C++ 未声明队列指针和值

C++ 未声明队列指针和值,c++,compiler-errors,queue,undeclared-identifier,C++,Compiler Errors,Queue,Undeclared Identifier,我调试我的项目已经有一段时间了。我的所有文件实际上都已调试,但是我的Queue.h在连接它们时出现问题 我有一个Queue.h文件,它似乎没有处理我的大量值 我的当前\u队列指针和其他值(如初始\u速率拒绝声明)出现问题。我希望任何人都能解释他们为什么不工作 相信我,这张单子过去是原来的两倍长 更新:我修复了我的()等建议的问题。我很惊讶,除了我的当前队列和初始速率值之外,这些修正修正修正了一切。我的错误较低,但这几个值似乎讨厌我:( 错误: Queue.h:39: error: ISO C++







Queue.h:39: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ListNode’ with no type
Queue.h:39: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
Queue.h: In member function ‘void Queue<NODETYPE>::pop()’:
Queue.h:64: error: ‘current_queue’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h: In member function ‘void Queue<NODETYPE>::push(const NODETYPE&)’:
Queue.h:70: error: ‘current_queue’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h: In member function ‘void Queue<NODETYPE>::set_arrivalRate(double)’:
Queue.h:88: error: ‘initial_rate’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h: In member function ‘int Queue<NODETYPE>::isEmpty() const’:
Queue.h:95: error: ‘current_queue’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h: In member function ‘int Queue<NODETYPE>::getSize()’:
Queue.h:100: error: ‘current_queue’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h: In member function ‘void Queue<NODETYPE>::check_new_arrival(int, bool)’:
Queue.h:113: error: ‘initial_rate’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h:115: error: ‘current_queue’ was not declared in this scope
Queue.h:115: error: missing template arguments before ‘(’ token
Queue.h: In member function ‘int Queue<NODETYPE>::update(int, bool)’:
Queue.h:129: error: ‘current_queue’ was not declared in this scope
<代码>队列:h:39:错误:ISO C++禁止声明“没有任何类型的ListNoad” Queue.h:39:错误:在“removeFromHead()之前应为“;”; } 样板 无效队列::推送(常量节点类型和项){ 当前队列->插入日期(项目); } 样板 int Queue::get_servedTotal()常量{ 返回总数; } 样板 int Queue::get_totalWait()常量{ 返回总等待时间; } //设定到达时间 样板 无效队列::设置到达率(新到达率的两倍){ 初始利率=新利率; } 样板 int队列::isEmpty(){ //如果队列对象为空,则返回true 返回当前_队列->isEmpty(); }//端空法 样板 int队列::getSize(){ 返回当前_队列->getSize(); } 样板 字符串队列::get_Queue()常量{ 返回队列名称; } //见初始利率=新利率; 样板 无效队列::检查新到达(整数时钟,布尔显示全部){ if(模拟对象下一个双倍<初始速率){ 当前推送队列(乘客(时钟)); 如果(全部显示){




顺便说一句,当两个头相互包含时会出现这种错误,请检查这一点,最后检查名称空间(例如命名冲突或使用没有名称空间的std name类)


谢谢你指出这一点。我曾试图用这些行删除其他内容,但忘了删除它们。这纠正了我的大部分问题,但我的主要问题没有改变。你介意检查我上面的更新吗?谢谢托马斯!我自己解决了我的其他问题。谢谢我添加了Passenger.h文件,以便可能更容易理解它们是如何连接的。我添加了更新,留下了当前队列和初始速率值的主要问题。编译器似乎不知道NODETYPE是什么,因此您看到了一长串错误,因为您尝试在程序中多次引用它。您已经注释掉了这些行://NODETYPE&front();//const NODETYPE和front()const;我会再次尝试定义它。节点类型前面被注释掉了,因为它不需要。我试图尝试一些东西,但意识到我已经有了这样做的函数。我解决了我的问题。我将这个文件与一些函数分离成一个单独的passer_Queue.h文件,我的一个值有一个拼写错误。谢谢!我发布了一个我会更新我的文件,以便更好地解释我的问题。现在仍在尝试比较文件。标题的声明似乎不会相互重复。我一直被教导使用名称空间,因此不太熟悉在名称空间旁边使用std或不使用名称空间
#ifndef QUEUE_H
#define QUEUE_H
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include "Passenger.h"
#include "Random.h"
#include <iostream>

