C# 什么是为体育赛事服务的正确方式?

C# 什么是为体育赛事服务的正确方式?,c#,android,asp.net,asp.net-mvc,icalendar,C#,Android,Asp.net,Asp.net Mvc,Icalendar,我试图允许用户使用将在线日历中的事件添加到设备上的日历中。这在iOS和桌面平台上似乎很好,但我在安卓设备上遇到了障碍。我遇到这样的信息: 有没有更好的方式来为这项活动服务,从而避免这种情况发生 public ActionResult ICS(int id) { // Get event from Database var heEvent = HEEvent.GetEventDetails(id); // Create iCal object



public ActionResult ICS(int id)
        // Get event from Database
        var heEvent = HEEvent.GetEventDetails(id);

        // Create iCal object
        var iCal = new iCalendar();
        iCal.Method = "PUBLISH";

        // Create iCal Event
        var icalEvent = iCal.Create<DDay.iCal.Event>();
        icalEvent.Summary = heEvent.Name;
        icalEvent.Start = new iCalDateTime(heEvent.TimeBegin.Year, heEvent.TimeBegin.Month, heEvent.TimeBegin.Day, heEvent.TimeBegin.Hour, heEvent.TimeBegin.Minute, 00);

        TimeSpan calculatedEventDuration = heEvent.DateEnd.Subtract(heEvent.TimeBegin);
        if (calculatedEventDuration.Hours > 1) { icalEvent.Duration = calculatedEventDuration; }
        else { icalEvent.Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1); } // default to 1 hour if event time is less

        icalEvent.Location = heEvent.Location;

        // Create a serialization context and serializer factory.
        // These will be used to build the serializer for our object.
        ISerializationContext ctx = new SerializationContext();
        ISerializerFactory factory = new DDay.iCal.Serialization.iCalendar.SerializerFactory();
        // Get a serializer for our object
        IStringSerializer serializer = factory.Build(iCal.GetType(), ctx) as IStringSerializer;

        string output = serializer.SerializeToString(iCal);
        var contentType = "text/calendar";
        var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(output);

        return File(bytes, contentType, String.Format(@"{0}.ics", heEvent.Name.Replace(" ", "_")));

