C++ 尝试打印LinkedList的节点时出现代码错误

C++ 尝试打印LinkedList的节点时出现代码错误,c++,printing,indexing,linked-list,C++,Printing,Indexing,Linked List,嘿,我基本上是想打印出相应的节点及其元素。但我收到一个错误:error 1 error C2440:“return”:无法从“DoublyLinkedListNode*”转换为“int&” 我尝试过一些事情,比如改变索引函数的返回类型,但到目前为止,我没有任何乐趣。 有人能帮我修一下吗 这是我的密码: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

error 1 error C2440:“return”:无法从“DoublyLinkedListNode*”转换为“int&”
我尝试过一些事情,比如改变索引函数的返回类型,但到目前为止,我没有任何乐趣。 有人能帮我修一下吗


//  Name:           Print.
//  Description:    Prints the elements from the list along with its index.
    void Print(DoublyLinkedList<int>& p_list)
    //Set up a new Iterator.
    DoublyLinkedListIterator<int> itr = getIterator();
    for(itr.Start(); itr.Valid(); itr.Forth())
        cout <<"Index: "<<itr.Index() << "Element: " << itr.Item() << "\n";
    cout << endl;

//  Class:  DoublyLinkedIterator.
template <class Datatype>
class DoublyLinkedListIterator
//  Member Vairables.
    DoublyLinkedListNode<Datatype>* m_node;
    DoublyLinkedList<Datatype>* m_list;
    DoublyLinkedListIterator(DoublyLinkedList<Datatype>* p_list= 0, DoublyLinkedListNode<Datatype>* p_node= 0)
        m_list= p_list;
        m_node= p_node;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:           Start
//  Description:    Resets the iterator to the beginning of the list.
//  Arguments:      None.
//  Return Value:   None.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
    void Start()
        if(m_list!= 0)
            m_node= m_list -> m_head;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:           End
//  Description:    Resets the iterator to the end of the list
//  Arguments:      None.
//  Return Value:   None.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    void End()
        if(m_list!= 0)
            m_node = m_list->m_tail;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:           Forth
//  Description:    Moves the iterator forward by one position
//  Arguments:      None.
//  Return Value:   None.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    void Forth()
        if(m_node!= 0)
            m_node= m_node->m_next;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:           Back
//  Description:    Moves the iterator backward by one position.
//  Arguments:      None.
//  Return Value:   None.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    void Back()
        if(m_node!= 0)
            m_node = m_node->m_prev;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:           Item
//  Description:    Gets the item that the iterator is pointing to.
//  Arguments:      None.
//  Return Value:   Reference to the data in the node.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Datatype& Item()
        return m_node->m_data;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Name:           Index
    //  Description:    Gets the index that the iterator is pointing to.
    //  Arguments:      None.
    //  Return Value:   Reference to the data in the node.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        Datatype& Index()
            return m_node;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//  Name:           Valid
//  Description:    Determines if the node is valid.
//  Arguments:      None.
//  Return Value:   true if valid
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    bool Valid()
        return (m_node!= 0);
DoublyLinkedListIterator itr=getIterator();

cout基本上,我试图使用m_节点作为索引,但我被告知这不是一种方法,并在print方法的for循环中增加一个变量。这是正确的 代码如下:

void Print(DoublyLinkedList<int>& p_list)
        int index = 0;
    //Set up a new Iterator.
    DoublyLinkedListIterator<int> itr = getIterator();
    for(itr.Start(); itr.Valid(); itr.Forth())
        cout <<"Index: "<< index << "Element: " << itr.Item() << "\n";
    cout <<"Number of Elements in the List: " << m_count << endl;

DoublyLinkedListIterator itr=getIterator();

cout IMHO,显示的代码不完整,很难发现错误。错误指的是哪一行代码?我不认为这在你的问题中。错误在哪一行?我甚至没有看到函数返回int&错误指的是打印函数中for循环中的cout行。@ArgumentNullException如果我使用index()没有错误。Index()是唯一有问题的东西:S