extern Random simulation_obj;

using namespace std;

template <typename NODETYPE>
class Queue {


int isEmpty() const;
int getSize();
void check_new_arrival(int, bool);
void set_arrivalRate(double new_rate);
int get_totalWait() const;
int get_servedTotal() const;
void push(const NODETYPE& item);
void pop();
int update(int, bool);
string get_queue() const;
//NODETYPE& front();
//const NODETYPE& front() const;


 ListNode<NODETYPE> *current_queue;
     int count_total;
     int total_wait;
     double initital_rate;
 string QueueName;

template <typename NODETYPE>
Queue<NODETYPE> :: Queue(string name) : count_total(0), total_wait(0),
 QueueName(name) {}

template <typename NODETYPE>
void Queue<NODETYPE> :: pop() {

current_queue -> removeFromHead();

template <typename NODETYPE>
void Queue<NODETYPE> :: push(const NODETYPE& item){

current_queue -> insertAtHead(item);


template <typename NODETYPE>
int Queue<NODETYPE> :: get_servedTotal() const{
    return count_total;

template <typename NODETYPE>
int Queue<NODETYPE> :: get_totalWait() const {
    return total_wait;

//set arrival
template <typename NODETYPE>
void Queue<NODETYPE> :: set_arrivalRate(double new_rate) {

      initial_rate = new_rate;


template <typename NODETYPE>
int Queue<NODETYPE> :: isEmpty(){
            // return true if the queue object is empty
    return current_queue -> isEmpty();
    }//end isEmpty method

template <typename NODETYPE>
int Queue<NODETYPE> :: getSize(){
            return current_queue -> getSize();


template <typename NODETYPE>
string Queue<NODETYPE> :: get_queue() const {
      return QueueName;

//See nitial_rate = new_rate;
template <typename NODETYPE>
void Queue<NODETYPE> :: check_new_arrival(int clock, bool display_all){

    if (simulation_obj.next_double < initial_rate) {


      if(display_all) {
            cout <<"Time is " << clock << ": " << QueueName
                    << " arrival, new queue size is "
                    << current_queue.getSize() <<endl;


template <typename NODETYPE>
int Queue<NODETYPE> :: update(int clock, bool display_all) {

    Passenger<NODETYPE> *next_customer = current_queue.pop();

    int time = next_customer.get_initialTime();
    int wait = clock - time;

    total_wait += wait;

    if(display_all) {

      cout <<"Time is " << clock << ": Serving " << QueueName
      << " with time stamp at " << time << endl;

    return clock + next_customer.get_processTime();

#include <iostream>
#include "Random.h"

//Use object from Checkout_Simulation.cpp
extern Random simulation_obj;
extern Random item_obj;

template <typename NODETYPE>
class Passenger {


int get_initalTime();
int get_processTime();
//  int get_id();
static void set_max_processTime(int max_processTime);

     //int id;
     int processTime;
     int initalTime;
     static int max_processTimeInterval;
     //sequence for passengers
     //static int id_number;


 //Get time Passenger arrived
template <typename NODETYPE>
int Passenger<NODETYPE> :: get_initalTime() {

  return initalTime;

 //Get process time of passenger
template <typename NODETYPE>
int Passenger<NODETYPE> :: get_processTime() {

  return processTime;


template <typename NODETYPE>
void Passenger<NODETYPE> :: set_max_processTime(int max_processTime) {

  max_processTimeInterval = max_processTime;


