C# 基于XNA瓷砖的游戏:使用二维阵列中的网格位置检查两个对象之间的碰撞

C# 基于XNA瓷砖的游戏:使用二维阵列中的网格位置检查两个对象之间的碰撞,c#,multidimensional-array,collision-detection,xna-4.0,C#,Multidimensional Array,Collision Detection,Xna 4.0,我想知道是否有人能帮我找出如何检查二维数组中两个对象之间的碰撞 我想做一个简单的2D自上而下的游戏。地图由20x20二维正方形阵列组成。玩家和敌人都是方格,每个人都占据方格内的一个方格。网格由多个不同类型的正方形组成。到目前为止,我有地板方格(玩家和敌人可以移动),墙壁方格(玩家和敌人不能移动过去或移动),然后是敌人和玩家方格。以下是它的屏幕截图: 我在游戏类中创建并初始化2D数组。使用0-3中的数字,我可以选择每个正方形包含的内容: 0-楼层广场1-墙壁广场2-敌人广场3-玩家广场 首先,我



我在游戏类中创建并初始化2D数组。使用0-3中的数字,我可以选择每个正方形包含的内容: 0-楼层广场1-墙壁广场2-敌人广场3-玩家广场










public void CheckCollision(Player playerObject)
        //Check above player
        if (playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.Y - 1 == gridPosition.Y && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.X == gridPosition.X)
            //north is a vector2 variable that I use to add to the players position in order to move them about the screen. I use it to update both the players position
            //and the grid position. North, South, East and West are all similar except the values contained in each are for a specific direction
            playerObject.north.X = 0;
            playerObject.north.Y = 0;
            //This bool is used to check for when an enemy is beside and no longer beside the player.
            besidePlayer = true;
        //Check below player
        if (playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.Y + 1 == gridPosition.Y && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.X == gridPosition.X)
            playerObject.south.X = 0;
            playerObject.south.Y = 0;
            besidePlayer = true;
        //Check to right of player
        if (playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.Y == gridPosition.Y && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.X + 1 == gridPosition.X)
            playerObject.east.X = 0;
            playerObject.east.Y = 0;
            besidePlayer = true;
        //This if statement just checks to see if any of the enemies are within a squares space of the player, if they are not then the besidePlayer bool is set to false
        else if (playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.Y != gridPosition.Y && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.X + 1 != gridPosition.X && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.Y - 1 != gridPosition.Y && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.X != gridPosition.X && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.Y + 1 != gridPosition.Y && playerObject.PlayerGridPosition.X != gridPosition.X)
            besidePlayer = false;
        //When an enemy is no longer beside the player then we can reset all the North, South, East and West vector velues back to their original values.
        if (besidePlayer == false)
            playerObject.north.X = 0;
            playerObject.north.Y = -1;

            playerObject.south.X = 0;
            playerObject.south.Y = 1;

            playerObject.east.X = 1;
            playerObject.east.Y = 0;


public void LoadLevels(int level)
        //More levels will be added in later.
        if(level == 1)
            //Here I set the values inside the 2D array "grid". It is a 20x20 array.
            //0 = Floor Square, 1 = Wall square, 2 = Enemy Square, 3 = Player Square
            grid = new int[maxRows, maxCols]
            //Cycle through the array with a nested if
            for (int i = 0; i < maxCols; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < maxRows; j++)
                    //If the the value at grid[i, j] is a 2 then create an enemy at that position
                    if (grid[i, j] == 2)
                        enemyList.Add(new Enemies(Content.Load<Texture2D>("redSquare"), new Vector2(j * squareWidth, i * squareHeight), new Vector2(j, i)));
                        //Reset the value at this position to 0 so that when the player/enemy moves from this spot, a floor tile will be drawn instead of a blank space.
                        grid[i, j] = 0;  
                    //If the value is 3 then set the players position and grid position to the value based of [i, j] values.
                    if (grid[i, j] == 3)
                        playerObject.PlayerPosition = new Vector2(i * squareWidth, j * squareHeight);
                        playerObject.PlayerGridPosition = new Vector2(i, j);
                        grid[i, j] = 0;

        if (level == 2)
public void加载级别(int级别)
对于(int i=0;iloading () {
    load level to array, no need to perform additional modification
game_update () {
    for each tile within the array {
        if ( tile is player ) {
            read user's input
            temp <- compute the next position of the player
            if ( temp is floor ) then { current player position <- temp } // move allowed, update its position
            else { the player must stay on its current position } // move rejected
        if ( tile is enemy ) {
            temp <- compute the next position of this enemy
            if ( temp is floor ) then { this enemy position <- temp } // move allowed, update its position
            else { this enemy must stay on its current position } // move rejected
game_draw () {
    for each tile within the array {
        draw the current tile