C# 动态级联下拉

C# 动态级联下拉,c#,asp.net,drop-down-menu,C#,Asp.net,Drop Down Menu,我有两个下拉列表 类别 子类别 如果选择了一个类别,则第二个下拉列表将自动更新,因此我为第一个下拉列表编写了以下代码: public void bindcategory() { DataTable dt = new BALCate().GetCate(); DropDownList dropdownlist = new DropDownList(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) {


  • 类别
  • 子类别
  • 如果选择了一个类别,则第二个下拉列表将自动更新,因此我为第一个下拉列表编写了以下代码:

    public void bindcategory()
        DataTable dt = new BALCate().GetCate();        
        DropDownList dropdownlist = new DropDownList();
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            ListItem listitem = new ListItem();
            listitem.Text = dr["cate_name"].ToString();

    public void bindsubcategory()
         //error (selected cate_id from 1st dropdown cant accessed due to scop problem)
         DataTable dt = new BALCate().GetSubCate(   //some cate_id   ); 
         // what should the code here?



    public void bindcategory()
        DataTable dt = new BALCate().GetCate();        
        DropDownList dropdownlist = new DropDownList();
        //SET AutoPostBack = true and attach an event handler for the SelectedIndexChanged event. This event will fire when you change any item in the category dropdown list.
        dropdownlist.AutoPostBack = true;
        dropdownlist.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(dropdownlist_SelectedIndexChanged);
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            ListItem listitem = new ListItem();
            listitem.Text = dr["cate_name"].ToString();
            listitem.Value= dr["cate_id"].ToString();
    void dropdownlist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){
        //Grab the selected category id here and pass it to the bindSubCategory function.
        bindSubCategory(Convert.ToInt32((sender as DropDownList).SelectedValue)); 
    public void bindsubcategory(int categoryId)
         DataTable dt = new BALCate().GetSubCate(categoryId);
         //Bind this data to the subcategory dropdown list 