// Makes a new customer with their time that they arrived
template <typename NODETYPE>
Passenger<NODETYPE> :: Passenger(int inital){
    //initalTime is from Passenger.h
    initalTime = inital;

    //processTime is from Passenger.h
    processTime = 1 + simulation_obj.next_int(max_processTimeInterval);


//Max time to process passenger
template <typename NODETYPE>
int Passenger<NODETYPE> :: max_processTimeInterval;

#include "Queue.h"
#include "Random.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;
//Global random generator from Random.h
Random simulation_obj;
Random item_obj;

template <typename NODETYPE>
class Checkout_Simulation{


    int number;
    static int const SIZE = 100;
    int super_items[SIZE];
    int ex1_items[SIZE];
    int ex2_items[SIZE];
    int regular_items[SIZE];

Checkout_Simulation() : super_express("Super Express Counter 01"),
            express_line1("Express Line Counter 01"),
            express_line2("Express Line Counter 02"),
            regular_line("Regular Line Counter 01"), 
            clock_time(0), finish_time(0) {}

void run_sim();
void show_information();
void enter_information();


void start_checkout();
Passenger<NODETYPE> *super_express;
Passenger<NODETYPE> *express_line1;
Passenger<NODETYPE> *express_line2;
Passenger<NODETYPE> *regular_line;

int super_express_max;
int processTime_max;
int total_time;
bool display_all;
int clock_time;
int finish_time;

// number of super_express served since last regular customer
int super_express_since_regular;


template <typename NODETYPE>
void Checkout_Simulation<NODETYPE> :: run_sim() {

    for(clock_time = 0; clock_time <total_time; clock_time++){

    if (number < 15) {
      super_express.check_new_arrival(clock_time, display_all);
// number = the value
  super_express.number = number;
else if (number >15 && number <=20){

  express_line1.check_new_arrival(clock_time, display_all);
  express_line2.check_new_arrival(clock_time, display_all);
else {
  regular_line.check_new_arrival(clock_time, display_all);

if (clock_time >= finish_time){

    }//end for loop

template <typename NODETYPE>
void Checkout_Simulation<NODETYPE> :: start_checkout() {

    /* if express lines are both empty and regular, and super_express_since_regular less 
then super_expresses max hold, then update since_regular and super_express     */
    if( (!express_line1.empty() || !express_line2.empty())
            && ( (super_express_since_regular <= super_express_max) ||
            regular_line.empty() )){

            finish_time = super_express.update(clock_time, display_all);

    }//end if

//if the regular line isn't empty, super_express_since_regular = 0 and update regular
    else if (!regular_line.empty()){

            super_express_since_regular = 0;
            finish_time = regular_line.update(clock_time, display_all);

    }//end else if

// if regular_line is not empty and 
//else if (!regular_line.empty() && super_express

else if (display_all){

            cout << "Current time is " << clock_time <<": current counter is empty\n";

    //}// end else if


template <typename NODETYPE>
void Checkout_Simulation<NODETYPE> :: show_information(){

    cout << "\n The number of regular customers served was "
            << regular_line.get_servedTotal() << endl;
    double average_wait = double(regular_line.get_totalWait())/
    cout <<", with average waiting time of " << average_wait << endl;

    cout <<"The number of express customers served in Express Line 01 was "
            << express_line1.get_servedTotal() <<endl;
    average_wait = double(express_line1.get_totalWait())/
    cout <<", with average waiting time of " << average_wait <<endl;

    cout <<"The number of express customers served in Express Line 02 was "
            << express_line2.get_servedTotal() <<endl;
    average_wait = double(express_line2.get_totalWait())/
    cout <<", with average waiting time of " << average_wait <<endl;

    cout <<"The number of super express customers served was "
            << super_express.get_servedTotal() <<endl;
    average_wait = double(super_express.get_totalWait())/
    cout <<", with average waiting time of " << average_wait <<endl;

    cout <<"Overall waiting time till all customers are helped is: "<<endl;

    cout <<"Max length of super express line was: "<<endl;

