Delphi FMX-控件的控件绘制顺序

Delphi FMX-控件的控件绘制顺序,delphi,delphi-xe,firemonkey,Delphi,Delphi Xe,Firemonkey,我想控制窗体上每个控件的绘制顺序 我知道我可以在设计阶段控制它,它实际上改变了窗体中控件的创建顺序 但是,有没有办法在运行时改变这一点呢?您可能会发现这取决于父对象子列表中项目的顺序。管理对象的子对象有多种功能: public //Returns the component we are a child of, which may not be the immediate parent function GetParentComponent: TComponent; overri





    //Returns the component we are a child of, which may not be the immediate parent
    function GetParentComponent: TComponent; override;
    function HasParent: Boolean; override;
    procedure AddObject(const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure InsertObject(Index: Integer; const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure RemoveObject(const AObject: TFmxObject); overload;
    procedure RemoveObject(Index: Integer); overload;
    function ContainsObject(AObject: TFmxObject): Boolean; virtual;
    procedure Exchange(const AObject1, AObject2: TFmxObject); virtual;
    procedure DeleteChildren;
    function IsChild(AObject: TFmxObject): Boolean; virtual;
    //Front and back (first and last) of Children list
    procedure BringToFront; virtual;
    procedure SendToBack; virtual;
    procedure AddObjectsToList(const AList: TFmxObjectList);
    procedure Sort(Compare: TFmxObjectSortCompare); virtual;
    property ChildrenCount: Integer read GetChildrenCount;
    property Children: TFmxChildrenList read FChildrenList;
    property Parent: TFmxObject read FParent write SetParent;
    //a.k.a. Parent.Children.IndexOf(Self)
    property Index: Integer read GetIndex write SetIndex;