C# 找不到正确的重载NHibernate执行函数

C# 找不到正确的重载NHibernate执行函数,c#,nhibernate,C#,Nhibernate,我找不到NHibernate SchemaExport.Execute的重载函数 这四个布尔人做什么 new SchemaExport(Configuration).Execute(true, true, false, true, session.Connection, Console.Out); 在NH2.1中,SchemaExport.Execute()的第四个bool参数被删除。它表明您希望DDL格式良好。如果您要求NH2.1+为控制台编写DDL脚本,默认情况下它会很好地格式化DDL。

我找不到NHibernate SchemaExport.Execute的重载函数


new SchemaExport(Configuration).Execute(true, true, false, true, session.Connection, Console.Out);


    /// <summary>
    /// Executes the Export of the Schema in the given connection
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="script"><see langword="true" /> if the ddl should be outputted in the Console.</param>
    /// <param name="export"><see langword="true" /> if the ddl should be executed against the Database.</param>
    /// <param name="justDrop"><see langword="true" /> if only the ddl to drop the Database objects should be executed.</param>
    /// <param name="format"><see langword="true" /> if the ddl should be nicely formatted instead of one statement per line.</param>
    /// <param name="connection">
    /// The connection to use when executing the commands when export is <see langword="true" />.
    /// Must be an opened connection. The method doesn't close the connection.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="exportOutput">The writer used to output the generated schema</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method allows for both the drop and create ddl script to be executed.
    /// This overload is provided mainly to enable use of in memory databases. 
    /// It does NOT close the given connection!
    /// </remarks>
    public void Execute(bool script, bool export, bool justDrop, bool format,
                        IDbConnection connection, TextWriter exportOutput)
            -- remainder of method --
///此方法允许执行drop和create ddl脚本。
public void Execute(bool脚本、bool导出、bool justDrop、bool格式、,