    cout <<"Average free time of super express line was:" <<endl;


template <typename NODETYPE>
void Checkout_Simulation<NODETYPE> :: enter_information() {

    double input;
    int max_processTime;
    string response;

    cout <<"Expected number of super_express customers per hour: ";
    cin >> input;
    super_express.set_arrivalRate(input/ 60.0);
    cout <<"Expected number of express customers in Express Line 01 per hour: ";
    cin >> input;
    cout <<"Expected number of express customers in Express Line 02 per hour: ";
    cin >> input;
    cout <<"Expected number of regular customers per hour: ";
    cin >> input;

    cout <<"Enter maximum number of super express customers served between express and regular customers ";
    cin >> max_processTime;
    cout <<"Enter total time in minutes for simulation: ";
    cin >> total_time;
    cout <<"Display simulation at a minute interval (Y or N) ";
    cin >>response;

    display_all = toupper (response[0]) == 'Y';

#include <iostream>
#include "ListNode.h"

using namespace std;

template <typename NODETYPE>
class LinkedList {

       int getSize();
       bool isEmpty();
       void insertAtHead(NODETYPE & );
       void insertAtTail(NODETYPE & );

   //Change from bool to NODETYPE
       NODETYPE removeFromHead();
       NODETYPE removeFromTail();

       void printList();
       int size;
       ListNode<NODETYPE> *firstNode;
       ListNode<NODETYPE> *lastNode;
       ListNode<NODETYPE> *getNewNode(const NODETYPE &);

// Now you continue to implementation of LinkedList class using the template<typename NODETYPE> as appropriate in the program, you

//will implement all the public functions, constructor, destructor, and private function. Here is an example of the function getSize()

template<typename NODETYPE>
int LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: getSize() {

    return size;


template <typename NODETYPE>
LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: LinkedList()

size = 0;
firstNode = NULL;
lastNode = NULL;


template <typename NODETYPE>
bool LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: isEmpty()
if(firstNode == NULL)
    return true;

    return false;


template<typename NODETYPE>
void LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: insertAtHead(NODETYPE & newData)
ListNode<NODETYPE> *newPtr = getNewNode(newData);

    firstNode = lastNode = newPtr;
    //  *lastNode = newData;

newPtr -> nextNode = firstNode;
    firstNode = newPtr;

template<typename NODETYPE>
void LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: insertAtTail(NODETYPE & newData)

ListNode<NODETYPE> *newPtr = getNewNode(newData);


 firstNode = lastNode = newPtr;
 lastNode -> nextNode = newPtr;
 lastNode = newPtr;



template <typename NODETYPE>
NODETYPE LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: removeFromHead() {

// Edits for Stack

if (!isEmpty()) {
 //makes a temp that is the firstNode
     ListNode<NODETYPE> *tempPtr = firstNode;
    if (firstNode == lastNode){ //or (size == 1)         
         firstNode = lastNode = NULL;
    else {
         firstNode = firstNode -> nextNode;

     NODETYPE tempValue = tempPtr -> getData();
     delete tempPtr;
     size --;
     return tempValue;


template<typename NODETYPE>
NODETYPE LinkedList<NODETYPE> :: removeFromTail()
if (!isEmpty()){
 ListNode<NODETYPE> *tempPtr = firstNode;

// if only one Node
 if (firstNode == lastNode ) {
    firstNode = lastNode = NULL;
     //makes a temp that is the firstNode
         //ListNode<NODETYPE> *tempPtr = firstNode;
         while (tempPtr -> nextNode != lastNode){
         tempPtr = tempPtr -> nextNode;
         } //end while

    //makes lastNode the one before the lastnode because temp isn't 
    //suppose to be lastnode due to while loop
         lastNode = tempPtr;
     // makes the temp go to next one which is lastnode
         tempPtr = tempPtr -> nextNode;
     // up to this point temp is lastNode so we cut link and make it null 
     lastNode -> nextNode = NULL;

