C# 在一组值之间按比例分配(按比例分配)一个值

C# 在一组值之间按比例分配(按比例分配)一个值,c#,math,C#,Math,我需要编写代码,根据列表中“基”值的相对权重,在列表中按比例分配值。简单地将“基准”值除以“基准”值之和,然后将系数乘以原始值,在一定程度上按比例工作: proratedValue = (basis / basisTotal) * prorationAmount; 但是,此计算的结果必须四舍五入为整数值。四舍五入的影响意味着列表中所有项目的按比例价值之和可能不同于原始的按比例金额 有谁能解释一下如何应用一种“无损”的按比例分配算法,在列表中尽可能准确地分配一个值,而不会出现舍入错误吗?这里是简


proratedValue = (basis / basisTotal) * prorationAmount;



  • 有一个从零开始的运行总数
  • 对于第一项,请执行您的标准“基础除以总基础,然后乘以比例金额”
  • 将运行总额的原始值存储在其他位置,然后将刚刚在#2中计算的金额相加
  • 将运行总数的旧值和新值四舍五入为整数(不要修改现有值,将它们四舍五入为单独的变量),然后取其差
  • 步骤4中计算的数字是分配给当前基准的值
  • 对每个基础重复步骤#2-5
  • 这保证了总金额按比例分配等于输入的按比例分配金额,因为您从未实际修改运行总额本身(您只在其他计算中取其四舍五入值,而不会将其写回)。现在讨论以前整数舍入的问题,因为舍入误差将随着时间的推移在运行总数中累积,并最终将一个值推向另一个方向,越过舍入阈值


    Input basis: [0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2]
    Total prorate: 47
    R used to indicate running total here:
    R = 0
    First basis:
      oldR = R [0]
      R += (0.2 / 1.0 * 47) [= 9.4]
      results[0] = int(R) - int(oldR) [= 9]
    Second basis:
      oldR = R [9.4]
      R += (0.3 / 1.0 * 47) [+ 14.1, = 23.5 total]
      results[1] = int(R) - int(oldR) [23-9, = 14]
    Third basis:
      oldR = R [23.5]
      R += (0.3 / 1.0 * 47) [+ 14.1, = 37.6 total]
      results[1] = int(R) - int(oldR) [38-23, = 15]
    Fourth basis:
      oldR = R [37.6]
      R += (0.2 / 1.0 * 47) [+ 9.4, = 47 total]
      results[1] = int(R) - int(oldR) [47-38, = 9]
    9+14+15+9 = 47


    • 每个分配可能有多个解决方案
    • 相同的项目可能不会收到相同的分配
    然后,我选择1和2而不是0和3,因为我假设您想要的是最小化完美分配和整数分配之间的差异。这可能不是你认为的“一个好的分配”,这是一个你需要思考的问题:什么会比另一个分配更好? 一个可能的值函数是最小化“总误差”,即您的分配与“完美”无约束分配之间差异的绝对值之和。








    • 有一个从0开始的运行总数
    • 对于组中的每个项目:
    • 将未取整的分配金额计算为
    • 将累计余数计算为
    • 如果
    • 否则设置项目的分配=
    • 对下一个项目重复上述操作

    -- Start of Code --
    Drop Table #SplitList
    Create Table #SplitList ( idno int , pctsplit decimal(5, 4), amt int , roundedAmt int )
    -- Test Case #1
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (1, 0.3333, 100, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (2, 0.3333, 100, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (3, 0.3333, 100, 0)
    -- Test Case #2
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (1, 0.20, 57, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (2, 0.20, 57, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (3, 0.20, 57, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (4, 0.20, 57, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (5, 0.20, 57, 0)
    -- Test Case #3
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (1, 0.43, 10, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (2, 0.22, 10, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (3, 0.11, 10, 0)
    --Insert Into #SplitList Values (4, 0.24, 10, 0)
    -- Test Case #4
    Insert Into #SplitList Values (1, 0.50, 75, 0)
    Insert Into #SplitList Values (2, 0.50, 75, 0)
    Declare @R Float
    Declare @Results Float
    Declare @unroundedAmt Float
    Declare @idno Int
    Declare @roundedAmt Int
    Declare @amt Float
    Declare @pctsplit Float
    declare @rowCnt int
    Select @R = 0
    select @rowCnt = 0
    -- Define the cursor 
    Declare SplitList Cursor For 
    Select idno, pctsplit, amt, roundedAmt From #SplitList Order By amt Desc
    -- Open the cursor
    Open SplitList
    -- Assign the values of the first record
    Fetch Next From SplitList Into @idno, @pctsplit, @amt, @roundedAmt
    -- Loop through the records
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        -- Get derived Amounts from cursor
        select @unroundedAmt = ( @amt * @pctsplit )
        select @roundedAmt = Round( @unroundedAmt, 0 )
        -- Remainder
        Select @R = @R + @unroundedAmt - @roundedAmt
        select @rowCnt = @rowCnt + 1
        -- Magic Happens!  (aka Secret Sauce)
        if ( round(@R, 0 ) >= 1 ) or ( @@CURSOR_ROWS = @rowCnt ) Begin
            select @Results = @roundedAmt + round( @R, 0 )
            select @R = @R - round( @R, 0 )
        else Begin
            Select @Results = @roundedAmt
        If Round(@Results, 0) <> 0
            Update #SplitList Set roundedAmt = @Results Where idno = @idno
        -- Assign the values of the next record
        Fetch Next From SplitList Into @idno, @pctsplit, @amt, @roundedAmt
    -- Close the cursor
    Close SplitList
    Deallocate SplitList
    -- Now do the check
    Select * From #SplitList
    Select Sum(roundedAmt), max( amt ), 
    case when max(amt) <> sum(roundedamt) then 'ERROR' else 'OK' end as Test 
    From #SplitList
    -- End of Code --

