C# 有没有一种方法可以通过编程确定作为Bing地图中心的GPS坐标?

C# 有没有一种方法可以通过编程确定作为Bing地图中心的GPS坐标?,c#,uwp,gps,bing-maps,centering,C#,Uwp,Gps,Bing Maps,Centering,这与我的问题有点相似/相关,但差异足以让我提出一个单独的问题 当通过编程将GPS坐标数组添加到Bing地图时,我希望将地图的中心设置为数组中所有GPS坐标之间的中点。例如,如果我想展示密苏里州的汉尼拔、独立、哥伦比亚、杰斐逊城和圣路易斯,中心应该在哥伦比亚附近 我想这样做的一种方法可能是将所有纬度相加,除以上面标记为5的位置数,然后将所有经度相加,再除以该数。这两个平均值可以作为中心 这是计算中心坐标的合理方法,还是有更好的方法 我想在C中的代码中实现这一点 使现代化 以下是我对伪代码的想法:






使现代化 以下是我对伪代码的想法:

int locationCount = GetNumberOfLocationsOnMap(currentMap);
double totalLatitude = GetTotalLatitudesOfLocationsOnMap(currentMap);
double totalLongitude = GetTotalLongitudesOfLocationsOnMap(currentMap);
double avgLatitude = totalLatitude div locationCount;
double avgLongitude = totalLongitude div locationCount;
map.Center = avgLatitude, avgLongitude;

更新2 这是可行的,只有一个位置基于邓肯·劳勒的答案和链接:

private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    . . .

private async void SetInitialScene()
    // Set it to Monterey, California
    BasicGeoposition location = new BasicGeoposition();
    location.Latitude = 36.6002; 
    location.Longitude = -121.8947; 
    Geopoint geop = new Geopoint(location);
    await map.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocation(geop));


var latitudes = currentMap.locations.Select(location => location.latitude);
var longitudes = currentMap.locations.Select(location => location.longitude);
centerLatitude = (latitudes.Min() + latitudes.Max()) / 2.0;
centerLongitude = (longitudes.Min() + longitudes.Max()) / 2.0;
map.Center = centerLatitude, centerLongitude;



var latitudes = currentMap.locations.Select(location => location.latitude);
var longitudes = currentMap.locations.Select(location => location.longitude);
centerLatitude = (latitudes.Min() + latitudes.Max()) / 2.0;
centerLongitude = (longitudes.Min() + longitudes.Max()) / 2.0;
map.Center = centerLatitude, centerLongitude;



/// <summary>
/// Calculates the best map view for a list of locations for a map
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locations">List of location objects</param>
/// <param name="mapWidth">Map width in pixels</param>
/// <param name="mapHeight">Map height in pixels</param>
/// <param name="buffer">Width in pixels to use to create a buffer around the map. This is to keep pushpins from being cut off on the edge</param>
public static MapViewSpecification BestMapView(IList<Location> locations, double mapWidth, double mapHeight, int buffer, out double centerLat, double centerLon, out double zoomLevel )
    double zoomLevel = 0;

    double maxLat = -85;
    double minLat = 85;
    double maxLon = -180;
    double minLon = 180;

    //calculate bounding rectangle
    for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
        if (locations[i].Latitude > maxLat)
            maxLat = locations[i].Latitude;

        if (locations[i].Latitude < minLat)
            minLat = locations[i].Latitude;

        if (locations[i].Longitude > maxLon)
            maxLon = locations[i].Longitude;

        if (locations[i].Longitude < minLon)
            minLon = locations[i].Longitude;

    centerLat = (maxLat + minLat) / 2;
    centerLon = (maxLon + minLon) / 2;

    double zoom1=0, zoom2=0;

    //Determine the best zoom level based on the map scale and bounding coordinate information
    if (maxLon != minLon && maxLat != minLat)
        //best zoom level based on map width
        zoom1 = Math.Log(360.0 / 256.0 * (mapWidth – 2*buffer) / (maxLon – minLon)) / Math.Log(2);
        //best zoom level based on map height
        zoom2 = Math.Log(180.0 / 256.0 * (mapHeight – 2*buffer) / (maxLat – minLat)) / Math.Log(2);

    //use the most zoomed out of the two zoom levels
    zoomLevel = (zoom1 < zoom2) ? zoom1 : zoom2;


/// <summary>
/// Calculates the best map view for a list of locations for a map
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locations">List of location objects</param>
/// <param name="mapWidth">Map width in pixels</param>
/// <param name="mapHeight">Map height in pixels</param>
/// <param name="buffer">Width in pixels to use to create a buffer around the map. This is to keep pushpins from being cut off on the edge</param>
public static MapViewSpecification BestMapView(IList<Location> locations, double mapWidth, double mapHeight, int buffer, out double centerLat, double centerLon, out double zoomLevel )
    double zoomLevel = 0;

    double maxLat = -85;
    double minLat = 85;
    double maxLon = -180;
    double minLon = 180;

    //calculate bounding rectangle
    for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
        if (locations[i].Latitude > maxLat)
            maxLat = locations[i].Latitude;

        if (locations[i].Latitude < minLat)
            minLat = locations[i].Latitude;

        if (locations[i].Longitude > maxLon)
            maxLon = locations[i].Longitude;

        if (locations[i].Longitude < minLon)
            minLon = locations[i].Longitude;

    centerLat = (maxLat + minLat) / 2;
    centerLon = (maxLon + minLon) / 2;

    double zoom1=0, zoom2=0;

    //Determine the best zoom level based on the map scale and bounding coordinate information
    if (maxLon != minLon && maxLat != minLat)
        //best zoom level based on map width
        zoom1 = Math.Log(360.0 / 256.0 * (mapWidth – 2*buffer) / (maxLon – minLon)) / Math.Log(2);
        //best zoom level based on map height
        zoom2 = Math.Log(180.0 / 256.0 * (mapHeight – 2*buffer) / (maxLat – minLat)) / Math.Log(2);

    //use the most zoomed out of the two zoom levels
    zoomLevel = (zoom1 < zoom2) ? zoom1 : zoom2;

如果您使用的是UWP映射控件,那么有一个内置的方法可以为您执行此操作。 就打电话 MapControl.TrySetSceneAsyncMapScene.CreateFromLocationsyourListOfPointsHere;

如果您使用的是UWP map控件,则有一个内置方法可以为您执行此操作。 就打电话 MapControl.TrySetSceneAsyncMapScene.CreateFromLocationsyourListOfPointsHere;
