量密度;//将存储布尔变量之和 int card;//将存储我们求和的元素数量,以便在最后进行规范化 densityStack(int-size){//构造函数仅将数组的大小作为参数,通常大小为30 密度=矢量(大小,0); 卡片=0; } void push_back(vector&tobeaded){//方法将一个新数组(测量值)求和到堆栈中 对于(auto-valStack=density.begin(),newVal=tobeaded.begin();valStack!=density.end();++valStack,++newVal) *valStack+=*newVal; 卡++; } void savef(const char*fname){//输出到文件中的方法 流出流量(fname); 精度(10); out

c++;多核应用的堆栈效率 我试图在C++中编写multicode Markov Chain代码,而我试图利用许多CPU(最多24个)来运行每个不同的链,在选择一个正确的容器来收集每个CPU上的数值评估时,我遇到了一个问题。我试图测量的基本上是布尔变量数组的平均值。我尝试过在“std::vector”对象周围编写一个包装器,如下所示: struct densityStack { vector<int> density; //will store the sum of boolean varaibles int card; //will store the amount of elements we summed over for normalizing at the end densityStack(int size){ //constructor taking as only parameter the size of the array, usually size = 30 density = vector<int> (size, 0); card = 0; } void push_back(vector<int> & toBeAdded){ //method summing a new array (of measurements) to our stack for(auto valStack = density.begin(), newVal = toBeAdded.begin(); valStack != density.end(); ++valStack, ++ newVal) *valStack += *newVal; card++; } void savef(const char * fname){ //method outputting into a file ofstream out(fname); out.precision(10); out << card << "\n"; //saving the cardinal in first line for(auto val = density.begin(); val != density.end(); ++val) out << << (double) *val/card << "\n"; out.close(); } }; struct densityStack{ 向量密度;//将存储布尔变量之和 int card;//将存储我们求和的元素数量,以便在最后进行规范化 densityStack(int-size){//构造函数仅将数组的大小作为参数,通常大小为30 密度=矢量(大小,0); 卡片=0; } void push_back(vector&tobeaded){//方法将一个新数组(测量值)求和到堆栈中 对于(auto-valStack=density.begin(),newVal=tobeaded.begin();valStack!=density.end();++valStack,++newVal) *valStack+=*newVal; 卡++; } void savef(const char*fname){//输出到文件中的方法 流出流量(fname); 精度(10); out,c++,parallel-processing,openmp,markov-chains,C++,Parallel Processing,Openmp,Markov Chains,如何同步您的共享densityStack实例 从这里有限的信息来看,我的猜测是,每次CPU有一小块数据时,CPU都会被阻塞等待写入数据。如果这是问题所在,一种提高性能的简单技术就是减少写入次数。为每个CPU保留一个数据缓冲区,并减少写入densityStack的频率。如果代码工作正常,则is可能更适合于“每次CPU核心有数据时,它都会调用push_back”-互斥锁在哪里?忘记效率,从正确的代码开始。多核累积的正确方法是在每个线程中累积子线程,然后将它们组合起来。我继续删除了我的评论,因为这更多


