C# 在C中实现Monad的最佳方法是什么#

C# 在C中实现Monad的最佳方法是什么#,c#,functional-programming,monads,C#,Functional Programming,Monads,在C#中实现monad的最佳方法是什么?是否有特定的实现策略,或者每个单子的实现方式都不同于其他单子?为了回答这个问题,而不仅仅是对它进行评论,Linq可能是在C#中执行单子转换的最重要的方法。Linq方法链只不过是一组经过延迟评估的有序列表处理操作 当然,Linq不是火箭科学;比你的平均大学水平编程课程还多,但仍然如此。这是一系列扩展方法,每个方法都生成一个占位符可枚举(monad),其中包含它们应该执行的逻辑,以及对其数据源的引用(可以是另一个monadic封装)。您可以(而且很多人都可以)




您还可以创建自己的一元方法链框架,几乎可以做任何事情。几乎所有被描述为具有“流畅”编码接口的框架或库都是基于monad的库。有fluent单元测试Asserter、fluent ORM配置,甚至fluent域UI映射扩展


public static class MonadicArithmetic
   public static Monad Take(int input) { return new Monad(input); }

   public class Monad
      int theValue;

      internal Monad(int input) { theValue = input; }   

      public Monad Add(int input){ return new Monad(theValue + input); }
      public Monad Subtract(int input){ return new Monad(theValue - result); }
      public int Value { get { return theValue; } }


var result = MonadicArithmetic.Take(1).Add(2).Subtract(1).Value; //2


public static class MonadicArithmetic
   public static Monad Take(int input) { return new Monad(input); }

   public class Monad
      //Our value keeper is now a pure function that requires no external closures
      Func<Func<int>, int, int> operation;
      //and we add two new private fields; 
      //a hook to a lambda that will give us the result of all previous operations,
      Func<int> source;
      //... and the value for the current operation.
      private int addend;

      //our constructor now takes the value, stores it, and creates a simple lambda
      internal Monad(int input) { addend = input; operation = ()=>addend; }
      //and our private constructor now builds a new Monad from scratch
      private Monad(Func<int> prevOp, Func<Func<int>, int, int> currOp, int input) 
          source = prevOp, 
          operation = currOp, 
          addend = input; 

      //The methods will create new Monads that take the current Monad's value getter,   
      //keeping the current Monad in memory.
      public Monad Add(int input)
         return new Monad(this.Result, (f,i)=>f()+i, input); 

      public Monad Subtract(int input)
         return new Monad(this.Result, (f,i)=>f()-i, input); 

      //And we change our property to a method, so it can also 
      //be used internally as a delegate
      public int Result() { return operation(source, addend); }

var operations = MonadicArithmetic.Take(1).Add(3).Subtract(2); 
//There are now 3 Monads in memory, each holding a hook to the previous Monad, 
//the current addend, and a function to produce the result...


//so that here, all the necessary pieces are still available.
var result = operations.Result();  

LINQforObjects特别优雅,因为它的库是接受IEnumerable并返回IEnumerable的扩展方法,因此转换过程不需要任何重载或显式方法调用。但是,隐藏可翻译表达式树的IQueryable对象在.NET 3.5中是一个新概念,您必须通过AsQueryable()方法将集合显式转换为IQueryable。

扩展方法.I diagree。维基百科:“在函数式编程中,monad是一种抽象的数据类型构造函数,用于表示计算(而不是域模型中的数据)。monad允许程序员将动作链接在一起以构建管道,其中每个动作都用monad提供的附加处理规则进行修饰。”。如果这一点成立,那么几乎所有具有“语法结构”(需要使用内部类型来控制有效方法)的流畅接口都可以标记为monadic。在本例中,我将转换为单子(Take)、转换(Add/Subtract)并返回。
//Each call just adds a shell to the nested lambdas
var operation = MonadicArithmetic.Take(1).Add(2).Subtract(1);


//HERE's the payoff; the result is not evaluated till the call to Value_get() behind the scenes of this assignment.
var result = operation.Value; 
public static class MonadicArithmetic
   public static Monad Take(int input) { return new Monad(input); }

   public class Monad
      //Our value keeper is now a pure function that requires no external closures
      Func<Func<int>, int, int> operation;
      //and we add two new private fields; 
      //a hook to a lambda that will give us the result of all previous operations,
      Func<int> source;
      //... and the value for the current operation.
      private int addend;

      //our constructor now takes the value, stores it, and creates a simple lambda
      internal Monad(int input) { addend = input; operation = ()=>addend; }
      //and our private constructor now builds a new Monad from scratch
      private Monad(Func<int> prevOp, Func<Func<int>, int, int> currOp, int input) 
          source = prevOp, 
          operation = currOp, 
          addend = input; 

      //The methods will create new Monads that take the current Monad's value getter,   
      //keeping the current Monad in memory.
      public Monad Add(int input)
         return new Monad(this.Result, (f,i)=>f()+i, input); 

      public Monad Subtract(int input)
         return new Monad(this.Result, (f,i)=>f()-i, input); 

      //And we change our property to a method, so it can also 
      //be used internally as a delegate
      public int Result() { return operation(source, addend); }

var operations = MonadicArithmetic.Take(1).Add(3).Subtract(2); 
//There are now 3 Monads in memory, each holding a hook to the previous Monad, 
//the current addend, and a function to produce the result...


//so that here, all the necessary pieces are still available.
var result = operations.Result();  
//using an "identity function" to convert to a monad
var operations = 1.AsMonad().Add(2).Subtract(3);

//performing the conversion implicitly from an overload of Add()
var operations = 1.Add(2).Subtract(3);