
是否在数据网格视图中显示数据?访问,C#,c#,database,visual-studio-2010,ms-access,C#,Database,Visual Studio 2010,Ms Access,我想计算总价格并将其显示在数据网格视图中。第四列没有从数据库中检索信息,所以我不知道怎么做。以下是GUI的外观: 这是我到目前为止的代码 double colTotal = 0; //set column total to 0 foreach (DataRow currentRow in itemDS.Tables[0].Rows) { // add to



                double colTotal = 0; //set column total to 0

                foreach (DataRow currentRow in itemDS.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // add to data grid view
                    invoiceDataGridView.Rows.Add(currentRow[1].ToString(), currentRow[2].ToString(), currentRow[3].ToString());

                    //Decalare variables for item quantity and price
                    var itemQuant = Convert.ToDouble(currentRow[1]);
                    var priceEach = Convert.ToDouble(currentRow[3]);

                    //Multiply the item quantity by the item price
                    double subTotal = itemQuant * priceEach;

                    //do this for each row
                    colTotal += subTotal;

                //Display subtotal
                subTotalOutput.Text = colTotal.ToString();
                //Calculate tax
                double tax = colTotal * .073;
                //Display total tax
                taxOutput.Text = Convert.ToString(tax);
                //Add the subtotal and the total tax
                double totPrice = colTotal + tax;
                //Display total price
                totalOutput.Text = Convert.ToString(totPrice);



double subTotal = itemQuant * priceEach;

invoiceDataGridView.Rows.Add(currentRow[1].ToString(), currentRow[2].ToString(), currentRow[3].ToString(), subTotal.ToString());


foreach (DataRow currentRow in itemDS.Tables[0].Rows)
    //Decalare variables for item quantity and price
    var itemQuant = Convert.ToDouble(currentRow[1]);
    var priceEach = Convert.ToDouble(currentRow[3]);

    //Multiply the item quantity by the item price
    double subTotal = itemQuant * priceEach;

    // add to data grid view
    invoiceDataGridView.Rows.Add(currentRow[1].ToString(), currentRow[2].ToString(), currentRow[3].ToString(), subTotal);

    //do this for each row
    colTotal += subTotal;
