Crystal reports crystal报告中的If条件

Crystal reports crystal报告中的If条件,crystal-reports,Crystal Reports,我需要通过检查下面的要求来抑制一个部分 If scanmode and status=null (these fileds coming from database) then i need to suppress the section. If it is not null then i need check next condition if status in [c,d] .if it is false i need to suppress the section without chec


If scanmode and status=null (these fileds coming from database) then i need to suppress the section. If it is not null then i need check next condition if status in [c,d] .if it is false i need to suppress the section without checking next conditions.If it is true then i need to check next condition



if (scanmode = 0 and status = 0) else if (c = value and d = value) else.....
如果需要多个条件来抑制截面,则可以使用或而不是和。 我建议您先尝试使用一个条件进行抑制,看看抑制是否有效,然后再添加到该条件