     NODETYPE tempValue = tempPtr -> getData();
             delete tempPtr;
             size --;
             return tempValue;

Method: printList
This method prints the list content on the screen
template <typename NODETYPE>
void LinkedList<NODETYPE>:: printList()
if (isEmpty()) {
 cout <<"The list is empty \n";
else {

// prefer while loop due to changing size
ListNode<NODETYPE> *currentPtr = firstNode;
cout <<"The list is: "<<endl;
while (currentPtr != NULL) {

    cout << currentPtr -> data << "\n";
    currentPtr = currentPtr -> nextNode;
    cout << endl;


// Get new Node function
template <typename NODETYPE>
ListNode<NODETYPE> *LinkedList<NODETYPE> :: getNewNode(const NODETYPE & newData) {

return (new ListNode<NODETYPE>(newData));


//delete everything in LinkedList if it is not empty
template <typename NODETYPE>
LinkedList<NODETYPE> :: ~LinkedList() {

  cout <<" Deleting all the nodes";
  ListNode<NODETYPE> *currentPtr = firstNode;
  ListNode<NODETYPE> *tempPtr;

  while (currentPtr != NULL) {
    tempPtr = currentPtr;
    currentPtr = currentPtr -> nextNode;
    delete tempPtr;
  }//end while

  cout <<" Release all memory \n";


#ifndef LISTNODE_H
#define LISTNODE_H
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

template<typename NODETYPE> class LinkedList;

template<typename NODETYPE>
class ListNode {

friend class LinkedList<NODETYPE>;


ListNode(const NODETYPE &);
ListNode(const NODETYPE &, ListNode<NODETYPE> *);
    NODETYPE getData();
void setData(NODETYPE &);
ListNode getNextNode() ;
void setNextNode(ListNode <NODETYPE>*);


ListNode<NODETYPE> *nextNode;


// Now the implementation of each function in ListNode class. 
//We will be using template NODETYPE through out

template<typename NODETYPE>
ListNode <NODETYPE> :: ListNode(const NODETYPE &newData) 


// This is a constructor for ListNode class in which we 
//initialize the nextNode pointer to NULL, and assign data to 
//newData. Please put in your code here

nextNode = NULL;
data = newData;

template <typename NODETYPE>
ListNode <NODETYPE>:: ListNode (const NODETYPE &newData, ListNode<NODETYPE> *newNextPtr) {

// This is a constructor for ListNode class in which we 
//initialize the nextNode pointer to newNextPtr, and assign 
//data to newData. Please put in your code here

data = newData;
// now the second variable ptr becomes the next node
nextNode = newNextPtr;

template <typename NODETYPE>
NODETYPE ListNode<NODETYPE>::getData() {

// This function returns the value of data
return data;

template <typename NODETYPE>
void ListNode <NODETYPE>:: setData( NODETYPE& newData) {

// This function sets data to the value of newData
data = newData;

template <typename NODETYPE>
ListNode<NODETYPE> ListNode<NODETYPE>:: getNextNode() {

// This function returns the nextNode pointer
return nextNode;

template <typename NODETYPE>
void ListNode<NODETYPE>:: setNextNode(ListNode<NODETYPE> *newNextPtr) {

// This function sets nextNode pointer to newNextPtr
nextNode = newNextPtr;

#ifndef RANDOM_H
#define RANDOM_H

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

class Random {

Random() {


Random(int value) {


//Random number for processing time of customer
int next_int(int n) {
 return int(next_double() * n);

//Return random integer range 0 -> 1
double next_double() {

     return double(rand()) / RAND_MAX;

int item_purchase(int n) {

//make a case using a number 1-100(100 is max number of items they can have)
n = (rand() % 100) + 1;

return int(next_double() * n);

#include "Checkout_Simulation.h"
#include "Random.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include "LinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {

    //Checkout_Simulation sim_obj;
//Checkout_Simulation<int> sim_obj;
Checkout_Simulation<int> *sim_obj = new LinkedList<int>();


return 0;