C# AWS.NETSDK非法密钥,c#,asp.net-mvc-3,amazon-s3,C#,Asp.net Mvc 3,Amazon S3,我正在使用Amazon连接到Amazon的S3 PutObjectRequest的WithKey()方法会自动对抛出的任何字符串进行编码,但仍有一些模式无法处理。不处理密钥意味着抛出以下错误: Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Exception: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided 我从Amazon上几乎找不到关于合法密钥的文档。在S3键中使用哪些模式并引发此异常是非法



Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Exception: The request signature we calculated 
does not match the signature you provided



private static string NormalizeKey(string relativePath)
           return relativePath.Replace("~/", "").Replace(@"~\", "").Replace(@"\", @"/").Replace(@"//", @"/");



private static string NormalizeKey(string relativePath)
           return relativePath.Replace("~/", "").Replace(@"~\", "").Replace(@"\", @"/").Replace(@"//", @"/");



  • Amazon无法处理键中的反斜杠“\”字符
  • 亚马逊不允许文件夹在一段时间内结束
  • 我编写了以下两种方法来帮助构建密钥:

    // Cleans a piece of a key - a folder name or final object name:
    //  - replaces illegal characters with valid ones
    //  - avoids accidental folder creation by removing slashes inside the key
    private string CleanPartialKey(string partialKey)
        return partialKey.Replace('/', '-') // Add slashes separately - avoid creating accidental folders
                         .Replace('\\', '_'); // Amazon knows not how to deal with backslashes, so replace them with something else
    // Ensures a full key does not have any illegal patterns.
    // This should only be called with a complete key
    private string CleanKey(string fullKey)
        return fullKey.Replace("./", "/"); // ending a folder with a period is illegal


  • Amazon无法处理键中的反斜杠“\”字符
  • 亚马逊不允许文件夹在一段时间内结束
  • 我编写了以下两种方法来帮助构建密钥:

    // Cleans a piece of a key - a folder name or final object name:
    //  - replaces illegal characters with valid ones
    //  - avoids accidental folder creation by removing slashes inside the key
    private string CleanPartialKey(string partialKey)
        return partialKey.Replace('/', '-') // Add slashes separately - avoid creating accidental folders
                         .Replace('\\', '_'); // Amazon knows not how to deal with backslashes, so replace them with something else
    // Ensures a full key does not have any illegal patterns.
    // This should only be called with a complete key
    private string CleanKey(string fullKey)
        return fullKey.Replace("./", "/"); // ending a folder with a period is illegal
