C# 如何使用MVP和被动视图形成.ShowDialog()?

C# 如何使用MVP和被动视图形成.ShowDialog()?,c#,winforms,mvp,passive-view,platform-agnostic,C#,Winforms,Mvp,Passive View,Platform Agnostic,摘要 我正在Windows窗体应用程序中试验MVP模式 我想让我的演示者和视图不受平台的影响,因此如果我想将我的应用程序移植到另一个平台,比如Web或移动平台,我只需要使用依赖于平台的GUI实现视图,我的演示者仍然可以独立于平台 现在我想知道,如何使用MVP和被动视图显示Dialog() 据我目前的理解,被动观点不应该了解/关心任何演讲者。他们甚至不知道它的存在。因此,根据我的说法,这个问题的答案中提出的解决方案并不合适: 一些代码示例有助于理解: 应用程序视图 public partial








public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }

void OnConnect();
void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(选择ChangedEventArgs e);
void OnViewLoginChanged();
void OnViewPasswordChanged();

public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }



  • 演讲者应是平台无关者
  • 只有视图知道如何显示自己(WPF、Mobile、Silverlight、Web、WinForms…)
  • 视图必须提供一种显示自身的方式
  • 视图不必与平台无关,因为不同平台的显示会有所不同
  • 但演示者应在显示自己时对视图进行排序


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }


public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
    // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
    // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
    // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
    // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
public class ApplicationPresenter 
    : Presenter<IApplicationView>
    , IApplicationPresenter {
    public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
        View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;

    public void OnViewShown() {
        IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
        IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
        authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
    string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    string Instance { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
    string Login { get; set; }
    string Password {get; set; }

    void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);

   event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
   event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
   event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
public interface IDialogView : IView {
    void ShowDialog();
public interface IView { 
    void Show();

    event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
    event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
    void OnConnect();
    void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
    void OnViewLoginChanged();
    void OnViewPasswordChanged();
public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
    V View { get; }

  • 这将引发IAAuthenticationView已订阅的
  • 身份验证表单

    public partial class ApplicationForm : Form, IApplicationView {
        // I ensure that all the IApplicationView events are raised 
        // upon button clicks text changed, etc.
        // The presenter, which this view ignores the existence, 
        // is subscribed to the events this view raises.
    public class ApplicationPresenter 
        : Presenter<IApplicationView>
        , IApplicationPresenter {
        public ApplicationPresenter(IApplicationView view) : base(view) {
            View.OnViewShown += OnViewShown;
        public void OnViewShown() {
            IAuthenticaitonView authView = new AuthenticationForm();
            IAuthenticationPresenter authPresenter = new AuthenticationPresenter(authView);
            authPresenter.ShowDialog(); // 1.                       
    public interface IAuthenticationView : IDialogView {
        string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
        string Instance { get; set; }
        IEnumerable<string> Instances { get; set; }
        string Login { get; set; }
        string Password {get; set; }
        void EnableConnectButton(bool enabled);
       event VoidEventHandler OnConnect;
       event SelectionChangedEventHandler OnDatabaseInstanceChanged;
       event VoidEventHandler OnLoginChanged;
       event VoidEventHandler OnPasswordChanged;
    public interface IDialogView : IView {
        void ShowDialog();
    public interface IView { 
        void Show();
        event VoidEventHandler OnViewInitialize;
        event VoidEventHandler OnViewLoad;
        event VoidEventHandler OnViewShown;
    public interface IAuthenticationPresenter : IPresenter<IAuthenticationView> {
        void OnConnect();
        void OnViewDatabaseInstanceChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e);
        void OnViewLoginChanged();
        void OnViewPasswordChanged();
    public interface IPresenter<V> where V : IView {
        V View { get; }