C# 使用msbuild生成的ipa中缺少Asset.car和应用程序图标

C# 使用msbuild生成的ipa中缺少Asset.car和应用程序图标,c#,ios,xamarin,msbuild,app-store-connect,C#,Ios,Xamarin,Msbuild,App Store Connect,我们有一个Xamarin iOS应用程序。如前所述,将应用程序图标从Info.plist迁移到资产目录后,我们使用msbuild在Jenkins构建节点上构建了ipa。在上传到iTunes Connect withfastlane deliver的过程中,我们收到以下错误: ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIco

我们有一个Xamarin iOS应用程序。如前所述,将应用程序图标从Info.plist迁移到资产目录后,我们使用
在Jenkins构建节点上构建了ipa。在上传到iTunes Connect with
fastlane deliver

ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon20x20'"
ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon29x29'"
ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon40x40'"
ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon60x60'"
ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon76x76'"
ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon83.5x83.5'"
ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
ERROR ITMS-90023: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
ERROR ITMS-90023: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
检查ipa文件后,我们发现它不包含Asset.car和app图标图像文件。在不同的Jenkins构建节点上构建的ipa(但与安装的Visual Studio、Xamarin components和Xcode版本没有区别)包含Asset.car和app图标图像文件,此ipa可以成功上载到iTunes Connect

我们认为错误消息是正确的,并试图分析为什么<代码> MSBudiu不包括第一个构建节点上的AsET.Car和App图标图像文件。我们将

的详细级别设置为diagnostic,并比较了每个生成节点的输出日志,但没有发现差异。在Visual Studio和Xcode之后,我们仍然不断收到错误,并重新安装了它们中的每一个

,从而导致ipa无法正确构建,并忽略Asset.car和app icons文件


=== Visual Studio Community 2017 for Mac ===

Version 7.3.3 (build 12)
Installation UUID: 00428305-dedb-4567-8ef4-0cad0c20a275
    Mono (2017-06/e66d9abbb27) (64-bit)
    GTK+ 2.24.23 (Raleigh theme)

    Package version: 504010007

=== NuGet ===


=== .NET Core ===

Runtime: /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet
Runtime Version: 2.0.0
SDK: /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/2.0.0/Sdks
SDK Version: 2.0.0
MSBuild SDKs: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/5.4.1/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/Sdks

=== Xamarin.Profiler ===

Version: 1.6.0
Location: /Applications/Xamarin Profiler.app/Contents/MacOS/Xamarin Profiler

=== Apple Developer Tools ===

Xcode 9.2 (13772)
Build 9C40b

=== Xamarin.iOS ===

Version: (Visual Studio Community)
Hash: db807ec9
Branch: xcode9.2
Build date: 2018-01-10 16:45:48-0500

=== Xamarin.Android ===

Version: (Visual Studio Community)
Android SDK: /private/var/lib/jenkins/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx
    Supported Android versions:
        4.4    (API level 19)
        4.4.87 (API level 20)
        5.0    (API level 21)
        5.1    (API level 22)
        6.0    (API level 23)
        7.0    (API level 24)
        7.1    (API level 25)
        8.0    (API level 26)

SDK Tools Version: 25.2.5
SDK Platform Tools Version: 27.0.1
SDK Build Tools Version: 26.0.2

Java SDK: /usr
java version "1.8.0_144"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)

Android Designer EPL code available here:

=== Xamarin.Mac ===

Version: (Visual Studio Community)

=== Xamarin Inspector ===

Version: 1.4.0
Hash: b3f92f9
Branch: master
Build date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 22:00:34 GMT
Client compatibility: 1

=== Build Information ===

Release ID: 703030012
Git revision: b07492f1e48be596bad92dc4b7a3bc2d128ed0f9
Build date: 2018-01-30 13:15:55-05
Xamarin addins: 7c8f967d67207118dd99a1d0cc9c228045b30c5f
Build lane: monodevelop-lion-d15-5

=== Operating System ===

Mac OS X 10.13.3
Darwin 17.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0
    Sun Dec 17 09:19:54 PST 2017
    root:xnu-4570.41.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

=== Enabled user installed addins ===

Internet of Things (IoT) development (Preview) 7.1

你找到解决办法了吗?我面临着完全相同的问题。不幸的是,我们没有找到解决这个问题的方法。谢谢。因此,唯一的解决方案是设置另一个生成节点?如果仍然有此非工作节点,请检查是否有以下行:部分生成目标“\u CopySourceStobundle”,因为某些输出文件相对于其输入文件已过期。很抱歉,由于此错误,我无法再访问生成节点。设置一个新的构建节点可能无法解决此问题,它只是碰巧没有出现在具有相同配置的不同构建节点上。