    idno   pctsplit   amt     roundedAmt
    1      0.3333    100     33
    2      0.3333    100     34
    3      0.3333    100     33
    Algorithm    | Avg Abs Diff (x lowest) | Time (x lowest)     
    Distribute 1 | 0.5282 (1.1992)         | 00:00:00.0906921 (1.0000)
    Distribute 2 | 0.4526 (1.0275)         | 00:00:00.0963136 (1.0620)
    Distribute 3 | 0.4405 (1.0000)         | 00:00:01.1689239 (12.8889)
    Distribute 4 | 0.4405 (1.0000)         | 00:00:00.1548484 (1.7074)
    public static IEnumerable<int> Distribute3(IEnumerable<double> weights, int amount)
        var totalWeight = weights.Sum();
        var query = from w in weights
                    let fraction = amount * (w / totalWeight)
                    let integral = (int)Math.Floor(fraction)
                    select Tuple.Create(integral, fraction);
        var result = query.ToList();
        var added = result.Sum(x => x.Item1);
        while (added < amount)
            var maxError = result.Max(x => x.Item2 - x.Item1);
            var index = result.FindIndex(x => (x.Item2 - x.Item1) == maxError);
            result[index] = Tuple.Create(result[index].Item1 + 1, result[index].Item2);
            added += 1;
        return result.Select(x => x.Item1);
    public static IEnumerable<int> Distribute4(IEnumerable<double> weights, int amount)
        var totalWeight = weights.Sum();
        var length = weights.Count();
        var actual = new double[length];
        var error = new double[length];
        var rounded = new int[length];
        var added = 0;
        var i = 0;
        foreach (var w in weights)
            actual[i] = amount * (w / totalWeight);
            rounded[i] = (int)Math.Floor(actual[i]);
            error[i] = actual[i] - rounded[i];
            added += rounded[i];
            i += 1;
        while (added < amount)
            var maxError = 0.0;
            var maxErrorIndex = -1;
            for(var e = 0; e  < length; ++e)
                if (error[e] > maxError)
                    maxError = error[e];
                    maxErrorIndex = e;
            rounded[maxErrorIndex] += 1;
            error[maxErrorIndex] -= 1;
            added += 1;
        return rounded;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Random r = new Random();
        Stopwatch[] time = new[] { new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch() };
        double[][] results = new[] { new double[Iterations], new double[Iterations], new double[Iterations], new double[Iterations] };
        for (var i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i)
            double[] weights = new double[r.Next(MinimumWeights, MaximumWeights)];
            for (var w = 0; w < weights.Length; ++w)
                weights[w] = (r.NextDouble() * (MaximumWeight - MinimumWeight)) + MinimumWeight;
            var amount = r.Next(MinimumAmount, MaximumAmount);
            var totalWeight = weights.Sum();
            var expected = weights.Select(w => (w / totalWeight) * amount).ToArray();
            Action<int, DistributeDelgate> runTest = (resultIndex, func) =>
                    var result = func(weights, amount).ToArray();
                    var total = result.Sum();
                    if (total != amount)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid total");
                    var diff = expected.Zip(result, (e, a) => Math.Abs(e - a)).Sum() / amount;
                    results[resultIndex][i] = diff;
            runTest(0, Distribute1);
            runTest(1, Distribute2);
            runTest(2, Distribute3);
            runTest(3, Distribute4);